I want you to understand this is happening in our name and we know most of these men committed no crimes. One is a professional soccer player who was tortured in Venezuela and was working through asylum in the U.S. ICE shipped him for his Real Madrid tattoo and a picture throwing rock & roll horns.
I bet Miller gets a tiny small dicked woody every time he watches this video.
So we cannot see their faces?
So relatives can never know where the missing are?
To make them look like freaks?
thats it.
That's all.
change your media diet if you aren't seeing them
what would you do in our shoes?
Theyre stealing your country and using violence to do it
Take it back and be ruthless
Or get out of the way so others can
Peaceful doesnt bring in ratings
It is to tell the system that it won’t change you. To let “them” know that they have a shitload of work to do to achieve their aims.
Arse-kissing weakling cowards who bend to fascism will also suffer and die.
It’s going to take everything from all of us. From boycotting to violence; whatever we have the appetite for.
I want someone to use their 2A right and put a bullet in the child rapist. But it has to be a US citizen.
our media aren't covering our protests.
Yet, now, you blame us all.
Where are you?
We DO have a growing resistance movement, but...
"The resistance will not be televised"
Anyone remember the French Revolution?
There are protests literally every single day, the legacy media isn't covering them. People are also taking direct action they can't talk about on social media.
Other side is mostly white people who only want to take what they believe is their rightful place on top and will sell their soul and yours to make that happen.
Just some goon policeman suspecting or having a gut feeling is not enough.
oUR TAX dollars are going towards this inhumane treatment.
Without our consent.
trump who calls the enemy putin & incessantly repeats his propaganda?
Musk who worked here illegally after quitting school & destroyed a 🇺🇦 offensive by disabling Star link & repeats 🇷🇺 propaganda & is illegally gutting US govt?
Fkg murderous guards are the criminals and our taxes are paying for this.👹🤬
You will have people afterwards saying "How could we know? We didn't know! We never knew!"
These are lies. We know.
We are damned.
The Country would be far better off with a woman of color in the White House.
American families are going to get split up or sent who knows where.
The regime is trying to find out how far they can push and how much they can get away with.
No legal representation
Not “prisoners”
Bukele is an Arab ruling a central American country.
I am so ashamed of my country right now. And pissed. Above all, pissed!
The USA likes to point at Germany like THAT is when it started, nope, they were inspired by the USA.
No other country has meddled in, tried to change gov'ts, formed coups more than anything than the USA.
We see how they are with Israel and their support no matter who is in charge.
When tr💩mp held his hate rally at MSG, we tried reminding people about the nazi rally held 85 years earlier at the same location. We were called extremists 🤷🏽♀️ Can’t make it up
IF they are gang members, I want their names, ages, gang affiliation. IF they’re gang members, I have no pity for them. Let them rot! My concern is no proof who they are
Having something 'critical of Trump on your phone' will soon be a crime.
The arrested a person for having an anti-trump post on their Instagram.
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist (1 of 2)
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me.
Written by a German Priest who originally supported Hitler until they started controlling the church. He was sent to a concentration camp.
(Follow the money!!)
teump Org is facing boy in civil & criminal court cases -
Trump Ocean Club Panama
Tax evasion
He’ll threaten & then the cases will go away
And you Inmate B? I wiped out an entire family.
And what about you Inmate C? I tried to emigrate to the US.
This is fucking insane!!!
Inmate A: What are you here for? I was taken off a bus because I was brown.
Inmate B: I was dragged out of my home because I was black while my relatives were shot to death.
Inmate C: I'm transgender and got caught with legal antidepressants prescribed to me.
I was charged with …
But even that hasn’t happened
No charges
No due process
Ship this amoeba out, then. To some foodless desert island alone, or maybe Chernobyl wasteground, alone.
But the mistreatment, humiliation and horror of the treatment of these Venezuelans is most horrifying. We should be outraged and marching in the streets. But we are not.
As Maya Angelou said I have a "readiness to rage".
Find a niche that fits you & fill it.
Consistently & intentionally.
"Bodies upon the gears"
-Mario Savio
Look to, & support the young. They have been prepping for a
🎶 "Knock at the door" -Phil Ochs, in classrooms for years. now
as I too am active.
As a "resource enthusiast" 😊, check out the "10 Culture Characteristics of White Supremacy" on https://dismantlingracism.org
I printed out the Poison Bottles Art, hung, & reference it ALL the time.
It's been so helpful to quantify system design & behaviors to
HOWEVER, evidence suggests that the majority will do nothing.
Goons are goons.
They just total cowards and hide their faces.
Think about it: compassionate believers in human rights aren't likely to apply for ICE jobs.
Legalize drugs & get serious abt mental Healthcare in this country, we wouldn't have gangs in the 1st place. Not that I believe for min they are all gang members. That is a cover.
Time for millions of angry Americans to protest in the streets. Or that's what we do with rogue leaders in Europe anyway.
Because far too many people only behave decently, if the risk of consequences from the opposite behavior is too big
Shame on the USA and El Salvador!
It's possible to fight crime while respecting human beings.
These are the very same assholes from J6, the bullies you knew in school, the dumb fuck jocks that picked on the smaller kids, the shit stain that steals lunch money. ZERO human empathy. Its going to get worse. Much worse.
"Nobody can protect you. These are dangerous times."
— Jelani Cobb, Columbia Journalism Dean
& 🎶 "Knock at the Door"
-Phil Ochs
I fill ill, as should every decent American.
@fpwellman.bsky.social I'm curious as to the source of this footage. Can you provide a citation? Attribution is important on the interwebs.
Realized you messed up and want to help fix it, fine, we need all the help we can get. Still supporting it? I support anything anyone does to you in retaliation
Nah fuck this shit.
