oh hell yeah that's my jam! (see what I did there?) Some regions cooking the meat in peanut oil, and a professional showing off a peanut butter burger on TV led me to try it and it SLAPS!
ok but no shit i tried this experimental burger joint up in Indianapolis years back and they had some sort of Thai inspired burger with peanut butter on it and it might've been one of the best burgers i've ever had
I've had bad peanut butter burgers too. So, it's no substitute for culinary craftiness. But it can be good when used well.
Honestly doesn’t sound terrible.
Then again, if I won’t eat something (and it’s not a cute animal or seafood without fins and scales), that’s a sign the food is totally inedible.
I'll consider it
do we mean like on the bread as if its just a regular condiment? or on the burger itself while cooking it like you do mayo with grilled cheeses??
tbh i wouldn’t be shocked if somewhere here in the midwest us does it with the “special sauce” shit and ive unknowingly ate it lol
still chasing that high to this day 😔
I’ll see if I have a photo from the restaurant in town.
Elvis inspired PB and banana burgers. They’re good, but I’m not a banana fan.
(From Internet)
Buttered Toast.
Bacon & fried egg, runny yoke.
Grape Jelly& peanut butter.