You make excellent points in this article. We can't accomplish anything by alienating those who are the innocent victims of the actions taken by a group they happen to be part of but that doesn't act on their behalf.
Thank you Fred. I’m one of those veterans. I sure as hell didn’t vote for this maniac, either time. I’m 77 and don’t know how much time I’ve got left, and am out of fucks to give, and I’ll be dammed if they’re going to strip my disability rating without a fight.
I will read it when I have more time~I reply to things I want to find later~it is my system for 'dog-earing' on the internet~But from what I read FAFO my response was appropriate
The BEST doctors I have ever had were trained in the US military. Smart, compassionate, willing to be curious. We need to protect this avenue for training. We are already understaffed everywhere.
I read your piece, I agree in theory however, we are heading into a 2nd trump term. He's not an unknown quantity. maga knew who & what they were voting for. At this point, serious personal consequences may be the only thing that changes minds. I feel terrible for everyone that didn't vote for this.
And it’s not as though he wasn’t blatantly disrespectful and at times hostile toward the military in the first term! This is not a secret or some new development. My sympathy meter is low here.
The "vets for trump" crowd absolutely deserve what they voted for. Unfortunately, it's going to affect those who didn't and everyone else as those people get pushed into local hospitals and clinics that are already burdened. We are all screwed at this point.
That is just a list of some of the government departments that get funded annually through congressional appropriation.
Throwing about 10 million veterans , many of them, elderly, Some of them institutionalized, off the healthcare they earned by sacrificing for our nation.
Well well. First, Congress lets the funding expire then they have their reasoning for cutting/slashing it.
Get rid of NASA so SpaceX can slide in and take it's place. Slick. Privatization by Elon for Elon.
Why are people surprised that our veterans are treated like shit? G.I. means government issue. They belong to the government to use and abuse at their will. I know that not all military members are called G.I.'s, maybe it's even gone away but tell that to our remaining WW2 veterans.
Why has Congress not addressed this?
This is terrible!!
As a veteran I have relied on the VA since 1994. There was no possibly way I could have afforded the care I was receiving otherwise. This would be disastrous for so many in need, like myself, of low cost healthcare.
I can’t fathom what would happen if this was taken away from so many in need
“Never was so much owed by so many to so few.”
And I’m pretty sure Churchill wasn’t referring to Trump, his unelected cabinet, and the mean spirited hangers on.
Some of us used our heads and voted Harris. But sadly, too many of them hate people for just existing. Why? I don't know. I served for everyone to have rights.
Many Americans vote for fun, games, jokes, or trivial matters or petty things, but not for their own important interests. They do not cherish their democracy rights.
I think Ben is right. It's about hatred. Electing that guy was always about hatred - who they hate varies but that's what it comes down to. BS to the price of eggs and economic anxiety. It came down to Trump going after people you don't want/like (i.e. immigrants, dems, vets, black, latino, etc)
I voted for Kamala and for the United States, not Russia!! If I have to suffer bc of these idiots who voted for trump, it will make me happy that they have to suffer also!!
Easy to understand, they were a bunch of racist, who just looked at the massive undocumented deportation and mess Obama Care, including a lot of Veterans, who think Trump is business men, and he will lift the country, they never check that he's a loser with 6 bankrupt on his life, a rapist and a con
All the while they’ll continue with the anti-woke propaganda, claiming military recruitment is low because of woke policies when in reality they just treat vets poorly and no one wants to make a sacrifice for empty promises.
Disabled Vets be aware and beware. I understand you believe the status quo will continue but Trump and his band of pirates are seeking to take you money. Stand up and speak out. RESIST. Believe the facts.
An autocratic who wants to take over a country with the world’s largest military, wants to give that military and all who have served it the finger. That’s some stable genius thinking there.
I never know how much any individual knows about him, because clearly, half of Americans think he’s the shit and only know what paid shitheads tell them. He’s shitheadamericas boner pills for a brain that will always limp on its way to the zipper.
I just don’t understand. Why are they destroying our country like this??! I understand there is waste but it can be handled in many different ways but not by destroying necessary programs and departments. This is exactly what Russia wants absolutely 100% what they want.
