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Yah, it might be fun to whip out the "I TOLD YOU SO"s. Everybody is going to get hurt here. It is time for preporation & motivation, to end this as soon as posible. 2026, can't come soon enough. We need to clean the house. Clean the Senate. and remove his supporting cast.
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The Dems need alot more than obstuction. The need reorganazation. They need to go back to supporting working people. Not the fringes. Don't get me wrong, Everybody Needs Support, now and then. But to win, you lead with the many, to protect the few. WE NEED TO BECOME THE MANY, AGAIN!
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They are what I refer to as Sunday Christians. The go to church on Sunday, and beg forgivness, for what they are going to do Monday through Saturday!
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They are going to take a lot more than your jobs. They are going to ruin the economy, kill all social services, offend all of our alies, and laugh at our destuction.
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Ther is plenty of blame to go around! But you need to start with who was chosen to run. Polosi, almost single handedly destroid the Democrates chance of winning. Biden may have slowed down. Yet Harris was a poor followup. If we are ever going to elect a woman, she needs support outside the party!
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Facts mean nothing to theese people.
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There was very little chance, that we would have elected a woman! Much less, a woman of color. It does not matter how qualified, she was or wasn't, she had little chance. The Democrates, need to change their lineup. Not only in personell, but also in their priorities.
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It's going to be an intresting 4 years!
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It might be true, but they just don't care!
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Measles isn't the bad one. Hell, when I was a kid, if you got measles or the mumps, your parents would have a party. That way it blanketed the neighborhood at one time. What happens when we get back Polio, Rubella, Small Pox? THIS IS JUST STUPID!
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No, D.E.I. caused bad research. It can't be their fault.
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Don't you just love it? But if moscitos caused impotance, there would be an exterminator on every corner.
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Your not sick, if you don't know , you're supposed to be sick. (Isn't that sick?)
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Don't you see, the House was & is complient! Radical means nothing to them.
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You have 4 years of ugly in front of you! Why freak out in the first month?
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They would do just fine, unless you want thin cuts. They just don.t move that fast.
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That only makes sence. If your forced to carry a baby with no chance to live. It is born, then dies.
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Why not install a pool?
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I look at all of those poor southern states in the south, and how much worse they will be with theese cuts.
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Great idea! As long as it is done with facts, Not Spin. Half the problem with Democrats now, It's how you feel. The other half, is how you should think, as opposed to how you do think.
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But you forgot, end government services. What theese idiots havn't figured out yet, Without education, they have ti hire dumb people. Without roads, people can't get to work. Without Police and Firemen, nobody protects from crim, or keeps their world from burnning.
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If your not Union, they can fire you, because they don't like the way you tie your shoes. They called it employers rights. We have had this argument for decaids. Now, it's just not poor people. It's all people. & if we loose 1/2 of federal employees, what's that do to the job market?
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AND THAT IS THE TRUMP WORLD! Even after 2 impeachment opertunities, He needs to be put in check, but I want no part in it. How many people have to be whiped out, before a Republican, can grow a set?
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That's pure silly. It might make you feel better, but it changed NOTHING. Not the way they acted. Not the way they thought. Not the way they ignored their constituants. And worst of all, with the excepion of Pence, NOT THE PEOPLE, WHO ELECT THEM.
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By the time this is over, most so called MAGA voters, will wander just what the hell they backed him for! He is going after ANYTHING, that will hurt the very rich. And not care who suffers in the process.
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I'm afraid, it's just futal! If America fills the check book, then America, makes the terms.
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The question is, FOR HOW LONG?
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Why in the world, are our officials so damn scared of such a minority of people. I understand not wanting them in female athletics. I wouldn't want anybody with a penis, in my daughters locker room. There have been homosexuals, from the begining of time! Where is the threat?
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And this suprises WHO?
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Unfortunatly, I beleive the next 4 years, are going to be filled with huge numbers of (IF I ONLY KNEW). And, when it happens, The statements shold not be, IF I ONLY KNEW. (THEY SHOULD BE, I WISH I TOOK THE TIME TO REALLY LISTEN TO WHAT HE SAID!)
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I don't get it, Hating you for any reason, (Other than maybe your an ass whole) is uncalled for. If you accept it, for any reason, you give your permission for all reasons.
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Hitler, came to be, because after Worl War 1, Germany was bankrupt. Any thing or body, that promoted National Pride, was not only needed, but happily endorsed. We sold our government to a TV Star! Not even near the same thing.
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That's just not fair! None of our national poloticians deserve our respect. They have sold their souls, to the people that paid to elect them. As opposed to the people that voted for them. We have created a political class. And they lobby for eachother, just for survival.
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Remember , Charged and found guilty, are 2 entirely different things.
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Democrat's have so lost their way. Rather than justify their actions, they apologise, make excuses &beg forgiveness. Rather than have Harris run. I would have so much liked to have Klobachar run with Tammy Duckworth. with the idea of training Duckworth to be president.
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The problem, is they already own the courts. It's only illeagle, if you're held accountable.
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Oh come on now. All MEN are created equal. Just as long as your not female, Black, Mexican, Muslim, Gay, then you have the rights as any other REAL AMERICAN!
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They have lived it, and payed the price. The President, and his aids beleive, They just weren"t as good at it as he is.
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He is not ignoring Congressional athority. It is being conceeded to him. This is our failure, not theirs. If we don't hold every Senator, and house member accountable,WE DESERVE WHAT WE GET!
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I'm sorry, it's just not black. It's just not women, or Mexicans, or Muslims,or LBGT. If they can devide us, and so far they have. We as a people loose. Trump's game plan from the start, has always been devide and concour.
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It really doesn't matter how we take the threat, TILL thr Republicans in the House and Senaet take them serious, and quit begging for his support, we're screwed.
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It sucks. After we used it as a detainment camp, now they want to use it as a detainment camp. It really doesn't matter witch group of people lock up, (without proof of wrong doing) It's that we are locking people up, without proof of wrong doing. If we hate anybody, eventually, it's everybody.
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That's because this has nothing to do with right to life! They want Right To Birth. After that, your on your own. The sad part of this, is they do it, while they claim to be Christians. The GOD I follow, says love thy neighbor.
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You mean the one Trump knew nothing about?& then swore it wasn't hi agenda?
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It's like puting a bunch of 3 year olds, in a room filld with Tinker Toys & wood burning kits. (NOTHING GOOD IS GOING TO HAPPEN)
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And, if they kill F.E.M.A. does the Corps of Engeniers, still regulate flood walls? What about levies, & spill ways? How much land, that has been developed and sold, become virtually worthless. Force people and banks into bankruptcy? Now, not only the Costal States, but river ways, tornado alleys,
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Funny, F.D.R. Instituted child labor laws, near the end of the depression. McCormick was born in 1968. Help me out, wasn't that after F.D.R.'''s death. Lies mean nothing to theese people, when they want to make a point.
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15 year herion addiction, will change anybodys way of thinking. He must have overdosed. And now, he is having flashbacks.
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That is, and isn't true. There are various stages to Medicaid. Many people, have what is known as a spend down. They must spend -- amount on their healthcare. (VARIES BY INCOME) Any medical expenses, over that spend down, gets paid by Medicaid. Some people say, that spend down is a priemium.
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And this suprises you because? He told you, he wanted to be a dictater. So, why are you expecting anything els?