I love being under the covers, and hearing the automatic coffeemaker start brewing… and then smelling the coffee fill the house. Making a great argument to get up. I mean you probably have a lot of reasons to get up… But this becomes the base reason, the foundation for other reasons to build upon.
Then I get up and suddenly I'm #losing. 😭
Ah, dogs.
Bless his heart.
all that went to hell when the dog started making the same noise at 3am.
That’s right. I just gave you permission to stay under the covers an extra hour.
A new day about to get started.
Coffee vs morning dog cuddle.
The struggle is real.
I gave up weekday java yrs ago but my honey is a coffee fiend so I still get to wake up and love inhaling that admittedly fine aroma. It’s truly delicious even without taking a sip 😊☕️
Obviously I’m not a coffee drinker. (Don’t shun me please)