My father was career Navy, my grandfather served this country in the Navy during WWII, I grew up in a Navy town and I don't want any sailors getting hurt or killed but I agree with this. Russia is the enemy of all free countries and we shouldn't be siding with them against our long term allies.
I feel actual conflict is a lot closer all of a sudden, and many European born residents and dual citizens are going to have to pick a side. There are millions of us.
They're already pissed with the whole Greenland situation, they should stand their ground, isn't that what the right respects? Not so much when they're on the receiving end.
I’m thrilled European countries are holding Trump, Vance, Musk, Rubio and Hegseth responsible for their actions. I’m one of those Americans who knew how awful Trump was in the 1980s, but I had no idea how fast he could destroy this country and our democracy.
Since the Biden administration removed all of the guardrails that held him back during his previous term in its idiotic effort to "heal the country" by appeasing dick taters, it's not exactly surprising.
I can't blame them, Donald Trump is such a dumbass for the way he acted and behaved. Unfortunately, this is just the beginning of the cost of Donald Trump's ineptitude towards leadership.
Norway has always fought against fascism. The people who voted against Trump are the only unified group still on the right side between good and evil in the US now.
They didn't fight fascism always, not all of them. The word quisling comes from Norwegian prime minister Quisling. But they did deal with fascist effectively in the end, the lessons to be learnt from them for sure
We were divided back then just like the US is now. We had our own right-wing Nazis. Now kids have to learn how to spot and deal with propaganda in grade school.
Well you didn't vote in Quisling for the second term, that's for sure 😁 (nor for the 1st term, either). Educating kids from the early age is such a good idea. Australian government is trying to prohibit kids from accessing social media, good luck with that 🤪. Education is the key
Much as I applaud economic sanctions on the US, this particular case is bonkers. It is exactly what Putin wants. Anything that hampers NATO forces helps him.
The US still has a role in NATO. Whilst other members should work on the basis that the US is presently unreliable, isolating the US is exactly Trump is working for. Much as we’d like to give the US a slap across the face and tell it to wake up, we have to make wise choices in Europe.
Do you think this is actually going to make people stand up and actually like fight back harder here in America I hope so because without those ships we are super vulnerable
Trump needs much more of this. He needs to be mocked by EU leaders. He is so thin skinned he will make idiot decisions over and over until it is finally clear that we have a treasonous mad king...
We figure USA, or Western Russia as we now call it, is no longer fighting for our values anyways. We feel really bad for all our dear friends in the US, though!
Norway will continue to supply fuel for U.S. Navy ships.
Haltbakk Bunkers CEO Gunnar Gran confirmed that the company made a decision not to supply the U.S. military, but said the move would have a "symbolic" impact as it didn't have a fixed contract.
And next up will be Base Leases. The ones with no lease done as friendship? Bye. Actually Bye FAST. Ones will a lease? Will be short lived. See Subic Bay.
If you’re not sure what YOU, one person, can do to help save democracy, then follow They can link you to a chapter in your community.
Trump and his sycophants are succeeding at bringing the rest of the free world together as one unit.
This joining of nations could very well bring about the topple of the US dollar as the reserve currency. We might be seeing a major shift in our geopolitical landscape over these next few years.
This is hilarious on many levels, not the least of which is when remembering donald trump wished out loud that the US got more immigrants from Norway back in 2017.
This is only partially right. The Norwegian government has confirmed that this is not in line with official Norwegian policy, but Haltbakk is a privat company and can decide themselves who they want to supply w fuel. The USN will get fuel in Norway but not from Haltbakk.
The collective ego(ism) of this country has led us to believe we can take on the entire world. Could end with us getting our asses handed to us in a suitcase sometime in the coming decades.
That got overturnes. The smart way is to reward good behavior (US Navy conducting NATO patrols with partners) and punish bad behavior (relentless messaging about Trump looking weak. Reportedly he's ranting that a peace deal for Ukraine was going to mean a Nobel Peace Prize for him. As if.)
So, it's a democracy still...with all the bumps, bruises and warts that entails. Currently, the minority party has the proverbial gavel, but I predict it won't last (mostly b/c they're so detestable).
Let's be very clear, it is NOT the american people we will boycott, it is the robbinghood president and his band of thieves. Most people in the US will be against this orange menace that is masquerading as president in just a few weeks... When his destruction is really felt over the US
The majority of the American people will understand and stand with you.
