NFL on Amazon looks and feels wrong. Do you agree, and if so why. If you don’t agree, that’s fine. If you’re not interested in the topic at all, discuss economics or the opera. ONLY those things.
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It feels right. Football is a cult and is just like our government: fat cats at the top and millions paying exorbitant (sick and insane) amounts of money. Sports fans have become crazy, nuts, fanatics, willing to fatten the cults’ coffers while crying about the price of eggs.
It looks like they turned motion smoothing on. But since my TV has that setting turned off, Amazon doubles down on it and makes the whole game look off.
no it definitely does. it feels more sterile than games on the networks, probably because they don't pump in as much noise as on network nfl games. Also, I don't like how their scoreboard doesn't show who has possession. I need to see that shit if I'm not giving the game undivided attention
Agree. Especially on a phone. OK, I get it. You have a really big computer that can vomit stats all over the screen.
If they really wanted to do something great they'd use AI to have Summerall and Madden call the game.
And Pat has to say, "Murder.....She Wrote"
It all starts with using a theme song that was already the SEC Nation theme song. And everything else flows from there, it’s like a football broadcast made by people who have no creativity whatsoever (which I know isn’t true! And baffles me!)
So, with the 10 year note rising and mortgage rates following suit, it's been difficult for residential construction due to the potential rising costs of goods and monthly payments.
My brain saw “ergonomics” the first time I read that tweet and immediately queued up an entire thread in response only to be immediately disappointed when reality set in a second later.
Fortunately, I can safely avoid the NFL on Amazon for the time being because their games take place on non-Thanksgiving Thursdays and Black Friday, so I have no reason to wonder if I’m missing out on anything watchable
Toughskins replay and Craftsman benchwarmers cam. Come in for your family photo with and go home with a house in a box! So much missed opportunity there.
Wagner is the operatic equivalent of all-you-can-eat-bbq. A plate is delicious but then they bring along another 5 that you HAVE to finish before you can leave.
Mozart is perfect charcuterie. You get giggly bits, dramatic bits, filthy bits… but it all works together.
I had an interview with MN Opera once (accounting), they were interested but then my interviewer retired and the new person felt I was under qualified. The person they did hire quit shortly after so they called me up and I said no. That's my opera discussion
It’s unnatural to not be able to flip to other channels during commercials while watching NFL games. Also the Laffer Curve is bad and The Marriage of Figaro is good.
That wealth consists in money, or and silver, is a popular notion which naturally arises from the double function of money, as the instrument of commerce and as the measure of value.
In consequence of its being the instrument of commerce, when we have money we can more readily obtain whatever else we have occasion for than by means of any other commodity.
Years ago you could change the commentary on Amazon to, I think, an English guy and Irish guy and it was the best football has ever been. Every season I quietly hope they are brought back and they never are and it's just bad football.
YOU'RE RIGHT but I'm unable to explain how. It feels like I'm watching a full-length recap of the game I'm currently watching. Like someone is pointing a camera at a TV screen with the game on, and THEY'RE the ones commentating.
I'm impressed by their fancy AI "Red Circle Around the Defensive Player to Watch" feature, which has a lower hit rate than just picking a player at random
Puccini’s La Bohème is overrated due to its overexposure, sentimental storyline, and reliance on emotional manipulation through lush orchestration. Characters are archetypal and lack the depth found in more complex operas, such as those by Wagner or Verdi.
Are there operas about economics on Amazon? I'd love to understand what the radio people are talking about. I nod along thoughtfully, but it's all for show.
Do you think Lord of the Rings could actually be an allegory for the birth of Marxian economics, with Master Frodo as the burdened visionary Marx and stalwart Samwise as his able assistant Freddy Engels? Gandalf could represent a manifestation of class consciousness, Saruman the labor aristocracy
Pratchett on the economics of opera:
“You see,” he said, “cheese does make money. And opera doesn’t. Opera’s what you spend money on.”
“But . . what do you get out of it?”
“You get opera. You put money in, you see, and opera comes out”
You're never going to believe this but I'm actually working on an opera based on the life of Alan Greenspan, which involves several ballet interludes with people dressed as football players. Hoping to release to Amazon after the strike is resolved. Working title: "Streaming Fever Dream."
the stupid blitz analytics “sensor” is right less than a coinflip of the time. also unless he’s talking about gambling poor Al Michaels sounds like he’s dead inside
I actually kind of like opera now. Spotify thinks I'm a fan of Lusiano Pavarotti, but I'm actually a fan of Dame Joan Sutherland. But since they were in the same operas so often, the algorithm tries to give me Pavarotti on his own.
Nice To Be Able To Fast Forward Through The First Hour & 15 Minutes Of Startup Stuff & Head Right To The Game! 🏈 😁
I do question whether they will get back the $1B per year they paid.
If they really wanted to do something great they'd use AI to have Summerall and Madden call the game.
And Pat has to say, "Murder.....She Wrote"
The whole thing felt like I was trying to read an article on a crappy website filled with popup ads. It was obnoxious.
In this economy?
Break up the story into parts and now fans will have to catch all the games for the story to make any sense. Everyone wins!*
Now Opera, I own two albums; H.M.S. Pinafore and Jerry Springer. One is sophisticated. One has dancing KKK members. Both just great.
Maybe a libretto based in part on Victor Hugo’s writing.
Call it the Halfback of Norte Dame.
USC doesn’t like it, but the refs call it fair.
If Prime thinks it’s a moneymaker, ok-whatever.
Lord knows billionaires are running out of fun crap to do with their money.
Mozart is perfect charcuterie. You get giggly bits, dramatic bits, filthy bits… but it all works together.
“You see,” he said, “cheese does make money. And opera doesn’t. Opera’s what you spend money on.”
“But . . what do you get out of it?”
“You get opera. You put money in, you see, and opera comes out”
So I think the NFL should require domino masks on everyone involved.