nothing will ever be quite as funny to me as Cybertruck owners saying "what ever happened to basic compassion and decency, I thought we lived in a society"
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I bought this 7 THOUSAND pound, limited visibility stainless steel batting ram to drive on suburban and residential roads and people are mean to me 😫😫😫😭😭
"Look Mom, I made a car out of batteries!" - "Better not load it up with software so you can charge people for it, son." Except it wasn't actually Elon that built it and later VW didn't even want to hire the guy that did.
Oh believe me I'm aware. The rat's only talent is buying companies. But in 2016 2017 the crazy hadn't gone full national media mainstream, so it was a lot harder to see if you were, say, a casual consumer looking to switch to a full EV.
How can they afford to buy a cybertruck, a monster truck and donate to the orange asshole? Not to mention be upset about the rising cost of eggs? It's befuddling. hmmmm😖
Awww..... their poor feelings are getting hurt.... poor things.... what a shame they have to put up with people not liking them for supporting something/someone...
Reminds me of normies complaining of having to accommodate tiny queer minority by addressing them in their chosen terms. Such oppression! Like the Jews of Israel who can’t abide Palestinian emotions.
The vehicle itself is antisocial--a 7,000 lb wedge that goes 0-60 in 2.6 seconds. Its appeal is "fuck everyone else, I'll be safe in here." You bought that.
Maga should be required to quit using anything created by liberals in any way, since they think we are the enemy within. This includes visiting any of our allies that they are attaching to the liberal agenda. No more European, Canadian, or Mexican vacations. Let them get a big dose of reality.
That people who absolutely loathed EVs are now buying EVs from TeSSla in order to "own the libs" caused Eiron, the Goddess of Irony, to laugh so hard she sharted her robes before falling into a coma.
They're banned in the UK at least because of a number of safety concerns - both to people inside and outside the cars. I've heard suggestions that Europe might do the same but I'm not sure if it's actually happened or not.
The irony is palpable. It's hilarious to see people who bought a futuristic, polarizing vehicle like the Cybertruck suddenly advocating for traditional values like compassion and decency.
Aside from the nazi; when those people realise “your car is illegal in places because it has no thought to other road users” and … finally …. equate that as empathy they need then maybe….
Just maybe…..
Till then….
I could power something with the spin of my rolling eyes….
Or basic whtbros™️ defending RFK from “mean leftists” punching up when they make fun of his voice… guess they forgot about the disabled reporter trump mocked or Tim Walz son they mocked or Joe Biden’s very faint stutter they mocked or or or… the lEfT iS sUpPoSeD tO bE KiNd
😂😂 a MEGA member sad because people say his truck is ugly is even a tiny bit close to say, the proud boys? KKK, Oath Keepers a few of the known 835 known hate groups. None of these groups looking for hugs or all inclusive picnics.
Especially considering, when liberals do show compassion and decency, it’s used to make claims of communism, grooming and whatever other nonsense maga can spew.
Ah yes, when people who have led financially successful lives experience ANY sort of pushback or negative feedback and they immediately out themselves as out of touch with the rest of us by insinuating society ever had compassion and decency in my lifetime.
Basic compassion and decency do not apply to vehicles, ownership or possessions. They apply to life. Vehicles are especially designed to isolate people from the itinerant experience of humanity in which one is forced to face the homeless and hungry and express compassion and decency where it's due.
Cybertrucks/=All Teslas. The thing about Cybertrucks is that people who bought them, bought them after Musk fully revealed how horrid and evil he is. That can't be said for regular Teslas and the people I know don't think just a having a Tesla sedan makes one evil.
I expect musk will be fired from doge and from tesla due to teslas' brand being too closely aligned to him. Cars are sold on the vibe. It's shown in the tanking tesla sales worldwide.