Watching yesterday's shitshow, I was ready to quit my job just so I wouldn't be paying any more taxes into his government. Then I remembered I have expensive habits... Like eating and sleeping in a bed with a roof over my head.
The big bully may finally learn that bad behavior has consequences. Sadly, the rest of the world may have to give him that lesson. Our legal system just walked away!
☆More, More, More☆
May the World come together and stop playing ball with MAGA's America.
Face their weeney threats, close the door! MAGA'meri-cons cannot survive long without their specially crafted Koolaid!
The rest of us may suffer for a bit, but once they have dried up, WE will do Nature better
The World needs to embrace this moment to tell "America"(-as-it-is-today, aka/Maga Cult)
"Good luck... see ya on the flip side... we are done with the Great USA!"
CLOSE THE DOOR TO AMERICA!!!! "We" elected this guy, by letting him suck our precious air-time with layers of lies...
"We" must suffer!
It is. Because it’s the American public that do need to be jolted here. Ultimately, unlike other countries, we are responsible for the behavior of our leaders since we elect them to represent us on the world stage.
Well you can't have numbers :) For obvious reasons that would be a major security risk, that said they supply a LOT, especially submarines, they are one of the big four suppliers and had a focus on NATO member refueling. The others will take up the slack for now.
This is on Facebook for the company. It looks odd, though. It's an image, not text. And there's lots of comments about it being fake news and BS. There's also no comment on the main page supporting this. It's a weekend, so there may be a more "official" post on Monday, clearing it up.
It’s legit. Here’s an interview with the owner. It’s a private company in an open market, so it’s mostly symbolic. And Nato-agreement is excepted. But the message is clear.
Yes, but moral support for Ukraine is of course important in itself and might inspire others to do take a stand. However, it seems that the Facebook-post has been removed now.
From the outset, the meeting was not a negotiation - it was an ambush. Trump and Vance did not approach the discussion as allies working toward a common goal, but as political figures looking to undermine Ukraine’s position.
Soft, suit wearing Republicans can't even begin to fathom what it's like to fight against a bully. Our country was humiliated before the entire world. While simple-minded idiots celebrate the childishness of our president's administration, educated people are embarrassed to say they're Americans.
well we european are stabbed in the back by our so called leaders so....
they are so weak and some on them are on foreign paycheck (like macron with algeria)
The best part of this is that Norway is Trump's favourite European country (bc whitest) and this is a private company unilaterally imposing sanctions. Blondes telling Trump "fuck off, dickhead." He should be used to that by now.
Waiting for all these countries to start sanctioning U.S. companies. Who would blame them. The quicker the Billionaires and Putin puppets start feeling the burn the better.
“No Fuel to Americans!” Haltbakk Bunkers also urged Norwegians and Europeans to follow their lead, concluding their statement with the slogan “Slava Ukraina” in support of Ukraine. LOVE THIS
The world loved us because we loved them back. Trump thinks he can mismanage the US the way he mismanaged his companies, and he will find out soon enough that we really aren’t all that when we are despised.
I wouldn’t say the world LOVED us. I’d say the world tolerated us because we gave so much back. Now that we can’t be trusted, why would they put up with such a backwards country that tries to bully other countries?
Just one way to fight back, I suppose. I bet the USsr never considered this as a consequence of their actions. Imagine if everyone else follows suit? Americas military power would be grounded within 2 weeks.
Yep. My mom was from Oslo. Came to the USA with her strength of what is Right and Wrong. She taught me the same. Trump is the total Opposite of what we should believe in.
This is what the hell im talking about now. I hope other countries treat us like SHIT after that horrific abuse of power by Trump, Vance, and his goons. Send a clear and strong message.
I hope EVERY nation in Europe does this & refuses to fuel U.S. ships after what Trump did Friday in The WH! I'm a Vet & served more than 1 enlistment! My enlistment time expired but my oath hasn't & NEVER will! I'll always "Support & defend The Constitution against ALL enemies foreign & *DOMESTIC*!!
Good! If enough nations do this the Trump and MAGA crowd may come to realize that no one truly holds supreme power without allies to help and support them. The most elite athletes have doctors, trainers, coaches, etc all working in the background, quietly helping them shine. America is no different.
I have little faith in ANY of them but if our allies turn their backs on us, life will get really difficult really quickly. If we keep siding with Russia the EU and others could sanction the US as well as taking other measures. These people are reactive to what impacts them. If it gets hard they may
Whether it works or not, I hope they (other nations) try everything they can. Put the screws to us and maybe it break enough of them to see how truly not beneficial Trump is to anyone but himself and his buddies. Long shot but still a shot.
