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To fight back, I repeat, "JURY NULLIFICATION!". Americans need to O.J. the entire Trump Injustice Department.
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That goes double for me:
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2 Words. "Jury Nullification". Repeat. "JURY NULLIFICATION". The only way is to OJ. Sucks, but that's all we got for now. As long as Felonious Don and his Merry Gangsters are running the Injustice Department, there is only "Liberty and Justice for ALL who can pay".
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If Tester hadn't been turned out, HE would have been there. Same in Tennessee. These so called Representatives pretend we don't exist just as soon as the election is called in their favor. Democrats don't stand a chance but Democrats are ALL the Representation we ever get.
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Some people are going to get hurt. This situation is like a pressure cooker left to boil until it explodes. Let's not be naive enough to keep calling their agenda, "Conservative". There is nothing Conservative about what they're doing. Conservative means "To Preserve".
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No explanation needed. By George, we got it!
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The same outside of Nashville. Rural America, and probably Rural Canada, have Group Think. People who think differently either shut up about it, or move to cities. This is why cities tend to be Bluer. People who are "Different" tend to live in Cities. We don't do bumper stickers or driveway signs.
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I leave it blank or write in something silly like Mickey Mouse. Yes, a lot of Republicans run unopposed here in Tennessee. TN has one of the lowest voting rates in the Country. Bottom line, I just DON'T vote for them. Admittedly, I'm a voice in the wilderness. Edvard Munch's, "The Silent Scream".
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WHAT? You mean George Soros didn't show up handing out money like Elon Musk did to buy votes? When Soros is no longer their favorite punching bag, who will replace him?
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It's what I VOTED AGAINST, but who listens to me anyway? There are people out there who still believe they will reach the Promised Land if Trump is allowed to fulfill his dream. Trump's dream will become Their Nightmare.
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If you CAN'T vote for a Democrat, vote AGAINST every Republican until they start Representing YOU. Your Republican Congress people don't care because they believe YOU DON'T CARE. TN voters are like the Expecting Bride left at the alter after the marriage has been consummated. They GOT your Milk.
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A Mafia? As an Italian American who grew up with some of my "Family Members" (long past now), who were members of "The Family", I will say, "To my knowledge, they NEVER punished old people, young children and other people who were WITHOUT SIN!". They were Honest Crooks who had a Code or Ethics.
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I would never vote to convict them if I were on a jury, but now Trump doesn't believe he even NEEDS Courts and juries. America is finish if this is allowed to stand.
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Pete Seeger sang, "If two and two and fifty make a million, we'll see the day come 'round". You and me and the people who see what we're posting might take heart knowing there are other people who feel like them. I joined Civil Rights marches in the 60's, but I wouldn't have marched alone.
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I was appalled at the jury who acquitted OJ, but this is our system and I Served to defend it. If someone OFFS a Congress person who voted to cut off Grandma's Medicare and SS, I might let that one slide and let the OFFER off with a warning for stepping on a Cockroach. What would Trump do?
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I hate to say this, but I have served on a couple of local juries and tried to render an honest verdict, but I would have a difficult time convicting ANYONE of ANYTHING while a Felon is running the Injustice Department.
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"And a little child shall lead them". AOC is emerging as a HERO for Working Class Americans and Seniors who rely on our Social Security and Medicare we paid into all our working lives. That's why we support her and the work she's doing @$5 per month. How about 5 or 10 million more?
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How could RFK, Jr missed this when it was right there all the time?
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If called for Jury Duty REFUSE TO CONVICT ANYONE until the Felon in the White House has to answer for HIS crimes.
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You're right. WHAT was I thinking?
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Is Roberts thinking, "What have I done?".