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Thoughts & prayers
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Thank fliuch!
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I dunno, there's a reason the Scandinavian countries pay high taxes, have less social inequality and are also constantly coming in as the happiest countries.
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Ah, I hear they come with a swastika air freshener these days, probably best to imagine nicer things.
But yeah, it's the shittyness of capitalism that the inequality gap keeps growing and billionaires seem determined to take money from the poorest rather than pay their fair share of taxes
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Yeah, it's all perception.
Likely they're thinking "I'm middle class, I'm not rich"
Like if you're saying "look at them in their Tesla" (which is mid price for an electric car) They're likely going "look over there, they have a new Porsche"
There's probably a tipping point into "I'm rich"
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If you can afford an apartment on your own and you're making 30k, it's not that bad.
Perception is all about emotion.
They don't _feel_ wealthy.
Yes, someone on six figures *can* afford a place to live. And be very comfortable
But the whole point of this thread is that they don't feel "wealthy"
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Well maybe it's less of a housing crisis where you are and more of a housing concern. Lucky you.
But this all comes down to a perception of "wealthy". You might make six figures, but if you've no house etc. do you think you're wealthy?
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Where to? In a housing crisis you're not exactly spoiled for choice. Especially when work is in a certain location. Back on topic, I also don't think people would feel "wealthy" living in a house share with 6 other people.
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I could see this with the housing crises that many countries currently have. Unless you bought a place back in the good times, rent is taking a massive chunk of your earnings. You're probably "comfortable" but I'm not sure you'd go to "wealthy" unless you own property.
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Honestly I love the shed plan. I wanted to do it years ago but planning permission was impossible. Big ol' garden and I had drawn up plans for a lovely wooden home that I could buy for barely a mortgage. I didn't drive at the time, so the countryside would have been lonely doom.
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Ah yeah, I'll give it a go on the laptop rather than the phone. Just needed to clarify on the elbow data angle.
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Oh! I tried to buy some prints last night and the page just kept doing nothing after I did the whole apple pay thing. Just saying it in case ya think it was the exfoliated elbow that drove me to buy. I don't want to muddle your customer data signals, ya see.
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Wow. It's greater than I imagined. Like... wow. But let's not all rush for the matcha, that was the mistake I made for 3/4 of my Japan trip. Never again.
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Yeah, there's so much out there, seeing some soundness really removes some purchasing friction. But then after I bought, sure it seemed KOTBD was getting rave recs everywhere I looked, so I probably would have picked it up anyway, so, to your point, maybe social media wasn't needed ☺️
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Yeah I think I found your first book because I had read Spare and Found Parts on a recommendation, followed, then saw some pleasant back & forth between ye and the mutual props for each others' work, so I said "this lad's stuff sounds up my street, I'll gladly spend my coin"
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The sentence re-read is a great point. It's never "wait, what happened there?" it's always "oh wow that was so beautiful I need to read it again to fully savour it."
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I've no idea what the new ones were like, but wow, I still remember some of the rich backstories I gave them. They became a vessel for everything else going on too... one gruff camo clad guy 100% developed the personality of Wolverine. They became the channel for so much imagination.
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Yeah, I had to unfollow, there was just a major flood of paid content. Fairplay, he's cashing in on the burst of fame, but I reckon there's a balance to strike and for me he just went too paid and not enough funny. Hopefully he realises before he loses everyone, he has a good style.
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This will somewhat replace the signed copy of the US version of Spare & Found parts that was lent to someone... and never returned 😭
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Done and done. Exciting!
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Have you tried using avocado toast bait?
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Ah now, there's a lot to be said for experience. If underdog team sport movies have thought me anything, the old pro and/or unexpected woman is the way to go. Knucklepuck exception obvs.
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Oh wow, passionfruit! 🤩🤩🤩
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Would you like my pet's name?
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What would be lovely, would be to check out the podcast and their mini-series on Lynch after ya watch some bits. I found it great. Or, start at the start and they go through his full filmography and ya might get a sense of the things that might first appeal to ya most 😊
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Oh yeah, I can well see him doing a few rounds at Funderland
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Did they give any context on how it failed to meet standards? Was it just as printed in your substack? Would they have printed it with the IDF suspicion removed?
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Oh you do not want that to melt. I wish you supreme success.
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Woah. Alan. I'd say borrow a PS4 for a chill week and just go on an epic journey of bloodshed and father&son cinematic bonding.
I'm not sure how I got on this tangent, my brain just went "oh cool, what PS4 games should he play." But alas, portin' be needed.
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Oh have ya tried any of the recent God of War games? They're all sorts of cinematic woah... one single continuous camera shot throughout, no cutaways... thing is a beauty.
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I think for every soul-sucking micro transaction we have now, there's also a UX misstep back then.
Maybe there was a AAA majority sweetspot a few years back, but even now we see great games like BG3 & GoW that shun some of the modern nonsense while capitalising on the contemporary potential
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This is true. I guess it depends on your approach and the source. We cleaning out kitchens with multiple cutlery sets or taking just a sample in order to keep the hunting ground fruitful?
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Do you not find the solo effort limits your carrying capacity?
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I always look at it as though you're free to say or do anything. Nothing is stopping you stabbing someone... but then you have to face the results. You can defame someone, but don't be surprised if you're sued for defamation. That's society. We have boundaries & rules to allow society to exist.
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He's been trying to make X happen for so so long in different forms. Clearly it stuck in his head that X sounds cool and he's just been hanging around for a chance to use it.
He was nearly there with SpaceX, wonder what steadied his hand. "But Leon, space is also cool! So, double cool!" Flawless.