"I hit a bump and the entire rear end ended up inside the cab. Still the best truck ever and the $30k it cost to fix was absolutely worth it!" - The most coping with his terrible decision guy ever.
Something that shouldn’t happen on any truck less than ten years old and which should cost about $500 to repair on any normal platform. 10/10, no notes.
This is how someone talks about their abusive relationship. “He’s so amazing! But am I wrong to be upset about how he hasn’t let me leave the house in 3 years?”
He has no clue how tolerances work, nor the relative capabilities of various manufacturing methods, or he wouldn't be asking for machining and steel forming to match plastic injection molding for process capability.
What he should have fucking done is listen to the people he employs who would have told him this and designed the dorkmobile to make this not be an issue. I can think of a quick redesign where he could hide the panel gaps with LED strips for maximum Tron vibes
Tron lights all across with the reflection of the stainless steel? That could have been a genuinely cool aesthetic (rest of the truck notwithstanding). The now-loved DeLorean with 00s pimping.
I was driving to work on the highway about 2 months ago & saw one that had one of those full-body skins/stickers (I’m blanking on what they’re called) & somehow that made it EVEN UGLIER than the base car. I was horrifically impressed.
Soda can walls are 75 microns thick. A 10 micron tolerance is 13%, which is a lot, really. Very different than +-10 microns on a 500,000 micron part.
Engineering must have looked at that memo and known he didn't know what he was talking about.
I can't believe that a truck basically designed to run over protesters in some rightwing fever dream was out of commission for a third of a year because of a pothole.
There’s a YouTube guy named whistling diesel who breaks trucks and he snapped the cybertruck frame at the hitch when testing it against I think an F150
at this rate, we may never run out of delusional Elmo simp morons !!! My god the level of stupidity & total lack of self-awareness for creating a defensive passive-aggressive public post is pretty unmatched
So it went over a pothole, broke into pieces, took four months to repair for an exorbitant fee and the owner is so brainwashed, he refuses to face reality.
My 2003 Tundra has been sitting in the driveway for a couple months waiting on a new tire. Then it'll be back to work hauling dirt. I'm pretty sure it's immortal.
Dudebro sees no conflict between "A simple pothole caused the need to replace fully half of my $100000 reassurance toy" with "this is still the best truck I ever had". My brother, I owned a Chevy S10 that cost $500 and went over 100000 miles without a repair, and that's as a full-time dive vehicle
I still have a Chevy S10, 248,000 miles same engine and same transmission.
Only major break was a bad water pump which caused the truck to overheat and blow a head gasket. That’s it.
I had a 1999 S10 and my god that thing was indestructible and needed so little in regular maintenance that it made my mechanic sad. Drove it across Canada & back, finally sold it at around 300,000 km. 12 years & only 2 major repairs. Almost no rust. That was a great little truck!
Apparently the transmissions were a weak point in some models, mine had been replaced just before I bought it in 2000. I had to replace again in 2006, and then do the head gasket in 2009. But I didn’t do anything else aside from the regular maintenance/fluids. Wild.
This is bringing me back to the used 1995 Grand Cherokee my sister drove just short of into the ground, then around 2005 gave to a family friend who, last I heard, is still driving it.
But yeah a $100k stainless steel deathtrap that can't handle potholes is nice too, I guess...
When I was in my late teens, I inherited my brother's 1975 Pinto that had been in a slight front end collision. I was poor and could not afford to maintain the poor car. Never changed the oil or plugs. Put over 100,000 miles on that poor little car before it finally sucked a valve years later.
I am more astounded at the capability of Cyberstuck owners to totally own themselves from just cheerily posting about the greatest truck they’ve ever owned 💀
It should be pretty obvious, but just stating for the record: on a good truck a bad pothole wouldn’t do some of that let alone ALL OF THAT. At worst it would wreck your suspension mounts, but that not destroying your frame.
I hope he’s local and decides to try and make a big splash in the tidal flooding in front of my building next week and then blame San Francisco Bay for being predictable.
I would say "how does a car this stupid and poorly designed make it to mass market production"......but Elon's a narcissistic bully with way more money than sense, so whatever he wants, he gets :P
I once launched an '89 Chevy Corsica into the air, jumping railroad tracks at 65 mph. Slammed back down on the road and kept right on going, didn't break a single thing. You could probably buy 150 '89 Corsicas for $34k, AND the money would be better spent. 😂
I have “four wheel drived” a 20 year old Hyundai hatchback on proper difficult tracks (oops), taken it on all sort of dirt roads, and the full way across Australia, twice. And it’s still my daily drive 🤷♀️
I owned an ‘85 Oldsmobile Sierra SL. Loved that car. Badass and tough and could plow through snow in a WI winter. She survived 30 years with no major issues, including multiple pot holes, collisions, and sleepy idiots driving into a ditch. No major issues.
"Aside from the suspension mounts, full rear frame, front and rear rack and pinion steering, suspension systems, bed components, and shoddy labor, what has Elon ever failed to deliver quality components to us?"
I drive a Jeep, one of the less reliable brands on the road, and I've never had a part failure due to a pothole. And I actively off road with this thing. Taking it to real dumb places lol
I hit a deer doing 65 in a Jeep Cherokee and tore the entire front end off, and not only did I fix it and get another 5 years out of that fucker, it took being broadsided by a full-size mini van at 55 mph to finally put it down for good.
Boggling at health insurance balking at paying for necessary medications preferring "have you tried not needing them instead?", but car insurance paying to rebuild a failmobile instead of saying "have you tried getting a better truck?"