One can almost guarantee other cuts by millionaires and billionaires. They have no care about making unneccessary pain for the rest of us. Going after the government should be the priority on cuts, but the rich republicans are to blame.
And my drop in the bucket salary with NIH won’t make much difference if I’m axed, but it’s everything for me and the family that I fully support. There’s a face behind every dollar they’re cutting, but money means more to them. Disgusting.
🖕🏼 if you served our country, you shouldn’t have to worry about anything ever again after your 20 years. How about we pull secret service funding for life or potus payments for life. It’s absurd.
In reality they cannot take away VA healthcare. If the Trump admin starts pushing hard on this it will destroy the GOP in the midterms ensuring an end to new Trump policies passing into law- other than executive orders. They go too far they pay a price. I say go for Vivelon!
Well, things have changed a little bit in the last few years most of my adult life veterans vote Republican so maybe the question is why do veterans hate themselves so much?
It’s more being such a mediocre human, that the random happenstance of the amount of melanin in your skin at birth, gives you some sort of inherent pride, just an absolute waste of an existence
I am a 20+ year retired AF Veteran. I begged every vet I knew to do some research. Most of them are so dead set on "sticking it to the libs" and waving their stupid MAGA flags and wearing the hats...they paid no attention to anything tRump was saying. We are all going to pay for their mistakes.
The two military veterans in my family despise Trump. However, I also know some veterans who worship him. It's unbelievable. I wonder how they feel about him after this?
I was up at my local VA Hosp yesterday (100% service connected P&T) and the insane amount of Nam era looking vets wearing their stupid MAGA hats astounded me.
Fox news indoctrinated them and I fear there is no hope getting through to them.
Fox news playing on every TV in the facility doesn't help.
Not sure why ANYONE thought a scum bag like Musk who has never done anything for anyone besides himself and a draft dodging grifter like tRump would do anything to support the military is so far beyond my understanding.
How this pompous turd is the "people's choice" is just mind boggling.
It came down to fewer than 300,000 votes. That's the margin for their "mandate." I don't know if this makes me feel better or worse. Better in the sense that they are NOT the overwhelming majority. But worse in that if more people had voted, we could avoid this needless cruelty.
honestly I have two older veteran family members (navy, AF) and they are racists BEFORE they are servicemen. I'm pretty much a reincarnation if their father and he would throw em against a wall if he were alive.
conservatives do not vote their economic interests. They vote their bigotry and rather than grow and change as humans they look for someone to validate their pre-existing prejudices and fears
One unfortunate aspect to all of this is the VA was really getting better. We have an amazing VA in Las Vegas and they have created satellite clinics throughout the city to make it easier for veterans to receive care.
The military has been missing their recruiting goal...cant help but wonder...
Whatever they have planned, we will know in the upcoming months. I am the Social Security, Medicare chick, so waiting to have that yanked out from me. Hoping we can stay above the waters.....for now
because wealthy people can avoid serving. It's predominantly people of color, economically disadvantaged kids, etc who are in the military especially on the front lines.
They don’t hate veterans specifically. They hate anyone and anything that receives money they might otherwise grab for themselves. That includes hungry children, single moms, education programs, veterans, etc.
Good luck with a getting recruits for a voluntary military if you won't give them appropriate healthcare after they've served. Or, are Republicans planning to bring back the draft?
Check out project 2025…
“All high school students, in schools that receive federal funding, (public schools), must complete the military entrance examination.”
No mention of private schools. I think it’s pretty clear what the end game is here. Cadet bone spurs can eat 💩 !!!
That's gonna be a shock to many. The draft ended when I was a senior in high school. The reality of being drafted motivated many many anti-war demonstrations. Heritage Foundation might have forgotten how animated people get when compelled to serve against their will.
Imagine volunteering to fight abroad, losing both legs, and then coming home to some billionaire tit from South Africa cutting your financial legs out from under you. What a disgrace.
Yeah, this is great. You have shown utter distain for the dead soldiers so finish the job. Rip out the benefits for the ones who are still alive and suffering.
