did you watch hillbilly elegy...why was he bullied by the local boys as a kid? that's how boys that age in the hillbilly environment react to boys that like boys isn't it. internet word has it that Trump also likes boys and is sexually violent towards women and girls...hidden common ground?
when they say America First I have to wonder if America is first on their list of nations to tear down and walk all over...that is what they tried to do to Zelensky today with psychology ops
Zelenskyy is a role model for world leaders in our time. Trump and Vance are traitors and Russian puppets. The USA owes Zelenskyy an apology. The world owes Zelenskyy a debt of gratitude and needs to humbly step up to fight against fascism. How can any country back Putin?
In all seriousness, there is something wrong with this man. He's perpetually angry, rude and abusive. It would require tremendous energy for a normal person to maintain the level of rage he displays constantly. It's not normal to be this hateful for no reason 24-7.
What is wrong is he's really confused about what it means to be masculine. So, he decided he'd do his best (still far from good enough) impression of Clint Eastwood as "Dirty Harry." It's an outdated, lame & thoroughly pathetic impersonation of a "real man," & absolutely everyone sees it.
Very large problems for sure. What’s the population of the US going to do about it, tho? The world suffers while these men race to see how fast everything can be destroyed.
He is so self-delusionaland has extreme levels of arrogance, thinks he is far superior to anyone else, he knows everything, he IS the business man ... that as soon as anyone questions or doesn't fall into line he just explodes. The audacity of this pleb in front of him. Good on Zelensky.
He's acting. He has no clue what true masculinity is, or how it manifests. He's just compensating and trying to emulate tough guy movie characters.
Genuinely masculine Men, are never bullies.
The USSR was never truly communist either. It was an extreme form of corporate capitalism, where a thin layer of party elites held a total monopoly. The idea that it was communist is just well-crafted propaganda.
What kind of fucking moronic bullshit is this No they were not capitalist you fucking moron you don't even know the basic definitions of what you're talking about they were not a purely communist society they were a socialist society working towards communism fucking idiot
yeah, when people spend time online spreading CIA misinformation geared toward eliminating the idea that there is any other options of social organizing than capitalism, rage is a reasonable reaction.
I think this better explains politics…it’s circular…and USSR got to the tyranny/dictatorship via socialism and communism…we are getting to it via republicans and fascism
you are a federal agent posting from eglin air force base there is no way that someone this gullible and softbrained exists after 2024 I do not believe it
DUH .... I asked why the Chief of Police in a seaside town in Vietnam had a Bentley ... as you say, capitalism at work (SARCASM).
Of course the top dogs in communist society have all the power and all the toys.
The only communistic policy you could even bring up are things like universal healthcare, guaranteed state housing, and the abolishing of private property.
Trump and Vance, two Putin' thugs tried to bully Zelenskyy into giving Putin what he wants but embarrassing themselves! This is so bad that I couldn't believe my eyes and ears. This has to be a nightmare!
I feel like anyone who has been in an abusive or controlling sitatution was probably triggered like I was to hear him ask Zelensky if he had said "thank you" to Trump. Gross. Yuck. Ew.
To put it lightly. He’s a pathetic shell of a man who thinks he’s owed something bc his parents didn’t give him enough attention. He’s incapable of love or being loved as a result of his own shortcomings but doesn’t have the brain or character to realize. And it completely inept at his job to boot
I heard Vance make one statement and it made me so sick I turned it off and waited for the news I knew was coming. A summary is bad enough we don't need the stinking details.
I wanted to turn away and just examine the fallout later, but I forced myself to watch it. Catatonic like. Lot of emotions flooded in. Absolutely embarrassing deranged display from trump and vance.
I was thinking the same. It is a classic abusive tactic. I was so proud to see how much Zalensky has grown, and also so sad for what he and his country have been through to force him to become so strong
I've got this girl to help me hold it down. 🥰
Just thinking about it still makes me emotional though. I just wanted to jump through the screen and protect Zolensky, as I'm sure all of us did.
I want a montage of film clips of all the times Zelenskyy thanked the US, Biden, even felon Thump, over the last three years for their support and funding. I bet it’s 5 minutes long. Also, I want public condemnation from every democratic leader of this disgusting behavior by felon47 and JD.
I am mad as hell, these two idiots are running our country I am so fucking disgusted by what I seen today. Trump is in bed with Russia so it Vance there has to be proof somewhere
You know damn well what I mean; lipstick on the pig of the USSR doesn't magically make it a democracy or a republic. Communism always becomes authoritarian in the real world. Apart from semantics, do you support Ukraine or Trump with Putin? That's the foundational issue here.
Trump has said that there was NO Russian collusion when in fact the report, that got downgraded and played down to NOTHING on Fox, says that there was. But we just keep letting him say it and everyone NOW accepts it as truth.
He grew up in a town of extreme poverty, but also a sundown. It is roughly 30 minutes from where I live. It is a shit hole and now has nothing for people very devastated area nothing but sadness and poverty fills the streets in vinton county Ohio. Not a tooth ti he seen in the entire county.