Fuck Trump
Fuck project 2025
Fuck ALL of MAGA.
Fuck them sideways with a hot iron.
This is not a drill anymore.
This shit is real.
Calling on all resistance fighters.
Prepare for battle.
If USA is employing people and paying them to torture with our tax dollars it must stop.
We must not sink to torture.
If you love this president - as some do - please explain why torture is a policy that you're willing to give the gov't permission to engage in for us, pd by us?
Have we moved so far away from Lincoln that the ideal of a government 'Of the people, By the People, and For the People' is no longer wanted?
When did people vote in torture?
We didn't
No one mandated it
How can we change it?
Ie the "founding" usurpers drafted the constitution under sworn secrecy and armed guard as a "limited monarchy" to protect the "well bred" from a "tyranny of the majority."
Hitler and Putin did the same thing..
Then, they torture them in ways that most people can not even begin to imagine.
If you want to know, then watch the documentary Bucha or read the reports of gang rapes , beatings, and electrocutions.
I read everything I can access free.
It drives me to continue bringing awareness to what is happening and to support Ukraine and democracy every way that I can.
Use that pain to fight back against Trump and Putin.
Be creative but be peaceful.
There are still normal people in the US who can rise up.
GOP Traitors
They have all betrayed US
they are NOT human
This is the brand new prison that they are using to house gang members, That behaviour is on purpose to demean and humiliate detainees.
I’ve stopped donating to ActBlue, but willing to donate for oppositional, fact-based, simple media campaigns - on all platforms. . . and HURRY!
He is absolutely insane!!
Elected officials need to stand up for human rights and the constitution!!
Better wake the fuck up, because the very narrow window to do something about it, is rapidly closing.
There isn’t that much white trash probably 1/3 of their base. I think they are all trash for not voting and voting for this man.
It's a day off as well. As it should be.
Here, they WANT the worker bees to stay away.
59% of white men and 52% of white women voted for this. So I place the blame per usual on the melanin challenged folks 🤣🤷🏾♀️ per usual.
You can’t generalize. I live in a state with many Mexican Americans and I know women who are brown with WHITE MEN. They vote for those men.
The Republican Party under that Orange is exercising absolute power, especially in a cruel and oppressive way.
WORE FACE MASKS. Are they ashamed or just know what they
It would look like WWII GERMANY. That's what it looks like to me
how about YOU?
This is so illegal against human rights and I believe UNCONSTITUTIONAL. I was just following orders didn't work for
War criminals I don't think it will would work for ICE.
Donald Trump
Elon Musk
JD Vance
Stephen Miller
Russ Vought
Kash Patel
Dan Bongina
Emil Bove
Pete Hegseth
RFk, Jr
Marco Rubio
Please add to this list. I left out the women bc I don't want to see Tulsi or Kristi bald.
Ivan Raiklin
Roger Stone
Steve Bannon
Mike Adams
Sickening. This demon is in overdrive, crushing democracy, serving tyranny, and stomping on human rights.
No words can capture this demon's cruelty!
If we allow this to happen NO ONE is safe.
what the youth has been screaming✨️
Please add volume & repeat more frequently.
Tattoo: suspicious
Brown skin: suspicious
Accent: suspicious
Speaking different language: suspicious
Native American: suspicious.
Suspicious: DEPORTED
Brown and/or not born here: suspicious, deported.
It's almost like reducing a complicated mathematical process to a beautiful equation only one once long. Like an algorithm. The divide and conquer one
I mean there’s also Weird Al going “I’m whiter than sour cream”
Shoving down the heads of these people who DID NOT RECEIVE DUE PROCESS for Trump propoganda.
Watching masked cowards do Trump's dirty work where they can't be doxxed is a new level of pathetic cowardice.
I see criminals in this video. They wear masks.
If you think it can’t happen to you—
Think again.
Human supremacy is as bad as white supremacy and all the other others
All sentient life deserves honour and respect
Like the prisoners still in Guantanamo without trial after more than two decades?
When people see this happening in their own cities it's understandably harder to ignore, but let's not pretend this is anything new.
If they're allowed to do this to them !
They can do this to ANY OF US ! Any American !
Just think, this could be you, as early as tmw !
We are no longer safe !
Those who could save us or stop this kind of shit, all work for trump and are compliant with such horrors !
I will not go quietly
Bunch of apes.
The United States paid El Salvador $6 million to take in Venezuelan illegal immigrants https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/us-paying-el-salvador-6m-to-jail-hundreds-of-venezuela-gang-suspects-pennies-on-the-dollar/ar-AA1B6IOi?ocid=socialshare
I'm seeing reports that some were legal asylum
He REFUSED TO DEFEND THIS COUNTRY because he's one of them.
You REFUSE to see what's happening.
You do not understand who these people are and goddamn liberal scum who put us in this situation NEVER FUCKING WILL
My heart is breaking.
Hitler would applaud this.
Zero tolerance for deportation without due process
History rhymes
Additional reading:
Shirer, William L. Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. Arrow Books, 1991.
Persist and resist together
I don't read dystopian anymore cause we live in one.
Even if all western civilization joined in, they would still be outnumbered.
No government has ever won a war against its own people, without outside help, decades & massive population loss.
USA can't lose that much population, or we'd be invaded in a heartbeat.
See ya in our streets
They are the savages.
How lucky can we get!
And now we're shipping these people to El Salvador to be literally enslaved? This is, in a word, demonic.
It’s Christian
It’s white christo fascism on full display
Their goal has always been a multi tier caste system
White ‘hetero’ males in power
Minorities allowed to exist as long as they serve a purpose
Field workers
Cheap laborers
Chinese Exclusion Act v2025