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Husband, Father, Corpsman, (Re)Tired ER RN, Libertarian, Contrarian, Alt-Middle, 🇺🇦.
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I was in a”Post Office” Turkey that was so busy being a bank & a variety of government offices that it was having trouble being a post office.
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Because sequestering CO2 underground somehow isn’t a good idea?
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If you really want the canal back under U.S. control offer statehood to Panama. Would make a fine 51st state. You could make Puerto Rico a couple of counties of the new state at the same time. Also, gain a whole bunch of ships to add to our merchant marine.
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It’s too bad we didn’t offer to make Panama a state when we peeled it off Columbia & built the canal
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I’m also not sure President Biden is capable of approving anything more complex than his breakfast menu
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I didn’t say a 3rd party vote.
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Why shouldn't taxation be equal across the board?
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The term you are missing is "illegal"
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Ya know you didn't have to vote for either DNC or GOP right? Right?
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40 years in a variety of roles in emergency medicine. Yes Virginia people do stick their hand in running garbage disposals. You also don’t want to get me started on what 18 yr old sailors can get up to on board ship.
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Of course having government owned grocery stores worked so well in the Soviet Union (for example)
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Evolution in action
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Imagine that
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Guy who died should have been inpatient (or in jail). Glad Mr. Penny was found not guilty. That being said I placed hundreds of violent behavioral health patients in restraints &/or medicated them without killing any of them. Really need to keep them off the street/off public transportation.
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My most important reason to visit the barber now is eyebrow trimming
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G-Suits keep you conscious. They don’t protect your brain from being slammed around inside your skull.
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I don't either
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There are many happy couples in Japan & some do have children. This year on a Sunday I saw them (M/F couples) strolling the Yokohama water front with cute little dogs in strollers. It doesn't take much for women to decide to have fewer or no children.
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Nothing in this article addresses the real issue which is once Japanese women entered the workforce they no longer had to put up with Japanese men. The women can have a well paid job & a cute little dog (instead of an infant their husband probably isn’t go to help with)
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I just don’t have time to be on the Supreme Court. If we start packing the court it will never end & eventually everyone will have to be on the court. So let’s just leave it a 9.
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Pro-tip, office staff demands SSN so they can turn you over for collection & ding your credit score when insurance finds a reason not to pay. I have a fake SSN I give out for this purpose. I have great insurance which will pay if they file correctly & all they really need is my insurance #.
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Unionize the homeless people at stop lights. The union could make them wear safety vests, sign up for the best spots & not let them be on the street unless they pay their dues.
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I had to pull cables & install connectors to enable computers to talk to each other. Had to exit Wordstar & run a separate spell checker on my file which would then print a list of words it didn’t know.
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I was just in Europe & had plain mint. Maybe it’s Americans who can’t deal with it.
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