Sorry, using talk to text and it didn’t pick all of it up, but the town that he grew up in is a drug ravished poverty filled sundown with hillbillies who think they’re better than everybody who have no teeth that’s his roots so you better believe he’s every bit of a Nazi
Almost like American capitalism and Soviet communism are two sides of a deeply flawed coin, allowing for parallel, yet distinct man-made horrors beyond comprehension
its not a joke its attacking jd vance who was a supposed hillbilly wearing a fucking ussr t shirt, which hillbilly have u seen that also wears a ussr t shirt, ussr to this day especially in west is associated to russia and thus for selling out to russia the post was made
It's so wild how the current Republican ideology is the exact opposite of communism and yet all a bunch of American liberals can think to do is call them communists.
I'm glad you pointed this out. This isnt a Soviet plot, all the oligarchs are cooperating. The US didn't get taken over by Russia. The US AND Russia have been taken over by wealthy plutocrats who'd rather kill us all and the planet than give an inch of ground.
That is my fear with how its been framed. It keeps it in terms of nationalism, which ignores we are fighting a Social War. A war waged by the wealthy and powerful against all of society to resist necessary reforms.
We need an internationalist approach to fight this.
what the fuck is the point of this ? like what are u even trying to say? ussr truly fell apart in 91, okay and then? does that somehow make the message behind post is irrelevant ?
But seriously, do you have any sources on "Stalin authoritarianism" other than "the country that spent 50 years telling you communism was a synonym for evil so they could spread capitalism around the world"?
As an Ohioan, I’m so embarrassed by that guy but he represents Butler County well. Check out our sheriff, no, he’s not from Texas. Born and raised in Butler County. What a fucking joke the GOP is.
He thought he could "CHANGE" his Orientation with a Name Change. It didn't "take" the first time SO he changed his name AGAIN. 😂
Orientation is something that, much like Eye Color, people are BORN with.
Imagine thinking that if they change their Name, their Eye Color changes. WTAF???
You're right, I heard him say that, but then thought he was deflecting, but now I realize the deflection was his embarrassment of only having seen it on TV. I doubt there was an earnest deal, they knew Z was asking for a defense strategy and let him appear to be ungrateful to the US, it was a trap.
I was looking for a date for that 'commy-tshirt' photo — it appears to be somewhere between 2007 (after HS/Marines/etc) and 2017, his stupid hillbilly book tour.
I was looking for a date for that 'commy-tshirt' photo — it appears to be somewhere between 2007 (after HS/Marines/etc) and 2017, his stupid hillbilly book tour.
Sign the petition to Impeach Trump/Vance. https://www.impeachtrumpagain.org?nvep=&hmac=&...
2. Go TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD HOMES OF R REPS, WHERE YOU LIVE and peacefully protest with how they have hurt us.
3. If in DC protest at Heritage foundation.
No, because he is adamantly against workers having the means of production, free health care, free education, women’s rights, lgbtq rights, etc. also, Russia is not communist.
Doesn't surprise me! I don't want ANYBODY TO FORGET That Republican Speaker of The House of Representatives Paul Ryan and Senator Mitch McConnell were the 2 most POWERFUL Republicans in Congress to assist Trump and to show Trump the way to "Get Around" the Rules in Congress! Two RATS!!!
I've literally known that Trump and the GOP, have all been in bed with Putin for a long time. They laundered money through the NRA. I worked in Russia 7 years for the US against Putin. I'm also 59. And proposed a plan to put a roof over every Veterans head for $900 million blocked because of Rubio
Remember the NRA is only about 8% of gun owners. They like to play like they're more but they've been losing members in droves. We went after them once for being a Russian asset and won and then again when LaPierre was nailed for misuse of funds. The almost lost their 501c3 status.
After that disgrace today, I want the Democrats to introduce a bill barring Trump from a state funeral or from being interred at Arlington or anywhere else on Federal land!
Damned Right!
"Very Disrespectful"!
The Most Disrespectful President/VP-In ALL Of American History!
#Zelenskyy was showing pictures of #Ukraine POWs!
#Trump and #Vance Cared ONLY About "The Minerals Deal"!
NO Talk of Helping Another #Democracy Against Invader #Russia!
Just 'Strong-Arming'!
Trying to explain to someone whose country is being attacked for only a criminal's greed is like a GOP trying be civil... it's all greed on 2 sides(🟠 & Rus.) against 1(Ukraine)who is in dire need for humanity!👀 The greedy need to be 👉💥💥💥💯
I’m saying look at this weirdo because he dressed in drag and now tries to hate/cleanse those same people.
I never even said look at this weirdo, I just said “Certainly🤣”.
I love drag and supporting actual drag creators/going to drag shows. You might be meaning to reply to one of the reposts?
that’s not how I would define a democrat as. They would stay, and reel that rope in. Dems may be inept group but they still fight for the people no matter how aggravatingly small those accomplishments may be. Republicans and maga cult members are not human, or animal, they are a pile of trash
For these republicans, politics is just a ladder to wealth & cushy high paying jobs they're not qualified for. That's at least part, if not the entire reason that they made politics what they made it, a complete abomination & far too contrary to the constitution.
