We've confirmed the US Bureau of Prisons has transferred trans women to men's prisons despite three court rulings blocking Trump's executive order
“I’m continuing to be punished for existing. I'm a pawn in others' political games" -Whitney, 31-year-old woman taken to men's prison this week, told us
“I’m continuing to be punished for existing. I'm a pawn in others' political games" -Whitney, 31-year-old woman taken to men's prison this week, told us
"Am I safe or am I not?"
Don’t break the laws if you don’t want to go to prison and have to acknowledge your real gender
Maybe rapes in prison should be punishable by the death penalty?
At the very least, after time is added to their sentence, they should have to register as a sex offender for the rest of their lives.
To inflict as much harm as possible.
Their true pronoun is their actual gender.
It’s time to literally affirm their actual gender and stop the nonsense.
If people want to live freely as whatever they want to identify, don’t break the law
We need to abolish prisons altogether.
Didn't they also ban care for trans youth?
The country is determined to remain in denial about this very plain and obvous fact and the first step to fucking end it is to break up the denialism and admit it to yourself. The make others admit it.
Thread: https://bsky.app/profile/idiokratie.bsky.social/post/3lhyacyz3du2b
I hate him! I hate him so goddamn much!
Erich Honecker, Leader of the DDR believed until last, that everybody is ok and doing well because living in a bubble.
And don't forget, Donald has all police power to tear down protests.
Regardless of the issue at hand that shouldn’t happen in ANY case!
What will happen next? Nothing. Our democracy is dead
What would the Founders think? #WWTFT
Any "originalists" out there care to comment?
This is when you break down the white house doors.
They are sentencing these women to be raped, beaten and murdered.
This is not something you deligate on.
This is mot something you vote on.
This is George floyd levels of shit.
What will happen to them in those angry violent places (both prisoners and guards) will be on the heads of everyone allowing this to happen.
If harm befalls this person it is ALL on Trumps head. ALL OF IT!!
They do not belong in women's spaces.
This shit is horrific.
Please let us know if there’s anything that can be done. Even if it’s just donating to orgs that fight on behalf of these inmates.
dems don't care
they don't even care about optics and pretending to care
The Trump regime will not follow the law or the constitution no matter what the courts or Congress says.
Grounds for impeachment.
@lukepbeasley.bsky.social @adammockler.bsky.social
He was only pro-SSM because it raised his political profile. Now he (and other Dems) has decided sacrificing trans people will win him votes. Hopefully he's wrong
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They’ve also ripped up all advances in feminism as they are discriminating on the basis of sex.
people are asking….
He needs to be put into custody immediately.
People sent to prison didn’t respect others.
Why should we respect their identity choice when they can’t conform to society’s rules?
They probably should have thought about the consequences of their actions.
I'll see myself out.
I’m the last person to ascribe “nothing matters” & “who cares about the law?!” to, Ondine.
Haven‘t have coffee yet. Clearly 😄
Thks for the reenforcement & clarification and
bonne continuation!!
It's easier for conservatives to just pretend they don't exist to only focus on their stupid fear mongering using trans women.
#1stPoliticalOrder - how women are treated is how all of us are ultimately treated - protecting women prisoners protects us all -
Why would anyone think men can be in women's prisons?
1st Political Order how women are treated is ultimately how all are treated If men are free to rape women in prison they are free to rape out of prison -