Gee, I remember trying to warn my family members who are vets and who were going to vote for T and the GOP that this was their plan and I was told "No, it's not."
They are such maverick and unorthodox thinkers that they propose cutting everything except the military. What’s their next idea,
privatize more critical infrastructure?
Fuck these billionaires who are looking at VETERANS to save some pennies. If they want to go back to the 50s let’s at least include the part that taxed the hell out of them to pay for a social safety net for the people who GOT US to the post war period. Back then people knew fascists were the enemy
It figures. My husband just qualified for VA Healthcare benefits due to a botched shoulder surgery he had as a Naval Midshipman. So far experience has been better than private health insurance.
the VA was absolutely terrible in the 1980s, but after years and years of determined effort to make it better it's risen to be one of the best health care services in the country. and so of course the maga goons want to burn it down
Veterans who don’t need healthcare from the VA don’t care. 60% voted for the Dump. Hope they remember that when their own health fails because they could not care less about those breeding it now.
As a US Army Veteran F*%# these bastards that have never put their lives at risk for this country..Taking care of our protectors is sacred and is not up to a bunch of Billionaires that have not idea what service to country is !!!!
You pushed your signs in our faces. You acted tough because we “had not served.” You insulted us. You threatened us. Enjoy every minute of getting exactly what you deserve. We told you.
I'm starting to think, these two are here for no other reason than to distract us & instill fear among us !
While trump's busy doing other horrible things, behind closed doors !
Fred they talk about making America secure what they are doing is actually gutting America as they cannot stand law and order. They prefer lawlessness and chaos where they and their ilk can get away abusing the masses.
It also shows that they cannot govern themselves as well.
Only because it isn’t unfunded, I’d bet. It is a revenue generator. They will probably still cut it (after they’ve weaponized it and extracted what they want from opponents)
The increase in the IRS budget under Biden resulted in catching more of the rich and corporations who were tax dodging. That's why they want to cut this.
So the rich get away with committing crimes (tax evasion is a crime), and you think we should just let them? Rich people & corporations do pay taxes. Some of them engage in tax evasion & tax laws are so complicated,it taxes experts to unravel it.
How about looking at Senator pay and Representative pay plus look at lifetime benefits and their golden health care. I can guarantee it wasn't one of them with their great health care that shot that CEO!
I guess it was a bad choice for most of them to vote for that thing. Looks like they didn’t have their own best interests in mind…oh well live and learn
More than 60% of the veterans in the US are under age 65. I retired and kept Tricare, so I don't know much about whether or not the VA is better than Medicare. But I do know that there are millions of vets who are too young for Medicare and rely on the VA for their healthcare.
Thank you. I was just wondering if they could get the same care under Medicare. I was not sure if they were cutting it out altogether or the older vets would go on Medicare. It seems they are far apart and It would be closer to home if they used Medicare.
And yet here they are talking about cutting it. I’m genuinely worried about my dad’s healthcare. Then there’s social security to worry about. So even if they get outside insurance, no SS means what for the older folks & disabled? No insurance. No $ for living. A lot of deaths.
All of this would be disastrous. So many elderly and disabled have only SS to live on. And for veterans, their benefits are all they have. I don’t even want them to worry. Such bastards this new administration are.
Exactly. Older & disabled veterans rely on both. If they go away, there will be a lot of deaths from lack of healthcare & starvation. Homelessness due to healthcare related costs & lack of income. More suicides. Just disastrous. But hey, these rich pricks who can’t even spell Service will be fine.
This is what people voted for. It sucks that everyone has to suffer for the stupidity of a few, but that's America. It's a feature not a bug of Democracy.
These veterans made sacrifices for the country, some of them dire, and in exchange we promised to take care of their medical needs later. We PROMISED. Taking away their benefits is cruelly dishonoring some of the most honorable and dedicated people we’ve ever known.
For a craven politician, this makes sense. You and I are/were both military. We make up a tiny portion of the population. It's easy to strip our bennies while MAGA drapes itself in the flag for photo ops.
