Musk staffers are joking about how upcoming Social Security changes will restrict access by requiring in-person visits while simultaneously shutting down offices. They are touting the cost savings from limiting access.
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Beginning March 31, people will no longer be able to verify their identity with the SSA over the phone. Those unable to verify their identity through the agency’s “my Social Security” online service will be required to visit a field office in person to complete the process.
Why do we have to obey this bullshit? Is anyone challenging it? Some ‘advisor’ says leap over a cliff or we will take your money so everyone leaps? How much authority does this ‘advisor’ truly have? Does their advice become the law of the land?
There will be lines out the door of very elderly people. I can see it now. SSA will fail and the right will claim the government can’t do anything as well as private businesses. To do this to elderly is cruel.
My Mom is 89. She lives at an Assisted Living. Yesterday I called the SS office in Atl. & someone answered within 3 minutes. I am wanting to make certain all is in order. The SS Rep wouldn’t give me any information regarding my Mom’s account. We have an appointment next week.
Also recommend you create an online account in her name which you can access as needed. (Technically illegal unless you have a Power of Attorney.) This is how I managed my mother and stepfather's SSA. It was a lifesaver.
My spouse has debilitating chronic pain & mobility issues. A several hour trip takes him days to recover from. I invite these wonderful cost savers to come and spend some time with him while he has screaming pain spikes from one of these visits. And he's at least somewhat mobile-many aren't at all.
I live with chronic pain and have DJD in both knees. Driving almost 5 hours to Atlanta and the same distance back home, not including parking, finding my way to the office, and waiting to be seen would put me out of commission for several days, too.
Fuck trump.
My best friend had ALS. The last 2 years of her life, she could move only her eyes. W/an eye tracker she communicate & to manage her own and her mother's finances, & bought supplies that her nursing home refused to supply in adequate amounts (like adult diapers, yelling at her for using too many).
Yikes. There are a *lot* of things you need to go to a SSA office for. Most of them involve obtaining documentation that was lost or destroyed -- people affected by homelessness or disaster could lose basically any access to services requiring strong identity proof.
This is particularly difficult on disabled folks. Transportation in a wheelchair can be either a bitch or unavailable! Go online you say?
I don't have wifi
I don't have a computer
Have you Seen that website???
Community is needed more than ever. If you are able, please offer your help to seniors and others to help them navigate this. Partner with your local library and other orgs. Sit at a table in your local eatery or bakery. We need to be the solution for each other.
What the HELL will happen to people without access to the internet? Our closest field office will be 2 1/2 hours away in another state -- or a 5-hour drive to the other side of our state.
Elderly ppl will be collapsing in those lines in the heat/cold/rain. The right will blame government inefficiency and forget what caused the inefficiencies.
I can't do it. I have to go to the bathroom at least twice an hour, if not more frequently. I get migraines when exposed to smells my nose doesn't like. I also don't do sound or crowds well. Between anxiety, hyperacute hearing, a hypersensitive nose, and being an introvert, I don't people well.
After the events of the last 10 years, I doubt the itinerant rabbi existed -- or, if he did, that he was who they said he was. How could someone with all that power, not to mention the love they say he has for all of us, sit there and not do a damn thing as his followers embrace an openly evil man?
And for people with health issues (I mean, kinda goes along with the demographic) it might be nearly impossible. Guess they want to see how strong Boomers really are.
My son in law is disabled due to drug resistant seizure disorder. He's 43. He can't handle going to a city -- the noise and chaos trigger seizures. He doesn't leave our property very often; his grand mal seizures are causing the lesions on his brain to grow. They want him dead - like the elderly.
Seniors will need our own lawsuit to be taken to the courts. So Sec can easily show evidence of their unheard of under 2% fraud rate. Already understaffed, underfunded so there's that.
They have no idea what we can do when losing sleep & cranky.
Understand but lawsuits Have been working so are but not everything. I'm thinking we need every action - courts, boycotts, strikes, protests. Major strikes will halt the flow of $ into the billionaire's coffers. These people are greed addicts. They'll fold quick if we're doing major boycotts too.
Same here. I hate I have to check the news each day, esp watching Soc Sec like a hawk. There's over 70 millions of us so it's not like we don't have power.
I think when they actually try to cut Medicaid & Soc Sec we'll finally get millions to go on strike at once as well as long term boycotts.
