I am fully confident it wasn't because they didn't have the internet and they were probably missing the information we are fortunately, and unfortunately, getting. Everyday the Trump admin proves it can raise the bar in incompetence and stupidity.
We the people have to find a way to get together en masse and act as one unit. The democratic congress and senate have thrown in the towel and have joined the Nazis. It's entirely up to us now. We have to get off our computers and cell phones and ipads and do something. Before we wind up in an oven.
I listen to the Our Fake History Podcast. The author takes historical myths and finds out what's fact, what's fiction & what's just a good story that needs to be told. All I keep thinking while listening is how we never learn from history. Caligula episode was eye opening
Just like Rome had a lead excuse, so do we. All the leaded gasoline led to the anger and insanity of the older generations, including gen x, which is my generation.
Yes. Yes it was. It was the stupidity and people's dependence on they city/state and the poisoned environment (lead) that destroyed that civilization. Pick any civilization.
Yes, we are next.
What a plot twist if one of Trumps sons killed him in a jealous rage because trump is spending all of his time babysitting Elons kid. Eric sees something he never once experienced from his papa - trump holding the boys hand to guide him up the plane. *Cue stabbings.*
trump is an American media creation. He knows nothing- studied nothing, but the American MSM goes right along with pretending that he knows what he is talking about. Without Murdoch's media machine, and the right-wing radio media sphere to push and cover for his lies, trump would not exist.
The end of the Republic is far more relevant than the fall of Rome. Strong men vying for power as the republican institutions they had undermined stood and watched, unable or unwilling to intervene.
Putin’s lapdog Trump suggests the U.S. seize Ukrainian power plants for “protection,” pretending it’ll stop Russian attacks. Meanwhile, a partial ceasefire on energy infrastructure is in the works. Is Trump working for America or Moscow?
Christians ran the empire into the ground ending science education as blasphemy, executing pagans for lighting candles at shrines. They tore down the temples, redistributed wealth, closed the bath houses, theaters, the Olympics ended… then they exempted Christians from taxes and military service…
The fall of Rome was indeed this stupid.
Repeated failures of the Senate and citizens to enforce their Constitution; bending to the whims of autocrats.
It's all been done before, over and over;
We will again to forced to learn history by repeating it.
It's worse than you think, guys. This is the rise of Czar Putin's hegemony and we're the newest client state. I got 20 bucks on America selling grain to Russia for pennies on the dollar within the next 6 months.
Don’t think so. None of those useless brown-nosed cowards around Cheeto-lini is likely to stab him in the back.
I cannot see flocks of barbarians raiding the borders either
George W. Bush used "private contractors" (mercenaries), like Rome did in its decline. Trump's arbitrary decision are also very similar to being ruled by a mad emperor. America's decline started a while back. Trump just rapidly sped it up.
Having studied it: yes, it was. You'll find that autocracy has plenty of room for incompetence.
See guys like Honorius, Valentinian III, Ricimer. The baffling decisions they made because there was nobody to stop them!
We are deeply troubled to learn that a trans woman who is a member of our team is at risk while being wrongly incarcerated, particularly as she has been placed on the men's side of the facility.
Supposedly while the ancient Romans did use lead water pipes, it did not drive them insane. I think trump and his cabal mainline lead, snort and chew lead, shove lead up their asses.
trump chewed lead paint from window sills as a 4 year old petulant brat. Not to be confused with his current temperament of a 4 year old petulant nazi brat.
Nah. State capacity declined for the complicated political arrangement that what we would call the "Roman Empire" due to severe population decline as a result of the Antonine plague and an over reliance on Mediterranean grain harvests. It also took centuries.
Well there are quite a few studies which demonstrate that both boomers and Gen x likely had years of chronic lead exposure in the US. Peak lead exposure from gas, water sources and the environment was 1970.
Julius Caesar isn't comparable to the orange idiot, not even a bit. Also, the fall of Rome happened much later and doesn't have anything to do with Julius Caesar.
Combine equal parts Republican RED and coward YELLOW.
That's exactly the kind of petty I would attribute to TFG...
history repeats itself, right?
Our goths have eyeliner and depressing poetry and sew patches into leather jackets.
Okay, I want an army of our goths sacking DC while playing emo music. Somebody make it happen.
Me: Were humans involved?
A: Yes.
Me: Then yes, it was this stupid.
Bernie must be the Minority Leader of the Senate
He can unite We the People
Yes, we are next.
The twunt in charge would just have a fiddle...
When 🇺🇸 falls, it will be bc authoritarians never jived w/ 🇺🇸 zeitgeist.
MAGA say they’re 👍 w/autocracy but if it’s full on they’re 👎.
When 🇺🇸 falls, it won’t be for🍊 morons but for the malaise/ennui of moronic Americans.
Please continue!!
#AccessibleSky #AltTextUsed!
The last Emperors of Rome was puppets of the more powerful Germanic tribes.
May the rest of your day be as amazing as you are. 💖🥰
We still have to get through many emperors (though I guess we could also consider Trump our Nero)
We might just be writing the abridged version of History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Speedrunning Rome
When the not stupid part of the US just kinda takes over, but leaves the dead part alone?
I don't want a first citizen, a 'princeps'.
I want my republic back.
Repeated failures of the Senate and citizens to enforce their Constitution; bending to the whims of autocrats.
It's all been done before, over and over;
We will again to forced to learn history by repeating it.
I cannot see flocks of barbarians raiding the borders either
We elected horse's asses to ours.
See guys like Honorius, Valentinian III, Ricimer. The baffling decisions they made because there was nobody to stop them!
And yes, I mean the all black wearing goth subculture. Guys on horses destroying everything is so 5th Century.
If only they could read.
I have a old multi volume copy of the Roman version, in storage at the moment.
We did it by poisoning minds instead with lies from Murdoch "news" propaganda factories.
Capri = Mar y Largo
Donny will be challenging Poseidon to a war soon
Pretty sure he’s already appointed more than a few horses as senators!
But that only explains the older generation.
I'm betting the answer is, 'YES'.