Contact your Congress people. DOGE doesn't exist. Congress controls the money and the creation of departments. Call your Congress people and tell them no to the creation of DOGE.
$512 billion in painful cuts to the most vulnerable in our population, to create offsets to give billionaires tax breaks. In the meantime America’s $36 trillion dollar deficit will only get bigger.
My 98 year old grandfather, who was in the Korean War, will get a flag. He doesn't have benefits. My friend who joined after 9/11 spent 5 years, and he says it's a joke. He works 2 jobs. My uncle, who has PTSD from Vinteem, doesn't get anything. He's too expensive of a case.
Has NOTHING to do with being more EFFECTIVE (i.e. delivering the same or better with less effort) but it's, just like in many businesses, cost cutting without overseeing the long term consequences for society.
Dad was an inpatient at a VAMC last month. The facility and care were top-shelf. It is how every American’s healthcare should be. No forms. No pre-authorization for procedures or specialty care. No co-pays. No billing. Just excellent care. And these ratfuckers want to end it.
One more thing: VA providers, unburdened by insurance bullshit, can do what's best for patients. (I'm not naive, I know they must deal with agency rules & regs and with facility Directors keeping an eye on the budget. That's real.)
And half of the US veterans voted for this. They are in for a surprise. I expect the gop to shut down the government the first chance they get. "Give us what we want or it will stay shut down".
There has to be a way to help veterans. Maybe the Blue states can come through. The Red states don’t have the money. I wouldn’t put it past them to cut funding and then declaring that the all powerful Market will take care of everything.
My brother is a veteran. He does not rely on the VA, yet.
Being mean is apparently more fun 🤷🏻♀️ I know we all feel the same, I am dreading reentering the Trump world. Only now we know it’ll be worse this time.
Being mean feels nasty except to those twisted minds that thrive on it. I totally understand a feeling of dread ine might have. They're all lined up ready to do his bidding with sinister ass smiles or straight face. Talking about this what America voted for 🤔 NO! That's what the handlers wanted😉
As for the American people in general, I wish I knew what draws them to Trump. Looking at the possibility of something similar in my country & I wish I knew why people would choose someone who is only out to hurt the general population.
I was referring to an article about possible vet benefits being decimated.
I have a great deal of respect for armed forces personal, they risk much for little compensation. I still don't know how 65% of them could vote for a person with no integrity.
💯Fred...If my information is correct, more white women chose to vote for an insurrectionist, convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, sexual predator, racist, misogynistic, serial lying, malignant narcissist WHITE MAN, over a candidate who would restore a woman's right to repro health and body autonomy
It’s a reasonable exercise to look at waste and inefficiency. But draconian cuts to any program is seldom the answer. Particularly programs designed to help our vets.
Dismantling the safety net & human rights, targeting burn pit funding.There will be push back from each constituency of all those slated cuts. If they manage to cut anything, it will be drawn out in the courts for years. The ? Is: Who abdicates their responsibilities that will allow this?
The billionaire class and Lobbyists must be reigned in! I boycott big business for this reason, I shop small only. You will never see me in a Walmart or any chain store or restaurant,hair salon, coffee shop... It's the only way to bring them all down. I also don't go to doctors!
Musk is reckless and has ZERO respect for our veterans. We must protect the men and women who have fought and served with respect. They should be treated with dignity and the highest honor.
Leave it to those who have not served to say those who have that they have too much. The VA, Social Security, Medicare are the safety net for the people of this country who need it. Two billionaire unelected asshats have no business targeting programs that are lifelines.
When one is programmed by the military to follow orders without question, when there are clear black and white boundaries, when there’s a defined class system, when there are bad guys and you know you’re one of the good guys- MAGA makes perfect sense to them. No grey areas.
The military doesn't teach you to follow orders without question. It teaches you to follow LAWFUL orders. If you're a blind automaton it's a personal defect. Millions have served with decency. These fucking shitheads are something else but don't smear everyone in the military because of it.
Many are more comfortable when they are blind automatons. It saves them having to think. The Military provides a comfortable space, especially if they are only ever given lawful orders and blindly trust their superiors.