I agree however, most of us live in a bubble of information. It's quite likely that many ct buyers didn't have twitter and didn't know musk was such a dick. I'm pretty sure they do now. Some of course are fanboys but I think many are likely horrified as most T owners are. Most won't buy another.
Please donate to me or share my link..... O.K🙏🏻My situation is very difficult. Every $10makes a difference.🙏🏻 I am sorry to tell you that I have not fed my children since morning.💔😔
They are making sure there is widespread popular support for fascism for the foreseeable future. It’s so easy. Just ruin society and throw around some toxic memes and there ya go, a race of MAGAts.
I have to try to rise above and resist gracefully without spite. I’ve never had a lot of hope for this world. Best to live heroically, heal the broken and keep my sights on the Most High.
They’ve been locking up those of us that spoke out against it for decades. Americans didn’t care. As long as the jails were full, Americans were happy.
How did we become an authoritarian nation???? Such a goddamned mystery…
They bought a truck that is lethally unsafe, destroys small cars in collision, takes off fingers, excessively kills pedestrians, and rusts when washed.
Where is their compassion?
Oh and the throttle pedal falls off and blocks controls. “Build fast and break it” design is not compassion. Negligent
I mean as i see it we can do this with anyone. I can likely shame you for any decision you make too. That is the real problem with this. It isnt actually helping fight facists. It is isntead breaking solidarity and creating displaced dehumanization
I generally agree with you. But I am criticizing the post described about where is the compassion for Cybertruck owner. It is not secret knowledge that many vehicles bought by consumers are bad for anyone in a smaller vehicle, on foot, or on a bike. People also buy upgrades that make them unsafe.
If you support that type of engineering which prioritizes your status, appearance, and wealth over the safety of the public, either you are ignorant of risk assessment or you meant to do it. That has nothing to do with fascism. I am a mechanical engineer. Elon Musk is a very sloppy designer and
he is happy to risk the lives of the people he considers beneath him such as customers and workers.
That part is .... social darwinism and very bad engineering. The only reason he can get away with it is he is so wealthy he is immune from charges of criminal negligence.
So yes, I am criticizing the buyer who wrote. And also criticizing Tesla and Elon Musk for amoral actions.
I do agree that we need compassion. That is the entire point. I believe that you can't ask for compassion if you don't show it. So perhaps, I was hypocritical in order to make a joke.
Generally my point. The cybertruck is a very impractical vehicle that is overweight and has many flaws making it useless for almost anything but showing off.
They did not even learn the lesson of DeLorean that stainless steel sucks for car bodies.
i mean more I am also not trying to justify anyone individuals reasoning for it, but instead just questioning the idea of if going out and attacking people vehicles and saying let us be assholes based on vehicle choice really helps or prevents solidarity
They are people willing and able to drop 80k on a symbol of conspicuous consumption that endangers the rest of us. It's to say we should be in solidarity with the bougiouse boot on our neck. It's not liberatory solidarity. It's class collaborationism, a tenant of historical fascism.
not saying that is good reason either, but like I said before we cant really just assume peoples reasoning so quickly or even what information they had access to especially because if I am honest there also was a lot of misinfo going around too which might make some hyper skeptical too
I mean on some level I think you are right, but a lot of people I knew liked it more because it represented the potentiol for more experimentation in the auto industry. In a ironic sense, they hoped it would enable more distinct designs not less
I mean then to be honest you really need to interect with more people. Like the only people I have even known who have had them are all progressives. I am not saying their reasoning for it was good, but people make purchases with different awareness and different thoughts.
and I dont have this issue just with tesla. I think we should be concerned with displaced dehumanization as a consequence of metadehumanization as a whole. Even legitimate threat easily gets thrown on others
I mean not really cause they are just normal people. In fact if you look at the statistics on preorders for them, you will find they dont really line up with red wing nutjobs either. TBH I am not really defending their purchase. I am more questioning why we are taking it to a dehumanizng level
Ah, yeah... those guys that break the social contract daily all while calling everyone else snowflakes as the do it. Those guys now want the social contract to apply to them? Not a chance.
