I don't remember much about the stuff I had to learn at school. But I will NEVER EVER FORGET Mr Evans, the teacher who just read us stories – pure reading for pleasure, no assessment whatsoever. That's the stuff that changes lives! I'm so grateful to him & all the life-changing teachers out there!
He confiscated their pocket money, telling them he was saving it for their pensions.
And also my grandfather reading Drummer Hoff. He did it melodramaticly every time.
Best part of any school day!
Still a Constant Reader.
Mrs Ogden, when I was 7, read The Silver Sword - and it was the book I asked for when I passed my 11+, it had made such an impression on me.
We read together daily and, even though they obviously have no decoding skills, they've recently taken to stopping me and insisting we now take turns using the illustrations as their guide to retell our stories.
I'm a librarian now, I want to be like her!
Whenever I was moody she'd encourage me to use her clunky old typewriter and she took me to a bookstall every weekend so I could trade the books I'd read for new ones 😊❤️.
Your bio says you are a bookseller in Hay on Wye. Sigh. If I could move one place, Wales is on my top 3 list.
For the record, DTCOTW is relevant at any age, as we see when William explains that many men love the sounds of their own voice, particularly when trying to be romantic.
40+ years ago and I still remember. That’s some teaching.