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Jets fired their GM Maccagnan on May of 2019 right after the draft. So as long as they don’t do that your Giants will not be as incompetent as my Jets were
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If you go broad enough anything you do to restrict your diet that’s not an allergy is disordered eating. Tate sounds like he has Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder, your friend just does the time/value math differently than you and me.
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You deserve a life where you run a used bookstore where your assistant manager is a lazy black cat. You fight the fight in front of you though.
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two things I know about surveys are what people say the want on a survey is rarely what they want in the moment. Two people who give surveys know the answers are skewed and know how to further skew them to get the answers they want.
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I live in a small Canadian city of just under 500,000 at their height there was 7 of them here now it’s 3 and two of those are in malls. That’s their destiny now just being that store in a mall full of funkos and used games.
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The only thing better than some cheese is more cheese or all of the cheese.
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Unless your lactose intolerant cheese always makes things better I always reccomend a nice gouda when you’re feeling down or an applewood smoked cheddar.
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I was watching the Pitt and I should be feeling bad about these parents that lost their son but nope all I can think is, that dad is played by fucking Garrus, he’s so cool.
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I have no sweet clue and at this point in my life it is completely fine to say there are things I do not need to know or understand.
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I’m always a sucker for a bob.
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Just think about people’s reaction to student loan forgiveness. There are so many people out there who felt/were made to give up their happiness because someone didn’t approve and resentment is a powerful thing. If they couldn’t be happy no one can.
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I guarantee they hate BG3, it was a story heavy single player game that was scoped and budgeted well, took time to make and made money. Everything they think can’t be done. They can’t get out of the old mindset of thinking quarter to quarter in a world where games can’t release like that.
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It was, story was phenomenal, as someone who’s been reading since the double digits and goes back enough I was watching your animations from newgrounds you have grown so much as a writer and just keep getting better.
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I’ve often thought we should go back to a time where small communities pay for a doctors schooling and they work a contract for that community for 5ish years and maybe they stay.
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Marvel could use the characters with a deal with Sony since they own the rights to everything Spider-Man. Retaining those rights is part of it. but a movie just for that is obvious and low budget. Everything they have done shows effort and a want to build something. They are building on sand though.
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Anyone who thinks Sony was making a Kraven movie for kids is an idiot. Kraven was part of a thought process that said Spider-Man fans are also fans of his rogues. The miscalculation was how willing people are to root for villians and how much they care about them not as an antagonist to Spider-Man.
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This feels like Cleveland trading with itself. Horowitz is a first base platoon, guy shame he never quite clicked at 2nd. Good deal as long as there are still offensive moves to come.
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I agree. Was skeptical of the ghost runner at first but that’s pretty universally enjoyed so why not this. Worth investigating for sure, love that the people in charge of MLB or willing to try stuff.
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I don’t hate the idea in a vacuum, I like the idea of getting the best hitters more high leverage at bat. This is something I would want tested and workshopped substantially in the minors first.
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Tony seems like a dude that loves everything. I got one of those dudes his name is Murphy.
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Most stylish man in games journalism right there. Looking fresh as hell brother.
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I really think I did successfully purge everything after 4 from my mind until now.
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We need to realize people vote emotionally not logically. If everyone was well informed and noted purely on logic results would be different. The election here in Nova Scotia shows it. People are mad so they voted that way. In the US they voted angry too. Obama won on hope and optimism not policy.
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I only have one but no one could compete with this lounger.
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I want to love this game but I do not want to actually learn how to fly. It needs a more arcade like mode for flight controls.
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I have hope that they see the back catalogue now as a way to make smaller cost controlled games they can release between bigger titles but let’s see how the first crop does. Fair about Capcom but I’m keeping my fingers crossed.
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Same brother loved playing these on my genesis as a kid, they are sitting on quite a few ip would love to see Shining Force brought back as a tactics rpg again. I’m gonna drag Capcom in too bring back Breath of Fire
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Yeah the rest of us have to sleep sometime.
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I think it a just the nature of the app. Gonna see some lulls here and there because it’s algorithm isn’t designed to make you terminally online.
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Schumacher was on the record as saying he made batman forever and this closer to the 66 Batman on purpose he wanted them to be campy and fun and for kids again. Dude just wanted to make a colorful fun superhero movie for everyone. On that level it’s amazing.
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All a game has to do for me is have likeable characters that I care about what happens to them. BioWare can almost always accomplish that at least superficially. When they nail it though its magic. Don’t know how they ever top the best friend relationship I had with Dorian, love that dude.
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That’s basically how I felt about Andromeda. I’ll probably have fun with the game itself eventually but with that twinge of sadness of “look what they did to my boy”
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This is what’s worried me about the game, was excited but everything I saw for previews was giving me bad vibes. Was thinking about buying it but the more I hear the more I think I can wait and see if it hits EA play in a year.
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It was looking like for a little bit that she was being toxic to the brand but sadly almost 78 million Americans just said they don’t care about trans people. We already know Britain doesn’t. I know HP popularity hasn’t wained here in Canada. At best people don’t care about JK they just want more HP
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The idea of this is definitley making me chuckle. I can’t help but wonder though, how in the world is this enforced. All it will take is one masculine Karen being accused of being a man and it becomes near unenforceable.
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I’m looking forward to this article. Loved your stuff on Picard you really added some depth of thought during that final season.
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Can’t go wrong with a knob creek or wild turkey but I’ve heard lots of praise for redemption both straight and in cocktails.
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This whole scene is one of the best things that has ever been animated, I think I watched it back at least 2 or 3 times.
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No on could hate you. You’re warm, sweet, bubbly and super loyal.
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Now that I’m jealous of, that thing looks clean af.
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I wanna see the face of the one dad who looks up Garth’s socials on his phone during the craft fair.
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I’ve had a thought from the very beginning is that he wanted to tank it so he could change it to
Something else and take the userbase that’s left for that new venture. He wanted paypal to be x and I think he really wants that again but all about crypto now.
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We’ve seen declines in relevance or popularity before but this is a case of something that could have remained relevant but was essentially executed. Going to be interesting watching what happens over there for the next 12 months.
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What they have been doing hasn’t been working so I at least wanted to see some changes there.
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So true, could just be a straight hire and trying something different. Taking it at face value it’s something we as fans have asked for.
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Either way it’s been done before here with Montoyo.
My money is on GM given the title. I feel like Schneiders replacement will also already be on the coaching staff.
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Feels oddly similar to the Schneider bench coach hire under Montoyo. Ross’s replacement locked and loaded?