Forward thinking was not employed by Tesla. In trying to have its Cybertruck passed for British Roads. It FAILED 5 Critical Safety issues.
They are Prohibited in Britain and Ireland and I believe in the Antilles.
Whodathunk that the former casino owner who stole from a charity and ran a scam university, and the white South African emerald mine owner weren't beacons of compassion and decency.
Unfortunately, the local Cybertruck in my town is also a mother with two kids. When I discovered that, I felt bad for the kids. They probably get viciously, VICIOUSLY bullied over pulling up every day in the Nazimobile.
BMW still uses the Nazi logo. White propeller in a blue sky. Because BMW only started making cars after WWII when we told them they couldn't make airplane engines anymore. Those are the original swasticars.
The Cybertruck is so abominable and the brand so toxic that society collectively forgot that Hummer just came out with their own electric nightmare tank, it's truly amazing.
Someone mentioned that their cars in the 90s had gas mileage of 30 or40 mpg, I don’t know if the change was so slow. I don’t remember it. Curious if anybody remembers how many miles they got back in the day? So much technology and we just make crap stuff that falls apart quicker. Oil and auto evil
Electric cars have tires created from oil; they operate on roads made from an oil product-asphalt; and they are largely electrified by coal and natural gas.
The fact that they cost 50% more than a normal vehicle means that electric cars aren’t saving the planet.
Not arguing for or against electric. At what point do we demand quality things that last at least 20 years that run efficiently with less effect to the environment? Capitalism will always exploit and use all resources with no regard. Scientists have created better options, but we refuse to change
Shit forgot the last point. Easily rectified by purchasing incentives and manufacturing discounts, take the money we use to prop up fossil fuels and gas cars and just shift it to clean energy and electric cars.
Also scale down car design and disincentivize larger vehicles.
This is an extremely bad faith, lets actually break down each point. And I'll preface this saying I think electric cars are a stop gap at best but that's more urban design issues.
Tires do use oil to manufacture, but the amount compared to the life span of a tire is magnitudes different.
I dislike the fact that they exist (and weigh 9000 pounds!!!), but in all honesty, they don't look too bad. Every other SUV has gotten so huge in the last few years that it doesn't even look all that bloated anymore, and the softer edges make it look kinda like a modern Jeep.
I saw someone kicked off r/snowboarding for defending JD Vance and he said it was sad that people should have to hide their true selves to be accepted in communities and how wrong it is to dismiss entire groups whole cloth. I'm reporting this from Purgatory because I died that day.
You're a better person than me. My black ass is so done with it all, I told them what they tell the LGBTQ community. If the majority is against it, you need to not "parade it around" and "shove it down their throats." But then, I'm fully a Jokerized maniac in a middle school principal's body.
Yeah, this is like how after elections they desperately post for their partners and friends not to leave them "over politics" after they vote for state sanctioned violence and socioeconomic and medical exclusion against their friends, family, and neighbors. They think they're owed attention and care
"And, in the end, the love you get is equal to the love you make," John Lennon. Yeah, i wasted my youth listening to music. You'd be amazed what i learned.
The phony group that has been kicking their LGBT kids out onto the street for as long as I’ve been alive suddenly thinks it’s unethical to end a relationship over politics? Spare me!
Isn't it crazy that Trump was like, "I could cure diseases and save the economy, and those mean demi-craps still wouldn't clap for me." A U.S. President said that, (while also cutting the CDC and med grants and crashing the economy), had a hissy fit over not getting applause...It's insane.
If we wanted to turn this around...say for example save Medicaid. You'd just have to swallow the vomit, revamp the website, plaster his fukin face all over it and call it the Trump MAGA medicaid plan, we'd lose nothing.
I thought it was cringe that he expressly and for a long address paraded people’s suffering for his own aggrandizement. He made all those people into his props. And I know politicians do this, but he’s taking it to extremes.