I don't think they would care. I believe they would declare an "Emergency" and attempt to cancel the 2026/28 elections. Even though we held elections during the Civil War, WWI, and WWII 🤬
That’s the goal…no response is encouraged…he’ll find a way to penalize people and make $$$- he HAS to- he’s created a tipping point- are they all in- if they press go will they cave - he BANKRUPTED A CASINO- I just have to believe we will turn this around. #NoKingsHere
And My Social Security has been changed to add an affirmative click-through waiving your right to hold them accountable for any security breaches they cause. (Worded in legalese, of course)
…looks suspicious next to the Republican proposed voter registration “reforms” they’re cooking up.
Under that bill, everyone has to re-register, proving who they are via government ID that I’m guessing no one will be able to get when all the paperwork offices are slammed at the same time.
And it’ll all depend on party affiliation who can/can’t. Those who try so hard to convince you of their godliness can be assumed cons. Lies and cheating are the norm, que no?¿
Communities need to organize, teams of volunteers to help those unable to manage on line services. Two streams, one stream those who can sit & walk someone through the process on line, and the other stream to drive people to field offices. Don't let them win.
If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.
—In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies ; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be most unwise.
We tried several times to get elderly relatives signed up online but the access codes never get sent in the mail. So we gotta hope nothing needs to be accessed online because they cannot physically travel to in person SSA office. It's ridiculous...
Again… 👏 They 👏 Don’t 👏 Care 👏 About 👏 the 👏 Average 👏 Person 👏in 👏 our 👏 Country
The kids ‘working’ for Thiel/Musk & going down checklist have no concept of making less than $30k, being home-bound or elderly. They don’t fucking care.
This is where we need to start looking out for the most vulnerable in our communities. Check on the elderly/disabled. Help them use computers, give them rides to SS offices.
They're closing all the offices within 2 hours of our home. I can't take one of our 2 vehicles to drive 4.5 hours each way to Atlanta for an appointment -- 3 people working different places & different shifts need those vehicles.
I have “my Social Security” and at least half the time it gives me an error when try to I login.
Like, system unavailable try later.
Just tried to login right now. This is what I got :
Yes, it’s exceptionally hard to get logged into Social Security until you finally get it right one time. That’s why taking away the field offices and taking away the 800 number are going to cause huge back logs.
This breaks my heart. I can’t imagine all of the elderly that will lose out on benefits because of this. it can be hard enough doing business over the phone, but this is just cruel. I hope we can turn this around.
Many older people don’t trust the Internet. They still write checks. They still have landlines. Some are computer savvy, but still want to talk to someone on the phone if they have questions. They may not drive or have access to transportation, especially not when half the offices have been closed.
What good is a phone if you can’t call to access your benefits? The move to eliminate phone access to Social Security is just a loophole for eliminating ALL access to benefits.
For those thinking this won't affect people they know that are already getting benefits, bank accounts are closed upon the death of one of the signers and new ones have to be opened which will likely cause elderly non computer literate people to have to go in to change their bank accounts.
Note that in order to get a my social security account you must get a ugov ID. Which does not identify what address (po/physical) when starting the process. Does not allow you to change once it is started. Takes 30 days to get a letter.
And the social security office does not do new starts for social security in person. It must be done by phone interview.
The local offices place a time limit for answering & after 25 minutes simply states too much traffic, call again later.
& the hold time on call is 2.5 hours to get an appt.
Everyone affected by this should call constituent services at their representatives’ offices for assistance. Plus contact their local media. Constituent services are very important for reelection, and thousands of people calling in will make an impact.
I have waited outside in line at the Springfield, MO field office, in a cold rain, with my blind 90-year-old mom, her walker (and my umbrella) for two hours and forty-five minutes. The online service doesn't work; nor does the telephone reservation system. Bring a drink of water and your umbrella!
There are no more in person drop in appointments. You have to call and request an appointment, which involves very long wait times, like 2-3 HOURS, then an appt date and time is snail mailed to your address ‘within 30 days’. If you are unable to make the appt you must call back and request another.
I’m really dreading that exact scenario with my 98 year old blind grandmother, who has dementia and mobility issues, if ever we need to change anything involving her SS.
