They are angry that a judge restored a public website providing life-saving resources from the CDC, FDA, and HHS.
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Thank you for sharing. 👍
#OverturnTheElection #JailThemAll #IcelandDidIt #KoreaDidIt #SeizeTheirAssets #WhyTheFuckAreWeStillWaiting
Would be funny if this is what took him down. But it's not.
Be a shame if that information went viral.
Asking for a friend. 😂
Address name, Social Security number
So tRUmp pardons him. He will fuck up again, arrest him again, ad nauseam, but more people will notice each time.
This is illegal! He needs to be held accountable.
This is the kind of shit that fucking ‘Leon’ can do to everyone, because he now possesses everyone’s private information.
Say goodnight, USA. New States of Trump has arrived, & you will all enjoy it, or else.
This is how he has now started using our private information.
Wait till he steals from your bank accounts.
I know it is a shitty thing to do.
I am asking about the legality of it.
That is straight up gangster BS.
This crap is just gonna keep escalating if it isn’t stopped immediately.
He’s such a dangerous, hateful piece of shit.
Elon Musk is a private citizen and should be treated the same as the rest of us .
Maybe someone should doxx Musk, or something
Palm Beach, DC, Republic of Texas.
Pepperidge Farms Remembers!
Not that I disagree mind you...
None of the crimes committed on Trump's behalf will be prosecuted, because the DoJ is controlled by Trump.
This is where we are.
Sure would be nice if that shit backfired on them someday
It'd be my loudest and proudest "you asked for it"
This is the kind of shit that fucking ‘Leon’ can do to everyone, because he now possesses everyone’s private information.
Say goodnight, USA. New States of Trump has arrived, & you will all enjoy it, or else.
Boycott his companies.
Democracy in America is being destroyed by judicial coup,” Elon Musk wrote on his social media platform X. “An activist judge is not a real judge
Good find.
Thanks Docs!
No cases no numbers….if there’s no flu or diseases there are no cases right.
Fuck these people.
Plus Trump and Elon think we are suppose to work for them just like in a dictatorship, where as government is actually suppose to work for the people such as in a democracy.
They were “We the people” websites!
Girl, carry yo ass back to the ravecave and leave American govornment to Americans.
...& how stupid they are to admit w/ their whole chests they aren't bright enough to understand the US Constitution🤣
Sure is a whole lotta steps...far too complicated for MAGA CEOs & Senators!🤦
I recall a failed attempt to rescue some kids ....was asked to leave
Likes the attention j/s
I said who the f are you to be questioning a judges order that benefits the greater good of humanity. Lucky u winner of my daily rant🥇
Very inconvenient for them.
This apartheid Nazi piece of shit needs to be booted the hardest way off this rock.
I was a lifelong republican until trump. You can still be conservative, but if you vote GOP you're supporting MAGA.
The progression seems to be that Gingrich-to-Trump has selectively recruited the latent criminal element in the society and chased away the law abiding and sane.
1. Campaign on autocracy — Politicians should openly admit democracy has failed and position themselves as strongmen.
3. Ignore the courts — Dismantle judicial oversight by simply refusing to comply with court rulings.
4. Control the police and military — Centralize law enforcement...
5. Shut down media and universities — Gut elite institutions like the New York Times and Harvard to remove independent thought.
6. Mobilize the base — Send mobs into the streets whenever an agency tries to obstruct them.
Methinks these dumb asses need a refresher in Civics 101 ...
It's not LEGITIMATE presidential authority when they break legal protocol, bypass Congress, and completely ignore the constitution
It's AUTHORITARIAN presidential authority. And it's illegal
Big difference
Because it is "not fair" that the oligarchs should follow the law according to them.
However breaking the law is still NOT legal.
They most of all hate The Constitution !
Good to see that Elon supports term limits for the Supreme Court!
Glad to see you again🫶🏻
I was to know the first time Trump’s arsonists comply.
Although, they don't believe in anything but themselves! Mother fuckers!
So, Elon Musk must be against lifetime appointment for Supreme Court justices! Though more likely only the ones he doesn't like.
MAGAT in Congress are saying two different things...One in public and one to appease their voters!
My good friend who is on FB said there are the regular MAGAs who we expect to project all the BS but most people are quiet. I don’t know what that means….in shock?
I truly believe it is so many bots convincing the sheep they are part of a big group. A bunch of junior high mentality nerds trying to be cool.
End X.
Neither Musk or Trump believe in charity or paying their fines and Fed taxes. Should raise red flags with everyone.
They're eating the democracy of the
people that live there.
These people are truly evil.
It doesn’t take much to convince President Numbnuts to let others do the thinking for him, just as long as he takes all the credit
Finally, something Leon and I agree about. *Looking at you, SCOTUS*
So bigotry, that's the point.
'Who cares what you think or want or what is provable fact; I want my way, even if I'm wrong. '