Ma’am stop. I served 22-years in the Army and not one soldier I ever served with was “blind automaton.” That is so fucking offensive. Do you even know a single soldier?
I was referring to the reply to my post where I said military are trained to follow orders without question. My family has a long military history, including employment by veterans services, and would be horrified by MAGA politicians. So I agree with “not all”.
That is true. But it still doesn't justify smearing the millions who have made incredible sacrifices to serve nameless strangers at, potentially, the cost of their own lives. And the military can often be incredibly UNCOMFORTABLE.
True it's just show up and wear green, but it's also very difficult.
Take out that part then. Black and white boundaries, bad guys/good guys, no grey areas, clearly defined class system? Officers don’t mingle with enlisted, right?
Can also be a characteristic of the neurodivergent. Rigid boundaries are safe. Not saying ALL neurodivergent people or military personnel are rigid, but it makes some sense.
Some people are just followers. Period. Go to any house of worship in the world and you'll find the greatest collection of people susceptible to hypnosis because that is who goes to be led - FOLLOWERS.
Some follow out of fear, some out of weakness, most out of a need for acceptance.
Sometimes it's great. Sometimes not so much. Like the day I showed up for a surgery and they hadn't bothered to call and tell me the doctor wasn't coming in that day lol but generally they try to be quite responsive.
Republican Senate Republican house, Republican president and Supreme Court that is Republican. They will own it. People won’t learn unless Trump starts to destroy - and the Democrats as usual will have to fix everything later.
Every single time when we have Republican control, Democrats have to fix their destruction when they get power again. I really wish people paid attention to that, but apparently they don't.
Before lint 4 brains went down the escalator at trump towers I used to think no American wanted America to be destroyed until millions of idiots voted 4 him in his first term & 74 million plus idiots reelected him. It's like half of America said come back and finish destroying America. 🤬
Housing Assistance is also on the larger list. That will put people out on the street and immediately create homeless. Many who are using HA (which is Section 8, HUD housing, etc.) got it as a way to get OUT of homelessness. I am one such person. We don't all have family to live with.
My worry is that no one will show up when it comes to it. Unlike South Korea, we are a huge country; most people are locked into jobs they would fear losing if they took off a few days (or longer) to go protest. We need to be making plans for rotational protesting and pick locations in each state.
The problem is, he now controls the Military.. we wouldn't get anywhere unfortunately. You have to start voting Up/down ballot in every Local and Federal election.
We have got to remove these ReTrumplicans from Washington.
That’s the temporary suffering that Elon talked about. They’ll suffer temporarily and then they’ll die and we’ll watch our economy tank. But it’s ok because Elon’s mom says he’s a very special boy who can fix things!
These people. 🙄
Inexcusable. Also, cutting Pell grants essentially forces students to take on more debt and we know how much the GOP likes to profit from student loans. MAGA scum.
Neither of them served in the military. Leave it to MAGA to both be pro-life until a child is born and then forget about them. Or call themselves patriots and then forget about the sacrifices veterans have made for freedom and democracy.
But of course, the left is unhinged and hates the US.
"childcare is unaffordable, how are you going to fix that?"
"well I'm gonna hire this trillionaire to cut all funding for childcare and then you can all go fuck yourselves, how about that?"
"YAAAY YAY BRILLIANT WE LOVE YOU" [idiot seal clapping]
The asshole who railed against “all that fentanyl coming into our country” wants to kill the only program that
Treats the effects…
He won’t have anyone left to buy virtual Trading Cards!!
As a therapist, I am absolutely _terrified_ for my clients with the incoming administration. Removing some of the things that literally keep people alive... Even the things that are not life and death ARE. Desperation impacts functioning, childhood development - just look at the ACES study.
These cuts won't come anywhere near the proposed $3 trillion by these evil tyrants. What else is planned for the American people? Where will the rest of the cuts come from? The cryptofascist rulers flaunt their power, manipulating from the shadows.
Can someone tell me how a made up department staffed by people that aren’t even in official roles for the government have the authority to allocate and cut tax payer funding? I see NASA on that list, of course.