Yup. Free speech is a relationship between the state and individuals, because the government has the power to silence people, their right to speak must be protected.
It is not a relationship between two individuals - we can tell people who are spewing hate to stfu anytime.
That’s unbelievable. That’s like saying “homicidal maniacs should be openly accepted in society. It’s so sad that they’re being discriminated against” like WHAT. They’re DANGEROUS TO SOCIETY. What the fuck do you mean
That should have them thinking "what the eff does that even mean?" which is apt for some Tesla fan so oblivious to the world they don't even know there are actual sides to choose at this point.
People like that think society is something provided to them by vague impressions of elderly church goers, and a local stable of obedient wives. They never meant themselves.
My favorite is when people who voted for this shit also have an impressive collection of bumper stickers and/or Instagram story posts with insipid and vague quotes about how great kindness is.
I may not be able to stop them from moving right politically, but I can stop them from moving right on the interstate when they inevitably try to go from driving slow as hell in the far left lane to their far right exit at the last second
I mean many of the people are saying this because they also see themselves as on the same team as you and likely aganist musk in other ways. We should be legitimately concerned of the risk that this is turning towards displaced dehumanization
There are students who own the cheap $35k version to carpool each other to college. I personally know several. Can’t sell to get money back, can’t afford another car. I guess ALL (you name it) is a bunch of (whatever you want).
Ideally there should be a much more robust transit system like there used to be back in the day before cars were forced on everyone, but that branches out to the broader issue of car dependency that's been choking out everyones pocket books, even the cities.
LA’s electric tramway system got sold to car and oil companies decades ago with the contractual exemption of road rails, because it “wasn’t profitable”. First thing they did was to rip them right out. Got sued, paid ridiculous fine and that was the end. We have a newer version but it covers nothing.
Owners of big EV’s must think that it’s cool, bc it’s electric rechargeable.
True that it may not be as bad as the fossil fuel version.
It draws so much more power from the grid when it does recharge.
"what ever happened to basic decency"... they say, as they drive in vehicle that is too big for the road, that can kill small kids because they can't see them, that looks like a tank to drive around in a city, that was marketed as "bulletproof", like an urban assault vehicle...
I got dressed down by a kid..
Now I know to be nicer to Tesla drivers, most of them bought a car that doesn't spew CO2 and that's what they got.
If f'elon sticks around they're slaves to maintenance and upgrades.
I didn't see through f'elon until late, like many others did, when he gutted Twitter.
Okay, first off, remember that many Cybertruck owners are caught in the middle. It wasn't that long ago that most of us thought Elon gave a shit. They bought the piece of crap. They are more invested, and it will take longer for them to deprogram. And some are just dicks, to be sure.
Tesla has been the defendant in the largest racial discrimination class action lawsuit in this country’s history since at least 2022. When was he ever perceived to give a shit?
You obviously didn't need to deprogram. Some of the rest of us were fooled. I am one of those people who can admit he was disastrously wrong. Here is a much better perspective than mine.
That’s true for Teslas, but cybertrucks didn’t take off until 2024. And they were always meant to signal that its owner don’t believe in a working society.
The sales, yes. But the people buying them were often people who had placed a $100 hold many years before. They have become a different symbol than they started with. The original truck was supposed to start at $50,000, I think? It was supposed to be a good work truck. Overpromised, underdelivered.
Could they not terminate the pre-booking? I understand it’s not fun to lose $100 but it’s not that much money.
I think it was around 2023 that I finally had to give up my dream of owning a Tesla.
*Older* Tesla models might have a leg to stand on.
I can also near guarantee that the casual consumer had no idea, because it wasn't making national headlines.
too few leopards.
*People start fighting back*
Hey! What ever happened to being nice?
Remember they were the class identifier in making it
Tesla owners are more embarrassed than when Cersei Lannister did that Walk of Shame on Game of Thrones.