Besides preventing SS recipients from accessing their own money by ending phone service and closing SS offices, the “solution” of online ID verification aims to amass biometrics data for facial recognition tech. is in the business of surveillance tech, and this administration wants to surveil.
I tried to explain to a neighbor who I'm trying to help. Has online acct but not signed up for or to access. Told her what's going on she said "Just called and got my access code, no problem". Again "No phone support soon!"
Doesn't want to give personal info. Told her: already have!
Very limited on computer. No smart phone. Ex husband MAGA. Gets lots of misinfo. Some seniors no longer drive.
Leery of sharing personal & financial online. Still use checks.
She asked what will nursing home, disabled do? I said if they don't have family with extra $ & extra room, they'll die.
Of course, makes total sense, 'cause the people most likely to need to contact the SSA are generally people who are well known to be technophiles and/or highly mobile and have an easy time getting to any office, regardless of distance, right? F'ing Muskunts. 🤬
Isn't this exactly the tactic they use to disenfranchise people in states with voter ID laws? Require a state-issued ID, then close all the DMVs within walking distance of public transit.
I spoke with SSA today, 5 questions to confirm my identity. Seems security isn’t the point being made. I use when I visit the site, suggest anyone who doesn’t have that set up do so. (Cost savings, my ass!)
My financial advisor asks us to print out a report from social security every year to plug into their retirement calculator. We meet with him in June. I am willing to bet i won't be able to access that report.
Found out the hard way this morning that you CANNOT verify your IRS website account WITHOUT a cell phone.
IF you live in WA state & have any kind of state or federal benefits like EBT, Disability, or Medicaid, apply here for a cell phone.
UPDATE: Someone finally answered on day 5 and she has online access now. But to get her payments restarted she has to snail mail a hand signed form along with some fee in exact change. Oh and they listed 3 different fee amount
Is this just for new applications or will they be unable to verify on the phone for all circumstances? If it is all, that effectively eliminates teleservice for questions and assistance.
Two years ago when I moved to another state I needed to change my address. At the time it was impossible to change my address on the website. I had to do it by phone.
This is so *%#*@ cruel. They are fully aware that the elderly are least able to navigate websites, have limited mobility, and rely on using the telephone to talk to a human and get the help they need.
That's exactly why they're doing it. We will die off much faster. Gram and Gramps are considered useless in this Country. We are living too long 😪 Well putting us out on the streets will definitely take care of that problem....
They want to push people to the website, because they've added a waiver to the website that you must click through to get to your data. It waives your right to seek redress if their hacking causes your data to be stolen and misused.
We should flood Tesla dealerships with Social Security recipients needing benefits. Block their sales until we get benefits. Let’s see how “efficient” Tesla is after that.
Have a lot of people go in looking for the social security office, acting confused, wasting time, etc “I was told this was the address of the social security office”
In case no one is paying attention; Edolf Muskolini plans to ROB every single American! He has out SSN’s our addresses, our phone numbers, our banking information, and probably our passwords by now.
Getting an online acct isn’t easy. Tried for my Mom/her husband. Need an ID. me acct first. Problem 1: they share a phone/email & need 2-factor auth. Plus they had to do a face scan. Both have slight dementia & couldn’t follow directions on the scan. Ended up having to go in person. 4 hour wait.
I made another email and used that for my husband. It took my phone number for both of us. I did the face scan and gave them a face making a face. I had to do the same for the IRS. Hubby just looked angry. He has moderate dementia but did what I told him to do.
Communities need to rally around Medicare recipients by having volunteer community organizations assist with online applications and ID verifications reducing the barriers they created to access. Fuck them.
A great idea. I used to run an org that provided tickets & experiences for underserved youth. I partnered w/ org that did pro athlete sports camps but had to register online. Partner nonprofits set up days for parents to come in and use their computers. That’s DEI access in action! A good thing!
Efficiently slowing down progress. Efficiently cutting access. Efficiently obstructing efficiency. Are we all on the same page yet? This is ridiculous.
I thought only if you want to make a bank change. Although offices are closing, it seems to be a way to reduce fraud. People have their identity stolen all the time. I don’t want some crook to steal my grams identity and move $$ to another bank. She is just too precious. I’ll give her a ride.
Just downright evil.
Why are they so hateful?
What kinds of people think that denying disabled and elderly people their income is humorous?