They are members of the billionaires club that soon will occupy the WH. They have no clue about policies and they don't have the wisdom. They only care about power and money. They don't care about people. Grifters
If they're elderly men and women in their 80's and they voted for Trump then the only ones I feel sorry for are their cats & dogs that will wind up in shelters because they can't afford to keep them.
I help assist some of my veteran patients who have served during wartime obtain VA in home & LTC benefits as they age in place in home or need a higher level of care. If those programs are slashed it will put more strain on Medicaid & SNFs. Some of these elderly vets would end up homeless.
These are horrible people. My Dad spent 25 years in the US Army, and though I miss him very much, I am glad he is not around to see this bullshit. RIP Dad.
But half of those people voted for Trump and millions didnt vote at all so maybe next time they’ll do the right thing. Elections have consequences and half of these people thought what Trump and the newspapers were saying was a joke. Now they’re gonna learn the hard way.
It would be nice if we had a President to have billionaires pay 39% taxes that would easily fund these programs. But since president Elon trump is taking over, that will never happen. For those who voted for them and used to benefit from these programs . . . take a good look in the mirror. FAFO
Don't you ever check how the communists work, messing the kids with shit schools, now we have that in Mexico, imaging in the text nooks they have witchcraft clases and how to make sex toys, but no Maths.
This would be tragic for 95 yo Silver Star recipient Marine wounded in Korea is dependent on VA Healthcare...multiply that by the numbers from Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and other locations around the world and you can predict the aging population will require support. Despicable.
Truly, they do not care about the *millions* who may suffer and, yes, die...because - like those who ruled in 1930's Germany - they don't see "people".
Trump, Musk, and all their cabinet picks are monsters wearing human faces.
Pell grants are the greatest opportunity for low-income, underrepresented students to attend community colleges for trades, transfer degrees, or applied bachelor’s degrees without loans. These grants empower them out of the poverty cycle. We cannot allow Pell grants to be cut.
My 80+ year old neighbor, a disabled veteran of the Korean and Vietnam wars, has insisted that Trump won’t cut benefits. He lives alone, no family, so I’ll keep doing little errands for him. But I want to know when he will find out if these cuts affect him? I know nothing about VA benefits.
Buy nothing that Musk owns. No flamethrowers. No Tesla cars. No Tesla roofs. No Power Walls. Vote against any hyperloop. Vote against using the Boring Company. Do not subscribe to Starlink. Give him NO MONEY. This will get his attention because it's all he cares about. I am a veteran so fuck him.
Fusion in the front and decompression in the back. You know those bones running down your neck? They shave them down to allow more room for the nerves going to your spine.
That's actually my best picture ever. I'm very proud of it 😀
I have cervical disk herniations, service connected, the VA basically said they'd never do surgery. Outside Dr said he would but I can't pay yet. I left VA and have been suffering in pain for years.
Dude, that sucks. I'm sorry. I've fought VA for years and they still won't call my neck svc connected. They've done both of my neck surgeries though. I worked with PVA to help with benefits. I am actually, other than a few (dozen) things, fairly satisfied with my VA treatment. It took a long time.
Well mine IS service connected and they wouldn't do shit. It's fairly serious too. Nobody should have to fight. That's a serious problem everywhere and it needs to be dealt with. No administration is fixing these problems and they're surprised at the UnitedHealth incident?
To be honest, that’s not a group of people I would purposely piss off first thing out of the gate. And to go after ALL of them at once? Clearly those Dudes are not very smart.
100%. Cut VA benefits, likely both medical and help with college would result in drastic drop off in volunteers. Enter Israeli styled conscription. I see this as almost certain. IMO.
The FBI?! 🤡
The SEC, THAT’LL help everyone’s 401K we’re all supposed to be living on after we retire. Which, they intend us all never to get TO a “retirement” age. Or more like: retire = death. 🤷🏼♂️☠️
Can anyone explain why they’re so bent on cutting funding to these important programs? Is there any reason beyond how they’ll pay for their next billionaire tax cut?
Asking for a friend 😂
* Will care be better or worse on the 'free market'?