I liked "insurance paid for it so I won't comment on how it was driven"
I immediately read "I was being a dipshit with it and if the insurance company finds out I'll be on the hook for all of this".
My little Flying Brick of a 2010, wheelchair modded, Fiat Doblo has more stability and strength than this dudes wanky truck.
She cost me £4k and about £800 in repairs, has never smashed up my fingers and, oddly enough, has been fine on the shitty roads and non-roads of the hills here.
The Lada Niva was a brilliant wee thing. Very durable and could be fixed with a spanner more or less. So no, he didn’t have a ex-Soviet military SUV 😏.
These guys all have abuse syndrome. “My truck completely fell apart, but it’s not the truck’s fault. I just drove it on a slightly bumpy road. It can’t be expected to put up with that. I deserved for this to happen.”
Personally, I am astounded at the durability of this truck. It is astounding there are still some on the road, more than a year after they were released. And it is astounding that people would still buy that brand
I assume they're like X-Box 360's and the RROD -- some will get lucky and never have a problem, but everybody's is capable of having catastrophic faults.
As for people still buying the brand, that doesn't surprise me. That cult is too committed to hesitate.
He “won’t say how many miles are on it” but if it’s due to a pothole in any state in the union, he drove it no more than 40 feet before he encountered it 💀
“On average, a damaged Tesla costs $1,347 more to repair than a damaged gas-powered car, but a damaged EV from another automaker costs just $269 more.”
Hubby had a toy called a crash car when he was a little boy. If it hit something with its bumper, all its piece would fly apart. When I read him this guy’s account of his cybertruck, it reminded him of his crash car.
Meanwhile, my cousin in Indiana has been jumping his 2002 Chevy p’up over creeks and off snow ramps for 15 years and it’s only ever needed an alignment.
There's one I see around where I work and I suppress a terrible urge to fill a supersoaker with salt water and hose it down. It's just so dumb to have a vehicle that rests that easy
Even so.. how did it get to $21k the parts can’t be that diff can they? It screams grift to me & for a car that explodes sometimes… nope. Could never be me
And there's no aftermarket parts. Although at these prices there might be junkyard parts sooner rather than later (if you trust them for a vehicle like this, I wouldn't).
I have gotten drawings from Tesla to quote at work and they're bullshit, complicated parts that Tesla doesn't want to pay market rates for. The people making them have to cut corners to turn any kind of a profit.
I had the same problem with the way the math was adding up, but if you look in the corner there are 24 previous pages of itemized parts that add up to $21,000.
it is an obvious grift
He has no clue how tolerances work, nor the relative capabilities of various manufacturing methods, or he wouldn't be asking for machining and steel forming to match plastic injection molding for process capability.
But if you added Tron lights???? I might have kept my preorder for a little longer.
Engineering must have looked at that memo and known he didn't know what he was talking about.
StILl thE bESt Car I've EVer OwnEd
It's astonishing, all right
I always thought once the frame was altered a vehicle isn’t trustworthy or durable as the original.
Ty for sharing~
I bought it new for 16k.
This dog turd I found on the sidewalk is still the most amazing truck I’ve ever had!
(Elon Musk - Nov. 9 2020)
E.G. Give you a $34k repair bill for driving on road
What a dumpster fire.
This is ... amazing, as in "F1 cars are amazingly expensive to repair, and so are Teslas"
I cannot wait to see how these shitboxes handle a Michigan winter
94 west of Kalamazoo is ROUGH
How exactly is their precious trash can going to handle snow and salt?
Same people who are surprised when their hair gets wet when it’s snowing
“What do you mean it MELTS snow is DRY”
Like structural zincs.
Only major break was a bad water pump which caused the truck to overheat and blow a head gasket. That’s it.
But yeah a $100k stainless steel deathtrap that can't handle potholes is nice too, I guess...
Mmm hmmm.
Destroyed by a pothole.
Within a year of the model being launched.
It's the best truck they've ever had.
I wonder if someone didn't correctly harden the steel when making this. Or they picked the wrong hardened steel.
(To anyone who actually welds, I'm sorry.)
Just refusin’ to acknowledge that they bought a piece of shit for that price
Dude was doing something illegal behind the wheel…
"A wave hit the ship."
"Is that unusual?"
"Oh, yeah. At sea? Chance in a million!"
💗 🇦🇺
#CarBrain #CyberStuck
* Barely a truck
** Definitely a ‘he’
*** The bank probably still owns half.
*unloaded and exclusively on dry, smooth, straight roads
"Most amazing truck I've had" it has a cast aluminum frame, a brittle and un-repairable metal and that's why a pothole took him out for 4 months.
Cope or his only truck?
Took a full on crash to take her out.
Even small vibrations will affect the frame to since aluminum has no endurance limit like steel if I remember correctly.
I immediately read "I was being a dipshit with it and if the insurance company finds out I'll be on the hook for all of this".
Good luck with those premiums guy.
Didn't have to replace the wheel itself, luckily, just the front left suspension.
I think it only cost $950 + the tow to fix.
She cost me £4k and about £800 in repairs, has never smashed up my fingers and, oddly enough, has been fine on the shitty roads and non-roads of the hills here.
Yes. Yes I am very astounded at the fact that someone seems to have made negative durability a thing.
As for people still buying the brand, that doesn't surprise me. That cult is too committed to hesitate.
who could have expected a pothole in a road, of all places
I really hope that one of the people behind the Large Hadron Collider had a pair of these as a kid.
34k for parts and labor total.
You know, more than some cars cost.