And who the hell are they to even be allowed to take their money away.
This is illegal
Judges have rules so, yet these monsters continue destroying our world
This is NOT the way to take care of our citizens. The Felon, his little shadow Elon and the teenie boppers at Doge need to go (and that’s just the start of list…)
It’s a shell game. Trump is weakening the SSA so he can create reasons to privatize social security - so billionaires at investment firms can accumulate more wealth.
Yes, the 'Australian' government has been running all public services into the ground so they can be privatised. No public housing has been built for decades. Medicare, hospitals, social security, it's all a nightmare. Government trying to emulate USA.
If they shut down our one local office, we'll have to get an uber or something that would be about 75 to 190 miles away. 75 if they keep that small office open. My Mom has dementia and I have intractable epilepsy and other neuro conditions. We can't afford that & I can't imagine going thru it
Neither of us can drive. I can't even imagine how she'd freak about the paperwork,etc. Just hearing about it, I mean. We do it by phone. She's medicare, I'm medicaid. We're fucked
I sure hope that someone is keeping track of the identities of the bubble-heads that are executing Musk’s orders of interference and destruction. They MUST be held accountable and brought to justice at some point. 😡
Is anyone looking into whether Musk and his hackers are hooking up all of our agencies to StarLink? I read in Raw Story that he's doing that with the White House. What if he links everything up to StarLink and then hands it over to Russia or China??? Scary thought...
Dems need to start talking about Social Security. They need to tell people about the shutdown of SS offices they need to organize help for disabled & elderly folks to verify ID on line before March 31. Republicans/Doge are going to deny delay depose future SS recipients of their EARNED BENEFITS.
I live in Colorado and my representative Brittany Pettersen and our two senators, John Hickenlooper and Michael Bennet, are all talking about it. They’re also not afraid to hold town halls.
Interesting how they laugh about making life more difficult for family and friends. Seems to me, it's a sign that those folks have caught the sociopath sickness from Musk, who caught it from Trump.
Round them up, fly them to El Salvador, shave their heads, put them in prison uniforms & in an institution run by tyrants & IDGAF about their rights.
DonOld did it!😉
When/if this is ever over, we need to look at our parenting and how it has produced these monsters who seem to have no empathy to try to prevent it in the future.
Musk's mother definitely had a hand in fostering his narcissistic behavior with her incessant, misguided praise. The places he was raised didn't help, either. It's also in his genes to be a Nazi bastard. So, the Trifecta, in his case.
Agreed 💯. I think there are parents who recognize that behavior in their kids and get help, while others get some kind of twisted satisfaction in fostering it.
I mean Musk's mom is right there so it can be studied in real time. She thinks everything he dies is great, and the world just doesn't understand his greatness. And is the problem.
Musk is a sadist. He enjoys firing workers. His undergrad vandals are in thrall to him, + will just do what he asks.
Musk knows nothing of the agencies he is destroying. He is just lopping off their limbs and then expecting them to be more “efficient”? Efficiency is not the goal. Destruction is.
I live in a ruby red state that is having an office closed. I also live in a county with a high number of elderly retirees. Forcing them to drive or need to use a computer to correspond to will be a disaster. I wonder if they will blame Trump?
They won't be laughing when the gray army has their feet up their asses and yes I will be first on line. Drag them out and let them face the boomer music
Actually... it's already nearly impossible to get anything done at a social security office. My dad just died a couple of months ago and my mom's been trying to straighten out a paperwork mistake and they don't do much of anything in-person.
And it takes days to get anyone on the phone. And most of this stuff CAN'T be done online. It doesn't exist online, you have to do it over the phone or in person.
It is horrible. I waited on hold for 2 hours last year before I got someone. The next 2 times I’ve had a question I didn’t get through at all. The last time, the recording just hung up on me.
Yeah my mom kept calling and getting hung up on for hours one day. And then no one can figure out what in blazes happened so she's just being sent in circles trying to fix the mistake (which was not hers, btw).
I'm a senior & have a disabled son. I've been to the Social Security office many times. It's not fun whatsoever. You need to make an appointment well in advance and you still have to wait for hours.
They're so understaffed, can't imagine when they cut off phone support & locations😡
It's been like this in 'Australia' for 30 years +. I blame the CIA/UK coup that happened here in 1975. A 1950s liberal, think national, said collecting the dole should not be embarrassing. It's like collecting on an insurance policy you have paid for years.
