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The smallest red carpet ever. And it’s in a puddle.🤣🤣🤣 Bravo Canada 👏🏽
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all this so jeff bezos can have a tax cut and buy clothes that show his nipple
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I can’t think of anything that would hurt MAGA more. Especially their political pastors.
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Paella night at the Wilson Compound.
i'll fess up: for the last like fifteen years i despised Jesse Eisenberg on reflex. anytime he came up in a movie I'd say, nah, not for me, fuck that guy. turns out i just hated Mark Zuckerberg so much my hate boomeranged around to Jesse. kinda a compliment to his acting when you think about it
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i’m losing my shit at this
LOUD AND CLEAR 📢 It’s time for Sen Chuck Schumer to step down as Minority Leader. Quite frankly, it should’ve happened already.
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They started with the undocumented, then they went after visa holders and permanent residents, now it's naturalized citizens. How many times must history rhyme and repeat before we realize what's going on?