* How will the tax savings be distributed?
I'll bet neither of those two lite beta incels has a dependable answer to either.
Throwing about 10 million veterans , many of them, elderly, Some of them institutionalized, off the healthcare they earned by sacrificing for our nation.
Get rid of NASA so SpaceX can slide in and take it's place. Slick. Privatization by Elon for Elon.
This is terrible!!
I can’t fathom what would happen if this was taken away from so many in need
And I’m pretty sure Churchill wasn’t referring to Trump, his unelected cabinet, and the mean spirited hangers on.
"Policies laid out in Project 2025, touted as a blueprint for a second Donald Trump term, would revamp...
A push to cut veterans disability benefits is gaining traction, experts warn
Buddy of mine told me that every common room TV on Fort Cavazos (Hood) is Fox.
I ask that the channel be changed whenever I am up there and it is about a 50/50 chance they do it for me.
💔I'm so sorry.
Fox news indoctrinated them and I fear there is no hope getting through to them.
Fox news playing on every TV in the facility doesn't help.
the number of them that I have excised from my life over the last decade, each one bringing me relief and joy to be rid of them
How this pompous turd is the "people's choice" is just mind boggling.
conservatives do not vote their economic interests. They vote their bigotry and rather than grow and change as humans they look for someone to validate their pre-existing prejudices and fears
The military has been missing their recruiting goal...cant help but wonder...
I mena, this can stop if they stop voting for Republicans.
But they don't.
What a travesty for our Country, USA!
It just sucks because some veterans didn’t vote for this, but a lot did.
“All high school students, in schools that receive federal funding, (public schools), must complete the military entrance examination.”
No mention of private schools. I think it’s pretty clear what the end game is here. Cadet bone spurs can eat 💩 !!!
privatize more critical infrastructure?
While trump's busy doing other horrible things, behind closed doors !
It also shows that they cannot govern themselves as well.
Seems fitting that a man whose solution to public transportation is "subways, but with Teslas" has decided to grab the third rail with both hands
Wake up, Americans.
This is only the beginning.
Look at the rest of the list. Eliminating federal prisons will save money by transferring the incarcerated inmates to private prisons exactly how?
issuses in Bismarck.
As a citizen activist I spoke up, per request by NA Vets, on the egregious idea of IHS (Indian Health Service) taking over their care.
Unteniable idea.
My brother is a veteran. He does not rely on the VA, yet.
I have a great deal of respect for armed forces personal, they risk much for little compensation. I still don't know how 65% of them could vote for a person with no integrity.
Proud son of a Vietnam Vet.
One of the all-time self-owns.
(which, of course, hurts people like you and me who are vets who voted for Harris)
True it's just show up and wear green, but it's also very difficult.
Some follow out of fear, some out of weakness, most out of a need for acceptance.
They should let the GOP burn everything else down. Let the people suffer the consequences of their choices.
We have got to remove these ReTrumplicans from Washington.
These people. 🙄
But of course, the left is unhinged and hates the US.
"well I'm gonna hire this trillionaire to cut all funding for childcare and then you can all go fuck yourselves, how about that?"
"YAAAY YAY BRILLIANT WE LOVE YOU" [idiot seal clapping]
Treats the effects…
He won’t have anyone left to buy virtual Trading Cards!!
Politicians are subject to separate treatment , still unclear ?
The herd will be thinned. They just haven't realised it is they who will be falling just yet.
Is gone!
Trump, Musk, and all their cabinet picks are monsters wearing human faces.
I'm a 2x vet, who is disabled and has numerous issues.
If I were to lose my VA benefits, I would literally have to kill myself to take care of my family.
I would also lose access to the drugs that 🛑 me from being a homicidal maniac.
Just sayin'🤷♀️...
That's actually my best picture ever. I'm very proud of it 😀
Healthcare for these people still happens, regardless. Who pays?
The SEC, THAT’LL help everyone’s 401K we’re all supposed to be living on after we retire. Which, they intend us all never to get TO a “retirement” age. Or more like: retire = death. 🤷🏼♂️☠️