They're also trying to sell it as fighting identity fraud.
Horse shit.
They're doing all this to deny benefits to people who paid into Social Security their entire working lives - many starting before they were even adults.
So messed up. Limiting access to the ones that are unable to travel to locations in person due to disability, transportation issues, or other limitations. In other words, the most in need of these benefits. There is a special place in hell for these assholes.
I hope these staffers are tried and jailed for crimes against the United States. But in case they aren’t, I hope they are stripped of their rights to collect any social security after their attempts to destroy it for other people.
People are going to die because they didn’t get Medicare with their Social Security benefits. Yet they think it’s a joke or not something we should be upset about. Cruelty sucks as a policy.
After March 31, Do not go to your Social Security office for help. Go directly to your House of Representatives district office. Sit down and demand help.
Everyone should make their Congress person live in the mess they made.
Despite his lies that he will not touch Social Security, he is taking orders from poor little crybaby Elon and cutting off communications with Social Security offices and firing all the people that work there.
If you know anyone who needs help with social security, help them--drive them to an office, help get them online, whatever skills you have to help. Please help!
For these young people to talking trash about how funny it will be for making people go into SSI offices is a REMINDER that each of those young adults have TWO GRANDPARENTS EACH!
This should show people everything, they are knowingly hurting you all. They talk to the cult publicly not the world!
That's why they sound stupid! They are directing them.
They cant be talked down, half of them were going to jail including Musk, Bannon, Trump and all the sex pests he's releasing!
“Ha ha ha, granny will starve because she doesn’t have a smart-enough phone or computer and lives nowhere near a SS office! Teehee!”
Soulless misanthropes.
How might we go about getting volunteers trained to help in their community to assist those who may need help doing this online or setting up some assistance for the travel?
Here's the kicker: Local SSA offices in my area now require an appt. Beginning March 31st, you can't call therefore you can't schedule an appt. Are you telling me you'll have to walk in, schedule an appt THEN return for your appt? That's what it sounds like to me. THIS is WASTE, FRAUD & ABUSE.
They are crippling it so that it can be privatized after it fails. Like the USPS, air traffic controllers, government IT systems, military vehicles, Medicare/Medicaid, education. They don't want government to be run LIKE a business. The billionaires want it to be run for profit BY their business.
They just like Elon's money and the powertrip of it all, and possibly getting to sleep with him (but I'm totally making that up and not at all being serious about any of it because he would never, straight white male with so many IVF kids that he is).
I have absolutely no words for this. Many people in my age group were devastated during the last recession. Many lost their savings or had to dip into their 401K accounts to keep their homes and cars and feed their kids. They are likely having to depend on their SS to live. Shame on them!
Rewritten: Musk staffers are joking that the SS changes THEY put in place will restrict access for some of the most vulnerable among us, causing death & homelessness BECAUSE they are shutting down offices & requiring people who might not drive to travel to apply & receive the benefits they paid for.
So frustrating, especially something that isn't a laughing matter for millions of Seniors. Also frustrated wondering how many of those seniors voted for this disaster
Imagine you are living on $1300/month SS and you have to find some way to get yourself to the nearest office 60 miles away to wait in line. You are old, you no longer drive. Or, you have dementia and have given up your drivers license. Don't have a passport. The possibilities are endless.
This will be the point of no return people will no longer put up with these little punk fuck ass shit heads people are going to get hurt and it will be the ones that are causing the pain enough is enough fuuuuck this I have paid into SS the last 49 years
I work with seniors. Most aren’t computer savvy and many live in rural areas with limited access to transportation. They are going to limit SSA access and then claim it’s “inefficient.” It’s beyond cruel.
I live in the southeast in an area that most of the seniors I know, especially the ones of the silent generation grew up on farms. They have flip phones some had the Internet when Biden was in office and they had affordable connectivity programs, but most can’t afford it. The office is still open
In my small city here, when I think about it, I know people who usually only checks, and still have landlines. Many don’t have family to help them with the Internet. SS budget has been cut for tax cuts for the for the wealthy for decades. They’re trying to ruin it and take the $3.2 trillion trust$
Yes, many have landlines and the older phones. Most can’t text, and definitely don’t have computers/laptops. Some have family that can help but it’s not a lot. Transportation is a HUGE problem.
