The Fraternal Order of Police helped the telecom lobby kill the appointment of popular media and telecom reformer Gigi Sohn to the FCC, by falsely claiming she was "anti police"
these greasbags know exactly what they're doing and what they're supporting
this is a compromised group that does not operate in good faith, gets roped into sleazy policy PR in exchange for corporate donations, know exactly what they're doing, is not surprised by Trump's pardons, and simply wants to dodge accountability for their choices (axios is happy to help)
Weird. They all had no comment about it just a few days ago 🙄
A lot of these orgs get co-opted by corporate power (in this case AT&T) to create a veneer of support or opposite to corporate interests. Civil rights groups also fall for this.
They get some donations in exchange for being useful idiots in policy PR.
this is such bullshit it's not a national organization funded by officers lead by the ranks
I think it's a PAC they start a non profit and draw salaries
not profits are abused all the time
shells for payroll and PR
Well the FOP is a particularly noxious organization, never meeting police brutality or a MAGA policy they didn't like, so I less see it as praising them (I never would) but knowing that pardoning neo-Nazi cop-beater-uppers is a real issue to get GOP House members to retire/bludgeon others.
The current Chicago FOP leader, a MAGA lunatic: "Catanzara had been suspended 9 times for a total of 131 days during his career. He was subject of 50 civilian complaints, which put him in the 96th percentile of officers. Ten of the civilian complaints were sustained."
Exactly. It's a PR game. They literally endorsed, advocated for, and supported the traitor who incited the insurrectionists to assault, injure, and attempt to kill police officers on J6. They're full of shit.
I had a friend in art school who wanted to be a cop. He failed the entrance test because he scored too high! This is a true story, they said the smart guys always leave soon after training.
maybe they thought he was lying about something which he promised to do nearly every day for over a year? but that just means they endorsed someone whom they thought was a liar?
As if Biden’s extended family members ( who have not committed any crimes) and members of the January 6th committee ( who have also not committed any crimes ) should be lumped together with the January 6th insurrectionists.
F-off is right
Yeah, Biden did us no favors with those pardons, but there's a huge false equivalency. Point to the person on the commission or in Biden's family that tazed a police officer in the neck for minutes straight, and they'd have a point.
It didn't bother them and endorsed him when he promised TOTAL IMMUNITY if they voted for him, and needless to say endorsed the Rapist and Felon! And Now, they're in shock he did this??!! Are you f@cking kidding me??!!
Police supported Trump are now afraid of Trump's criminals?
"Less than a month after Adolf Hitler is appointed chancellor of Germany, he calls on elements of the Nazi Party to act as auxiliary police. The SA, the street fighters or Storm Troopers of the Nazi Party, now have official police power."
Why would any member (aside from the extremists and white supremacists) of a police union actually think he backs them? He’s spent his entire career looking for ways to avoid getting caught by law enforcement for nefarious shenanigans. He hates cops!
Yeah whatever, was it 5 of their officers/members from the Seattle Police Dept. who participated (my recollection is that 2 got fired, will Trump push to have them reinstated?) Seriously.
Oh, but wait. In that same statement they also equaled Trump's pardons to Biden's pardons. They want an excuse to continue supporting the fascist. They don't care if Trump throws them under the boss because in the end the IACP-FOP are fascists too.
Well they can remove the word Fraternal, the obviously aren’t. And the word Order as their endorsement shows don’t care about that either. And what kind of Police are they that support and vote for a convicted rapist felon.
SO glad they came out with this - many of us were disgusted that the police organizations that supported him had nothing to say when the domestic terrorists who killed 8 of their own were all set free and now get to be Trump's private militia
They CAN'T have it both ways . Either you are on the right side of things or ____________/ Seems they want to fill in the blank when it's convenient . Fuck all the way off ,all of youze.
Used to be a journalist who spent a fair amount of time covering police and their unions. I was always amazed how easily they were manipulated by right wing politicians.
It read it. They thought he was about "rule of law" when the evidence clearly supported another conclusion. But now this is the kind of thinking that they go with on a regular basis, so I'm largely unsympathetic.
The fraternal order of police are faking any sort of actual surprise at what the guy they supported did so they don't have to take any responsibility for the coming bloodshed
I’m trying hard not to be discouraged, but I’m feeling like I may not live long enough to see us get out of this mess. Oh for the Moral Arc of Justice to alight, for the pendulum to swing towards sanity and compassion, reason and understanding.
Finding voices that help on Bluesky.
Don't give up. Look for the helpers, as Mister Rogers said. We outnumber them. We're smarter than them. The pendulum always swings. There will be permanent damage, but there will also be some amazing, collaborative responses to their bullshit.
Maybe Trump will invite the head of the FOP to the White House to join him and a group of pardoned January 6th tourists for a lunch of Big Macs, fries and shakes.
It’s like they are collectively moronic fuckheads who didn’t even bother to contemplate they were endorsing a convicted felon who made explicit promises to pardon his fellow criminals.
They KNEW.
This number may have increased since publication of this article in 2021.
these greasbags know exactly what they're doing and what they're supporting
A master stroke of false equivalence.
Trump pardoned over 1000 people convicted of rioting on Jan 6, 2021.
Biden? Commutations of a small number of death penalties.
They get some donations in exchange for being useful idiots in policy PR.
Which FOP?
this is such bullshit it's not a national organization funded by officers lead by the ranks
I think it's a PAC they start a non profit and draw salaries
not profits are abused all the time
shells for payroll and PR
The "shirts" will be blue this time.
just mind-boggling.
F-off is right
Leopards meet face
You'd think they'd be happy. Lmao.
"Less than a month after Adolf Hitler is appointed chancellor of Germany, he calls on elements of the Nazi Party to act as auxiliary police. The SA, the street fighters or Storm Troopers of the Nazi Party, now have official police power."
Well they can remove the word Fraternal, the obviously aren’t. And the word Order as their endorsement shows don’t care about that either. And what kind of Police are they that support and vote for a convicted rapist felon.
They are the enemy of fundamental decency and law-abiding stability now.
Finding voices that help on Bluesky.
And for people that are doing the work - reach out here. There's a huge community on Bluesky that just wants to make the world better. Tap into that.
Welcome to the reaping stage boys!
She's a Trump supporter that has no problem with Jan6ers that beat a cop to death.
don’t worry, coppies, Daddy will give you some new tanks and bazookas to soothe your hurt feelings