I do. I was actually just watching something about that very topic on the morning news. Time will tell I suppose, but I don’t see an easy way out of this and into our future. America (all of us) have lost credibility around the world. I see a lot of comments on that here and tbh, it’s deserved
Also, those tariffs were an attack on the American people and small businesses. I really can’t believe just how fast he’s fucking things up for us and around the world. It’s overwhelming how fast of a start he got off too. I really hope midterms fall our way and slow him down but not really hopeful
Or Biden, Nancy, & the media, …they randomly blame irrelevant things or people (irrelevant to the situation) to avoid looking at Trump. I feel unless it really hits them in their wallets they won’t stop that, but poverty & hunger can lead to blaming leadership. We will see. Midterms will be telling
I’ve survived through thick and thin for decades. Most of these people have no clue how it feels to lose everything.
If that is what it takes, but I still think they will never admit their mistake.
Seriously. Good on them. I feel bad for the stranded sailors, but I also respect the moxie.
Until decency returns, I for one, shall be referring to your country as "Amerussia", from now on.
And he's running out of money, troops, equipment...
God help America 🇺🇸.
When you put America first, just remember: "Many who are first shall be last, and many who are last shall be first".
Haltbakk Bunkers CEO Gunnar Gran confirmed that the company made a decision not to supply the U.S. military, but said the move would have a "symbolic" impact as it didn't have a fixed contract.
Symbolic gestures do carry weight
No freedom loving country, no democracy, should do anything with or for America at this time.
It's not easy for me to write or feel that but the Trump regime is so criminal, so corrupt, that I have no choice.
Their plan for America and the rest of the world is evil.
DO SOMETHING! No gesture or action is too small.
This joining of nations could very well bring about the topple of the US dollar as the reserve currency. We might be seeing a major shift in our geopolitical landscape over these next few years.
But thanks for letting us know.
We don’t owe America
Their business their choice
Watching yesterday's shitshow, I was ready to quit my job just so I wouldn't be paying any more taxes into his government. Then I remembered I have expensive habits... Like eating and sleeping in a bed with a roof over my head.
probably will..Except the Netherlands. This clown is Wilders. The majority leader in parliament. He is the Dutch Trump.
His extreme borrowing spree started BEFORE Covid, & was already set to outpace any previous borrowing by 2020.
Party of Fiscal Responsibility my ass!
The traditional allies mean nothing to him.
This political cartoon was in today's Aftenposten, Norway's largest printed newspaper by circulation as well as Norway's newspaper of record.
Trying to get a hold of the AAA at the Mariana Trench is a real bitch!
May the World come together and stop playing ball with MAGA's America.
Face their weeney threats, close the door! MAGA'meri-cons cannot survive long without their specially crafted Koolaid!
The rest of us may suffer for a bit, but once they have dried up, WE will do Nature better
"Good luck... see ya on the flip side... we are done with the Great USA!"
CLOSE THE DOOR TO AMERICA!!!! "We" elected this guy, by letting him suck our precious air-time with layers of lies...
"We" must suffer!
Against PUTIN
his stupid puppet
The World knows, "Do Not Poke the Russian Bear."
The World must now also deal with, "Do Not Poke the Privileged Bear."
Most Importantly, The Free and Decent World must Remain Vigilant, for an Unwanted possible Russian Bear & Privileged Bear collusion.
The Trump administration needs to be reminded that their actions have consequences and that NOT everyone will bow down to the Orange Dictator 💪🏼💪🏽💪🏽
Please read, share and subscribe
We've been humiliated by Republicans before.
they are so weak and some on them are on foreign paycheck (like macron with algeria)
Traitor Trump must be removed from office ASAP
The world loved us because we loved them back. Trump thinks he can mismanage the US the way he mismanaged his companies, and he will find out soon enough that we really aren’t all that when we are despised.
I like it.
Might borrow it.
Russia has bought you and trumps lining his pockets whilst you watch like good obedient citizens.
of course, he'll blame everyone else for this
Or whatever.
#ForeignAndDomesticEnemiesOath 👀
Russia is cool now, that is how programmed they are
When it collapses they will blame Obama
I will continue to protest and vote. But it feels like Russia here now.
If that is what it takes, but I still think they will never admit their mistake.