I have a former friend who I basically ended things with because he’s a Magat cult member, whose mother, at close to 80 is still working because she has no savings.i thought he would be against Melon. But he is fully supportive. Knew he was a libertarian but thought he was a better person than this
So when my SS isn't deposited next month I can't pay the rent. And I can't access by phone. And I'll have to go in person to an office that might be closed while fighting eviction. Do I have that right?
The Dumpster fire is serious about killing Social Security. Today on the show, Alex Lawson of joins us to help us understand what's happening & what we can do! 5ET/2PT,, or get the podcast later
I hope their grandparents and Parents get affected by this. It would be Karma! These awful staffers he has causing chaos - their parents did an awful job raising them! Disgraceful.
Perfect! This way Musk will ensure that govt will work really poorly, really inefficiently. And that’s probably intentional, part of Musk’s overall plan 🤦♂️
HEY! I don’t know about you, but I had plans 🗒️🖋️, projects I was going to work on this new year. Saving democracy 🇺🇸 was not on my agenda! But here we are. So, let’s get to it. You in?
Gonna be a big seller when the "DOGE staffer tears are delicious" mugs come out. I should save up and pay for a design. Gonna love seeing those assholes much like JD Vance. Crying their careers are over because they joined Trump and Musk.
Stop calling yourselves the department of government efficiency and call it what you are - the department of burn it to the ground. I don’t know how the people doing this can look themselves in the mirror. Disgusting.
They will not go after our SS money outright. They will cut the entire department off at the knees by making it less accessible and under staffed with the intention of rendering it useless. They will then opt to privatize it so they can say”see it works now”and watch their bank accounts grow.
These are young people. They're banking on this regime outliving them. History isn't on their side. I may not live to see it, but they will spend most of their miserable lives dreading a knock on the door. "Many more will weep at their jest, than did laugh at it." Henry V
The awful situation is when it is both: all GOP, most Ds.
Glad to vote for a Representative that would never cut SS, but I could not vote a right wing ex-CIA (likely Iraq rendition/torture involved) "Democrat" who I think would just have loved to sign up for a Genocide Joe SS cut "Grand Bargain".
Both parties find political expedience in allowing people to slip through the cracks of our society, but only one party is invested in widening the cracks.
People always talk like good people have agency and the ultimate responsibility for the actions while bad people are just the victims of their shitty circumstances and honestly I’m over it.
In other words, if they can't legally cut benefits outright, they'll just make it so difficult for seniors to apply for benefits, that lots of them will simply give up and never get the money they're legally entitled to receive from a program they paid into for decades.
I hate them. That's a strong statement from me but, it's the truth. LIBRARIES are your friend people!!!! Many have Internet Access and they WILL help you-just ask. Most Librarians I know will go above and beyond to help you. If you have NO concept of computers-they will help you-no judgement
FYI: The orange monster is shutting down the Institute of Museum & Library Services. In my state of NY, IMLS provides crucial funding to our state library system ($8.1 million annually) that helps fund all public, school, and special libraries in NYS. Without it, libraries will be decimated.
This is completely asinine. Nice work trump-cultist. How many SS recipients cannot drive, don’t have computer access…cannot believe this is reality and there are zero grownups working to circumvent.
Once they have outlived their usefulness, they will be disappeared. They know too much. They’re dead men walking, but they’re too high on power to realize it.
As much as that faustian hypothetical tickles my soul. I doubt they’re going to kill anybody. Doggie is under the microscope and if dozens of kids disappear it would be noticeable.
When I signed up for social security benefits my situation was complicated. I had a few extensive conversations with a wonderful ss employee, who helped me navigate the situation. She was very professional. I could not have done it without that help.
I would never consider swatting these people at their homes, but understand those who are tired of the criminals musk uses to destroy our country and act out
Some billionaires are calling people on SS “useless people” or unproductive people. Curtis Yarvin even “joked” about composting the unproductive people.
The hardest part of getting MySSA access is getting or to agree that you are who you are. Any mailings (continuing disability reviews) will show up in MySSA even if the printing/mail goes sideways.
Fuck trump.
I don't have wifi
I don't have a computer
Have you Seen that website???
Fuck this asshole idiot administration.
