Things are horrible but I do love that this sundowning creep keeps aligning himself with an increasingly despised Musk. Trump’s arrogant enough to think his magic will lift the Boer’s popularity but buddy, it’s the opposite. You’re sinking and he’s the anvil you’re holding. Now drown, ya fuckers.
Reposted from
Thomas Seal
Trump says he is going to buy a Tesla tomorrow.
*Let's pick up the pace a little
Tesla - not Elon’s baby. But maybe his neglected adopted baby.
You express the encapsulated rage & heartburn
this tawdry circus of corruption, this cavalcade of crime,
inspires within me, so excellently.
I hate him but no one posts like him
I want the White House saged from his moral sliminess alone.
Yeah the analogy has limits...
“No, you cant ride in one of those, we already have actual safe and bulletproof vehicles for you, not ones which will try to kill you or break an axel mounting a curb.”