Notice the emphasis on the past tense - "Lived" "
Dude. The whole point of having a Cybertruck is to get attention. You just don't get to say what kind.
<"what ever happened to basic compassion and decency,...?">
The "society":
*What ever happened to basic intelligence?*
damn snowflake.....
Just maybe…..
Till then….
I could power something with the spin of my rolling eyes….
"It died when you put property over people by voting for a pedophile and sexual offender."
How did we become an authoritarian nation???? Such a goddamned mystery…
Where is their compassion?
Oh and the throttle pedal falls off and blocks controls. “Build fast and break it” design is not compassion. Negligent
That part is .... social darwinism and very bad engineering. The only reason he can get away with it is he is so wealthy he is immune from charges of criminal negligence.
I do agree that we need compassion. That is the entire point. I believe that you can't ask for compassion if you don't show it. So perhaps, I was hypocritical in order to make a joke.
I just can't imagine anyone buying one by accident, without understanding what they would be supporting.
They did not even learn the lesson of DeLorean that stainless steel sucks for car bodies.
I just don't think it's possible to so ignorantly make such a large purchase. Let alone double down on it today.
Are any of the people you are talking about public figures that you could name?
They are Prohibited in Britain and Ireland and I believe in the Antilles.
… Then a… Woefully Sub-Par, Willfully Ignorant, Geriatric-Case + a racist, spoilt rancid, INFANT?
… Went after our ENTIRE Society… With chainsaws…
They are Reaping what they Sowed.
Now, they wanna Beef?
We're just not tolerant of intolerance.
Hyundi Coupe.
The fact that they cost 50% more than a normal vehicle means that electric cars aren’t saving the planet.
Also scale down car design and disincentivize larger vehicles.
Tires do use oil to manufacture, but the amount compared to the life span of a tire is magnitudes different.
She simply could not understand all the middle fingers and vitriol from people when she was driving around town.
It looks less offensive than a wankpanzer and that's saying something.
It doesn't even register in comparison with other vehicles anymore.
Pisses them off more than the bird, in my anecdotal experience
Not sure why, but I'll continue doing it
I mean the odds that a Cybertruck owner also has a concealed weapon is pretty high.
I visibly laugh at them on the rare occasion that I see them on the road. You know it hurts their little feelings.
Your cyberhog represents the opposite
It is not a relationship between two individuals - we can tell people who are spewing hate to stfu anytime.
That should have them thinking "what the eff does that even mean?" which is apt for some Tesla fan so oblivious to the world they don't even know there are actual sides to choose at this point.
If you choose to keep going there, guess what you are?
That's how I look at Tesla owners at this point.
Ideally there should be a much more robust transit system like there used to be back in the day before cars were forced on everyone, but that branches out to the broader issue of car dependency that's been choking out everyones pocket books, even the cities.
It’s a masturbatory exercise by the impotent Tesla fanboys.
Rivian EV SUV is 7,200lbs
Owners of big EV’s must think that it’s cool, bc it’s electric rechargeable.
True that it may not be as bad as the fossil fuel version.
It draws so much more power from the grid when it does recharge.
It's not tolerance. It's prolonging the agony of what's coming.
-me, lifelong Philly boy
Now I know to be nicer to Tesla drivers, most of them bought a car that doesn't spew CO2 and that's what they got.
If f'elon sticks around they're slaves to maintenance and upgrades.
I didn't see through f'elon until late, like many others did, when he gutted Twitter.
It's just that many Tesla drivers wanted to help the planet, maybe they were duped or maybe the f'elon prays on hope.
No one makes all the right mistakes. Together or scattered, simple.
💔🤍💙 🙏🏼🇺🇸
Understanding is a chore sometimes.
I think it was around 2023 that I finally had to give up my dream of owning a Tesla.
Do your part and bully Cyberstuck drivers 😀