They have no idea what we can do when losing sleep & cranky.
When the bastard has openly shown disregard for the law.
We need ACTION.
I think when they actually try to cut Medicaid & Soc Sec we'll finally get millions to go on strike at once as well as long term boycotts.
Under that bill, everyone has to re-register, proving who they are via government ID that I’m guessing no one will be able to get when all the paperwork offices are slammed at the same time.
Somebody will take care of them...
(The word “hate” is hard and heavy and one that I rarely use…)
Page n279
Less well known is the paradox of tolerance : Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance.
That we can have no more tolerance for intolerance.
The kids ‘working’ for Thiel/Musk & going down checklist have no concept of making less than $30k, being home-bound or elderly. They don’t fucking care.
And they think it’s funny
"You can't physically be here? Then thank you for helping us save money by not paying you."
There is no "community" here. We're on our own.
Like, system unavailable try later.
Just tried to login right now. This is what I got :
What a great way to save money at the expense of the rursl elderly or feed Starlink.
“If they would rather die,” said Scrooge, “they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.”
They think it's going to happen quietly.
It is not straightforward. Leading to calls.
The local offices place a time limit for answering & after 25 minutes simply states too much traffic, call again later.
& the hold time on call is 2.5 hours to get an appt.
Doesn't want to give personal info. Told her: already have!
Leery of sharing personal & financial online. Still use checks.
She asked what will nursing home, disabled do? I said if they don't have family with extra $ & extra room, they'll die.
What a bunch of idiots.
IF you live in WA state & have any kind of state or federal benefits like EBT, Disability, or Medicaid, apply here for a cell phone.
#arrestthepresident #arrestedolfmuskalini
Why are they so hateful?
What kinds of people think that denying disabled and elderly people their income is humorous?
And who the hell are they to even be allowed to take their money away.
This is illegal
Judges have rules so, yet these monsters continue destroying our world
They better hope this is a “Thousand Year Reich”.
Because when this farce is over, there will be a reckoning.
What that looks like is anyone’s guess.
They should hope it’s only prison.
And the tragedy is that until they are confronted by someone threatening their life, this business is all very antiseptic to them.
You never screw with someone’s next meal, their health. All because some well guarded twat tells you to do it.
History shows how this will end.
Quote from The Expanse novels that's been on my mind a lot the last six months. Folks like this never make it forever.
They always seem to forget that there are more of The People than there are of the ruling elite.
The ruling elite still need to get to the airport.
Neither of us need to advocate anything.
Eventually, the Mob develops a mind of its own. Ask Louis XVI.
They neglect history at their own peril.
Not on us. FAFO
How are the elderly and the veterans supposed to survive?
Or do Musk, Trump & Doge just expect them to peacefully take their lives and to apologize for having been alive…??
I do really like both my Senators.
It’s like a business trying to save money, eliminating their salesforce.
DonOld did it!😉
Musk knows nothing of the agencies he is destroying. He is just lopping off their limbs and then expecting them to be more “efficient”? Efficiency is not the goal. Destruction is.
I'm a senior & have a disabled son. I've been to the Social Security office many times. It's not fun whatsoever. You need to make an appointment well in advance and you still have to wait for hours.
They're so understaffed, can't imagine when they cut off phone support & locations😡
Horse shit.
They're doing all this to deny benefits to people who paid into Social Security their entire working lives - many starting before they were even adults.
The only frauds are the Republicans
Everyone should make their Congress person live in the mess they made.
the old, infirmed, sick, disabled... the others
sound familiar?
That's why they sound stupid! They are directing them.
They cant be talked down, half of them were going to jail including Musk, Bannon, Trump and all the sex pests he's releasing!
Soulless misanthropes.
They just like Elon's money and the powertrip of it all, and possibly getting to sleep with him (but I'm totally making that up and not at all being serious about any of it because he would never, straight white male with so many IVF kids that he is).
Theft of property, anyone?
There will be karma - it’s blowing up bigger every day
Glad to vote for a Representative that would never cut SS, but I could not vote a right wing ex-CIA (likely Iraq rendition/torture involved) "Democrat" who I think would just have loved to sign up for a Genocide Joe SS cut "Grand Bargain".
They may find karma being a true, legitimate bitch.
Looking forward to seeing them all go through the courts and end up in prison.
They do not care about anyone.