There are many good answers to this, but "Don't go" and "Boycott" are not among them. This is television. Television is one of the only things Trump cares about. Don't allow that room to be filled only with his admirers. Shout back, disrupt, challenge, boo, fight. Mess up his show and make it yours.
Reposted from
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
If you were in Congress, what would you do for the State of the Union? What do you think Dems should do?
He'll be thrown off his game, confused, pissed; derailed; embarrassed
Make it brutal for him.
Protest instead
Maybe something will pop.
Falling asleep in Cabinet meetings doesn't bother them. I'd be very disappointed if he went full lunatic and it still didn't bother them. He got close today.
Putin is spent, he is begging for cannon fodder and ammunition from other dictators
He is weak and wants to keep what he's stolen and to rebuild, just like every invasion he's done, that's not peace and the US shouldn't provide it!
Just sayin'
Remember when he turned the SOTU into Limbaugh's Medal of Freedom ceremony? He made every Dem there the audience for that crap.
Fight hard with soft. A time and a place. The conditions. Like what happened today.
All this talk of “he hates being embarrassed” is so off base. HE HAS NO SELF AWARENESS. HE HAS NO MORAL COMPASS.
All he cares about is whether he has his room full of yes-men to prop him up after.
The chair would have to order removal of a legislator from a joint session of the legislature. Major constitutional nightmare.
In short, be just as obnoxious, rude, and vile as the Mango Mussolini himself.
He’s a narcissist. He doesn’t care if you praise him or deride him. Just as long as you say his name.
So don’t.
Alas, their consultants probably are advising the exact opposite as I type this comment.