The people who recognized Trump’s fascism in 2016 were ruthlessly mocked with shit like “everything I don’t like is fascism” and now he’s literally vowing an immigrant Holocaust.
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I think the chapo boys want trump to happen because they think they can re create World War II where the soviets helped defeat hitler but not before forming a. Treaty with him, of course
Kinda getting a chuckle out of the dirtbag left types who are pretending hashtag resistance wine moms weren't the loudest voices warning against Trump in 2016.
No matter the outcome, the fact that it’s this close tells me America is done. You can’t get to a point where 44% of the population has zero empathy and expect to survive.
The country was long heading this way the moment from its founding and how many people were slaughtered because white colonists wanted to make more money.
The government here in Aotearoa NZ is deliberately trying to kill disabled people and slowly upping the anti on defunding anything to do with disability, but people will still insist this isn't fascism.
It's just getting increasingly worse now. That's all. I and many others like me have been feeling the oppression this whole time though being in the main target group
Back in the Bush Jr. years, we'd say "The GOP is very much on the road to fascism and none of them are looking for exit signs" and get made fun of as alarmists.
I saw those altright motherfuckers in real time plan out the "these libs call everything fascism" rhetorical strategy. That shit was intentionally astroturf to control the narrative
The best part was that people like my late father justified their Trump vote because Hillary was 43 flavors of evil, but "Trump's an outsider, someone different! You don't know what he'll do as POTUS!"
and the correct response was "actually, yes, we DO know, though we might be underestimating it"
It is crazy-making. I'm a Cassandra, but Inauguration Day 2017 I was mourning the death of American democracy. It took slightly longer than I expected, but I am sickened and exhausted.
What's really depressing me (as a non-American) is how little difference four years of a Democrat president has made to the relentless march of fascism.
Yes. You'd think this unsubtle approach would alert GOP voters to the glaringly obvious fact that their representatives act neither in their best interests, nor those of the country as a whole, but it seems to actually strengthen their support. Weird.
The GOP coalition is greedy corporatists and undereducated racists. As long as Republicans say the magic words" tax cuts" and prevent 'undeserving' people from receiving help, they will roll over every time. Their own best interests—financial, social, etc—are secondary to their hate.
Makes impeccable sense. And what the two factions have in common is sociopathy. That's why they cannot understand and therefore despise those who have, and show, empathy for the "undeserving".
And the same people doing the mocking then are still doing it now. I think if he literally said on stage that he was a Nazi, his followers would still be parroting that shit, probably because they're disingenuous fascists themselves.
I keep remembering how fuckin Martin O'Malley of all people kept talking about resisting fascism in the 2016 primary debates and still couldn't get anyone to even notice he existed
Uhm Mussolini was captured in a communist coup (and 80 years in, communists are still popular in Italy for that reason). I am not sure that anybody in this country really wants that.
In reality, it never has been that different from fascism. It‘s the same stuff. Incompetent, brutal and lawless top-down rule. Fear instead of freedom. For everyone, no exception.
And no, nobody wants that. REALLY not. The voters remorse would be unimaginable.
Similarly, the people who recognized Trump was an easy mark for Russia were ruthlessly mocked and now he's claiming that Americans are more of a threat to the country than Russia (and China).
YUP. Just like all the fuckheads who went on social media and parroted "russia russia russia" when we said they were being conned by russian disinformation.
“Just because the sign says ‘danger: cliff ahead’ doesn’t FOR SURE mean we’re going to plummet to our grizzly deaths if we keep charging toward. Don’t be an alarmist!”
and tried an insurrection after losing his election, just failed, and people who vote for him have a revisionist history of those events that was less than 5 years ago.
Someone who's been assuming the worst case scenario at every point since he declared he was going to run in 2015 has been right a lot more often than they've been wrong
Racist as fuck
They really need to read up on Ernst Thalmann, because they are following in his footsteps.
For the best democracy, please re-skeet.
44% of *voters* who were polled doesn't equal 44% of the population.
and the correct response was "actually, yes, we DO know, though we might be underestimating it"
And no, nobody wants that. REALLY not. The voters remorse would be unimaginable.
Tell others to.
and sent putin covid testing machines when there was a shortage here
his fealty to putin is obvious, even the reasons for it are not.
Guess what, you gullible fuckwits:
So sure they came for the immigrants first
Then they came for the commies
But surely they won't come for me next