John Wick movies are so funny, man. He goes into like a noodle shop and says “I’d like something…spicy” and a Chinese guy puts his hand into a big pot of broth and pulls out an AR-15 and says “enjoy your meal, Mr Wick” and then John has a fight in the New York Museum of Hatchets
"Will you be needing any spurs, Mr. Wick?"
"…Yeah, I think so 🤔"
What the hell kinda talk is this?
(in my best Dean Martin voice since I always preferred Deano's version to Jim Reeve's)
Also not thrilled that he's so fucking GOOD in it. Really unhappy about that.
I suppose that's mitigated somewhat by the fact that all his inner ugliness has transferred to his face. The young, beautiful man is GONE. Completely gone.
"Yeah, I need another ten tokens. I tried to get a machete by telling the gardener I needed to do some 'pruning,' with a knowing look, and nothing happened..."
“I’d like a bloody murder and your best scotch, good sir!”
Maybe indefinite, depending on how that all shakes out.
- Sandy Hook
- Las Vegas
- Orlando
- Virginia Tech
- Sutherland Springs
- Uvalde
Kind of like swiping a debit card. Boom, paid, whether it's expensive or not.
Maybe you can reuse them? Kill a man.
You gotta be real specific at that bar
Are the opponents the Nicholas Brothers? Cyd Charisse?
Double tap, double tap, stab, stab, double tap, wrist lock, hip throw, double tap, repeat…
And is it just me or in 2 and 3 did they totally swerve into the visual aesthetic of the Underworld vampire movies?
I think they might all have a discotheque fight scene. 1 and 4 do. That fight scene where everyone keeps dancing during the gunplay is a weird and fun kind of choice.
The fight scenes can be homages to other films. It’s so much better than the copycats
I blame Ryan Reynolds. It’s his fault camp action are nearly dead.
Well, if Hamlet had lots of guns and action instead of existentialist angst. And dialogue that tends towards "grunt". And numerous assassins from across the globe.
Ok. John Wick isn't like Hamlet at all.
The funniest part of the latest one was its message that Berlin takes its discoteques very seriously. Not even a gun battle can stop the somber, beat-thumping party.
>I love that this was Bryan Cranston's idea
Holy shit. Amazing.