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I’ll blame those who actually didn’t vote, but I can’t blame the ones who weren’t allowed to vote due to the Republicans voter suppression laws that they’ve been working on since the 2020 election.
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The White guy is the DEI hire.
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These are the same people who had such a problem with Bidens age. If they get this through the Orange Turd will be older than Biden was then. I’m sure they won’t have a problem with that. How very two faced of them.
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I’ll take 100 Fetterman’s over one Orange Turd.
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Exactly! They want the FDA and USDA for certain things, but don’t understand the logistics of those departments.
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The lying Orange Turd will NEVER have a favorable approval rating from me, and I know that I’m not alone in that sentiment.
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This administration is rapidly becoming a dictatorship.
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That’s why they decided to call themselves Evangelicals now, because they neither can, nor will live up to the Christian ideal.
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They only care about unborn children in Texas, not women. Plus, they don’t even care about the children, after they’re born.
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Russia has ALWAYS been the aggressor even before I was born. Basically, ever since the Russian revolution.
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Or, more to the point, chose to ignore the signs staring them in the face. They would rather believe the lies coming from their Orange Fuhrer , continually repeated by conservative news, than what is actually happening.
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Nothing like giving all our money to the Orange Turd, EM, and the other Fraudsters in our midst.
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Weak uneducated people follow and believe blowhards, and the Orange Turd is the biggest blowhard out there.
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That was the whole reason why DeJoy was put in charge of the postal service at the end of the Orange Turd’s last administration, to dismantle it, and ultimately privatize it.
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I would vote for Pete for either of those. He’s infinitely better than what we’re stuck with now.
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Pretty much the way the Republicans are headed in the United States.
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The Democrats in Congress have already proposed impeachment, but it will never even make it out of the House, let alone the Senate.
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This country will never be great with the Orange Turd in the White House.
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If EM wants to find a criminal, he either needs to go to the Oval Office, or look in a mirror.
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What in the world could he possibly have against EV chargers, unless he’s just a vindictive little clown.
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I have to wonder how long it will take before the MAGA morons figure this out.
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None of them are qualified to do anything except hack into the nations competition systems and cause unimaginable damage.
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The Republicans in Congress are the only ones who can stop this, but they refuse to do so out of fear of the Orange Turd.
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He sounds worse than Pence, and he was awful.
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That’s because they neither care about women, nor the children they carry. They care about power.
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Until you start retweeting the Orange Turd’s lies.
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The pot calling the kettle black, even though the kettle isn’t black.
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As good as any other explanation as to what’s going on now.
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Better than Republicans and their “alternative facts “.
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I would guarantee you that almost, if not every one of them is a Republican.
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They will never connect with the working class on the right, because they would rather believe the lies that come from the politicians on the right, along with conservative media, than the hard truth that the Democrats will tell them.
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The correlation between these two is uncanny. Let’s hope that it doesn’t get as bad as in Germany in the 30’s and 40’s before the right realizes what they’ve done.
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Nothing else in this administration has anything to do with the truth.
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The Republicans live in fear of their Orange Fuhrer, that’s why they do everything that he tells them to.
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At this point, with all the voter suppression going on by the Republicans, I don’t think that the United States does either.
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Deja Vu all over again.
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Nepotism at its finest.
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Therein lies the problem. The Democrats want the country to unite, but the Republicans only want power.
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This will never happen in the United States because the Republicans haven’t had the balls to hold one of their own accountable since Nixon.
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The Republicans aren’t even trying to hide the fact that they’re bigots anymore.
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Corporations sole focus is profit. Anything that interferes with profit is bad in their view.
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We didn’t have a corrupt country until the Orange Turd got involved.
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You mean that someone in the Orange Turd’s administration lied? Wow, you could knock me over with a feather.
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Until they actually start doing something I think that their pay should be held up.
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Hopefully the US can learn from this as to how to deal with dictators who attempt coups (like the Orange Turd did in 2020), then pardoned all the criminals who tried to help with his attempted coup.
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The grift and corruption is the hallmark of the Orange Turd’s administration. He is the epitome of grift and corruption.
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That all needs to be started NOW! We need to make sure that, not only are the Democrats registered, but that all their papers are in order so the Republicans can’t remove their votes, just like they did last November.
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If you’d rather have Putin, then move to Russia.