Russia’s state-owned news agency was invited to the Oval Office to record Trump & Vance's reprehensible and vulgar attack on Zelensky, demonstrating that the U.S. is not just an untrustworthy ally, but an existential threat to democracy and freedom.
I think it would be good if you read more about the history of the Soviet Union. And also more about the US’s history of racialized politics. It’s very strange to be comparing maga and the kgb.
@canada-dry.bsky.social @cdnresistance.bsky.social
Close the border, turn off everything you can. Putin seems to have accelerated our demise...
He honestly thinks doing that live made him look good. I can't stop hystericalky laughing. I'm beyond embarrassed that dotard is treating a hero this way. God I hope EU will help. Somebody sent planes last night, today I think...signing a mineral deal is a death warrant IMO
He looks great to his idiot supporters. Just know that anything liberals hate is sweet manna from heaven to the magas. So they don’t see this as failure. They think he gave Zelenskyy a beat down . Morons.
A lethal threat at this point. I pray he's taken by God or man. God will have to forgive me for that. David and Goliath moment. We are all just waiting for him to be no more. This is not hate. This is protection of our young.
Yes. I expect America will devolve into a dynastic succession. There will still be elections, but like Russian elections, they will be so corrupted as to merely constitute a hollow homage to democracy.
What do you believe a Soviet meme shirt has to do with this day and age?? The Soviet Union is dead. It hasn’t existed since 1991 and Russia abandoned communism (hammer and sickle) in 1993.
The United States is so poorly educated most don’t know that the Soviet communist threat doesn’t exist anymore.
There are moments in history that reveal the true character of leadership—Today, the world bore witness to such a moment—a catastrophic failure (by Trump and Vance), of diplomacy wrapped in arrogance, insecurity, and stunning ignorance.
hey there partner sorry to bother but i just think its kind of ironic to do a joke like that when talking about a guy whos currently vice president of the united states and explicitly aligned with capital. bonus points for having "class warrior" in bio. not really offensive, just tone deaf. cheers!
Exactly. We've elevated white trash, new money tacky to the highest power. And that's from me, who has no money. The same people who taught me what tacky was, are now supporting it so idk.....
Genuinely masculine Men, are never bullies.
He was a Dem in 2018 on a smear campaign against Dump. We got a ask JD. Who's sperm is better
Keep going @meidastouch.com You need to turn the tide.
The Russian federation isn’t communist.
The Soviet Union was dissolved in 1991.
So lovely.
Of course the top dogs in communist society have all the power and all the toys.
Just thinking about it still makes me emotional though. I just wanted to jump through the screen and protect Zolensky, as I'm sure all of us did.
Take good .care
«Товарищ Джей Ди, черт возьми!» -твой приятель Влад П.
And, FFS, USE ALT-TEXT. It's built into the fucking site.
"This is like communism!" No, it's like capitalism.
We need an internationalist approach to fight this.
Literally the best thing that could happen to that shithole
Orientation is something that, much like Eye Color, people are BORN with.
Imagine thinking that if they change their Name, their Eye Color changes. WTAF???
No, J Dahmer Vance and the rest of the GOP jumped into bed with Russia once Putin took over and made it fascist.
In any case, he was a young child when the 80s ended. I’d guess this is from 2004 at the latest.
Today on his #1 couch, he tried out his big boy words by making the US even more of an embarrassment than yesterday.
He is so full of grifty energy. I could barf 🤮
C - onservative
C - aucasian
C - hristian
P - atriarchal
God bless Ukraine
I stand with Ukraine and democracy.
2. Go TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD HOMES OF R REPS, WHERE YOU LIVE and peacefully protest with how they have hurt us.
3. If in DC protest at Heritage foundation.
That's why we have to focus on 2026. Whether JD or Donnie, they have to be handcuffed.
Inquire into if he supports a country. That doesn't exist?
"Very Disrespectful"!
The Most Disrespectful President/VP-In ALL Of American History!
#Zelenskyy was showing pictures of #Ukraine POWs!
#Trump and #Vance Cared ONLY About "The Minerals Deal"!
NO Talk of Helping Another #Democracy Against Invader #Russia!
Just 'Strong-Arming'!
I never even said look at this weirdo, I just said “Certainly🤣”.
I love drag and supporting actual drag creators/going to drag shows. You might be meaning to reply to one of the reposts?
Close the border, turn off everything you can. Putin seems to have accelerated our demise...
The United States is so poorly educated most don’t know that the Soviet communist threat doesn’t exist anymore.
Vice President Vance
are the best “lackeys”
of Vladimir Putin.
turning the United States of America
into Putin’s Russia.
François Hollande said
President Donald Trump and his administration are "no longer" allies & accused Trump of "making pacts with our adversaries."
A simple yes or no. We can move forward from there on what could be an incredible learning experience.
Read more 👇
Wake up America
But no offense meant. You sensitive little crybabies.
Noted and appreciated.
The man has no control over his emotions….
Of course in this pic he looks like he is on heroin from his mom.