The property insurance industry knows what’s up with climate change and socio economic risk. It’s just about math and science to them. So it’s interesting to see what they have to say
We indeed know what's up with climate change. We don't have political alliances. It is all about numbers and science.
0 house =
0 insurance needed =
0 profit for them
Just asking this because I always question what the “other side” thinks.
The US should regulate the industry at the federal level rather than the state level.
Climate crisis = housing crisis
Another example: Look at rising workplace health insurance rates, you'll see that it's not accidents driving up costs﹣it's claims like heart disease, psychological counselling, and cancer.
I cut his estimate by 50%.
#strongtribessavelives #environmentalhealth #knowledgeispower
it significantly hits people's pockets. How
deep are they?
They are NOT strapped for $$.
They are craven, greedy assholes!
That's as real as the data gets.
Charge triple and don't cover flooding
Not your friends.
Where this really matters everyone is a climate change believer
Predictive - relating to or having the effect of predicting an event or result.
We need a few more dead insurance CEOs.
Source: Western Fire Chiefs Association website.
I think the health impacts from climate change are severely underestimated. And will remain so bc feds won’t fund the research.
But the orange 🍊 one doesn’t care. I wonder what group will be the scapegoat for climate change… he hates so many.
What is the corporate world, and specifically the insurance industry viewing the next decade, and is it just an effort to build a lifeboat for themselves?
If I ran the world everyone would have a rain garden and there would be no finished basements.
But certainly a conversation that needs to be had. The nuts and bolts of climate change cannot be denied or coated in rhetoric.
He brushed off my argument, saying it was NOT proof - the insurance companies were just taking advantage of the “hype” to raise prices and increase profits.
and FEMA's (while under proper mgt) prepping/changes/actions due to global warming
and ...
Private Equity is going to be out here buying up destroyed subdivisions and building Bitcoin mines.
little to nothing and turn it around with over priced rent or like you said not coin mining
What does it cost to insure a 1950s house that New was $11,000.00
and now is $1.3 million
on top of your mortgage
your utilities
your property taxes
your maintenance costs
Used their work a dozen times.
Why? No insurance risk.
And I like it.
Have a follow back.
is the cause of fire in California 2017, 2018 2025 also Hawaii.
DUTCHSINSE was correct.
Auto, homeowners, work comp, umbrella, etc all have predetermined controlled rates.
Well, a lot of folks...most of whom are now being suppressed and silenced...
In 2000, about 300,000 acres burned in total in the state of California. By 2018, the total was almost 2 million acres.
Right? No? Crickets from the cheeto on this one? Oh well, good luck, normies
Insurance companies have been sounding the alarm about losing customers to climate change for years now. When climate change makes it too expensive to insure, no one can pay, companies go bust!
This timeline is truly evil.
Just not the way they intended.
Because get real, they're raking in record-exploding profits AS A RESULT OF their calculations on climate change, not about how it affects their customers. Because when those properties are destroyed they can be bought back for pennies.
There's easily more than one construct here, and the choice says everything about the balance of power between the parties. Voters have the power if they will use it.
It is dangerous to normalize the idea that America is a business and that we, the people, are its customers. This rhetoric is straight out of Trump’s authoritarian playbook, designed to reshape how we see our relationship with government.👇🏻
The more we frame government as a corporation, the more we reinforce 45/47’s authoritarian vision:
a CEO-style presidency where the executive branch holds absolute power, unchecked by Congress or the courts. His allies openly advocate for this
Language shapes reality. When we talk about citizens as “customers,” we subtly shift power away from the people
Until we vote out the people who make it so, most of the elected officials... in order to vote in those who will actually make it constitutionally illegal to operate it as such.
We also need to keep in mind that everyone citizen here has a voice in this, not just us.
They made polluters clean up using CERCLA because they could tie companies to a particular contaminated area.
How do you do that with oil companies?
We're holding conference calls to sue the bastards. Make Polluters Pay is a coalition of several groups and individuals focused on just that. Can I invite you to check it out?
it is that voters want to be lied to.
This shit is the reason the Orange Turd is in The White House. Pull it together and focus on what matters!
#GOTVBlue2025 Start Now.
Join a team to help Dems win.
because they know - as you say
Especially as the population ages, inflation spikes, and a large % of housing stock is used as short term rentals in high risk areas.
No claims, no change in coverage, same 1200sq ft home!
We are heading into a period where places in this country will be uninhabitable because no one can constantly rebuild.
Otherwise, with homelessness outlawed, you won't be able to avoid at least sporadic if however brief stints in their prisoner loan programs - for the prior ? as to who will do the work.
It also creates artificial scarcity.
It's why abandoned apartment complexes sit while house prices soar.
Insurance usually pays for large amounts of it with township taxpayer money in part paid by different insurance.
In poorer (mostly republican) states no support will be offered.
The destruction of the federal state will increase the individual risks significantly, leading to much higher costs.
Of course he did.
Just like he accepted disaster funds for slight damage to his trump tower near the World Trade Center after 9/11.
Of course he did.
In neither case was damage described as severe, but his lawyers got it.
Homes will have to be indestructible. Windowless, fireproof, reinforced concrete domes on shock-absorbing stilts, built to Richter-8 earthquake standards, with environmental life-support systems and their own uninterruptible power source.
Depends on how high the risk is, of course, and we are going to have to make decisions about that.
Continued worship of USA institutions is severely unhealthful. Pretending they serve anyone other than their owners isn't forgivable any longer.
The billionaire broligarchs want everyone to lose their businesses, homes, and land so they can buy it...they want to own it ALL so they can establish their fantasy aristocracy
And we're back to square one. That's a tough one Mark.
If you can't get adequate insurance you don't get a mortgage. Which is how the very wealthy are going to own everything.
The billionaires want to own EVERYTHING.
I just received my FEMA Flood insurance bill.
What happens to that?
if these programs are dissolved.
That's not home owners, that's Just flood.
Let START the FIGHT for our AMERICA!!!
But let's talk about things that really matter, like whether or not the Dallas Cowgirls ever returned Ron's call about the tryouts.
The women’s healthcare bill introduced talks about healthcare for the woman but only as it relates to men, family and community. …
Insurers Are Deserting Homeowners as Climate Shocks Worsen
But uncertainty is the enemy of insurance companies. So Climate Change + Trump = Higher Rates and/or Less Coverage.
He's doing everything wrong and every move backfires in his face instantly, without a Reichstag Fire or 9/11 to justify it.
We need protection in certain ways due to greed and environmental changes.
Some areas could use extra cleaning and those will be passed to the rentee
These changes to FEMA and NFIP are going to be a mess. 😩
A lot of very large and expensive houses will disappear into the ocean inside 2 years. 😄
Real estate was not a market until tRump made it one and always bankrupted his venture using borrowed $$?
Or did he pocket it?🧐🤨🤔
They need to fix this problem to survive as an industry.