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Egg Companies Assure Customers Dozen Has Always Meant 9
This is also known as invading Panama.
I care deeply about who Michigan will elect as Governor and send to the U.S. Senate next year, but I have decided against competing in either race. I wrote more here about my decision and how I view the work required of us all in this moment:
I'm voting NO on the Republican shutdown bill. NO on handing Donald Trump and Elon Musk a blank check to spend your taxpayer money however they want. NO on cutting funding that helps families put food on the table and crack down on wealthy tax cheats. We need to push back.
The GOP has been told not to host in-person town halls—what are they so afraid of? Hearing from their own constituents? Meanwhile, leaders like Tim Walz are stepping up. He’s hosting a town hall in Iowa, not even in his own district, making sure Americans’ voices are heard.
So let me get this straight, Gavin Newsom desperate to platform MAGA, Chuck Schumer is defacto supporting the CR. What’s the point of an opposition party again?
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On my way up to my son’s school to watch him give a presentation and speech on Benjamin Franklin and I cannot stop laughing🤣😭💀
For the democrats saying “we can’t let the govt shut down” you’ve already lost. It’s not on you. Republicans control everything, didn’t come to you for anything except your vote. Where else can you force changes? You can’t… you’re a willing participant in Republican majority
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