Real person. Cook, gardener, bird feeder operator.
67 posts
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I smell new fans. Gangstas for Trump!
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If people really want to make an impact, we should be having credit blackouts.
Pull cash out of the bank.
Use the cash for local purchases.
Do no online shopping.
Use no app delivery services.
Call for a cab intead of using Uber.
Pay with cash.
Do it for a month.
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Monitoring the loony tunes so you don’t have to.
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Promise in my anonymity to never venture beyond nice shitposter.
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This is really my great-uncles. Counts for something.
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And in the present tense—excellent. “BE the 70s, grasshopper.”
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Ok, dropped WAPO, so can’t read it , but I guarantee you if I had said things that mistakenly gave people the impression I might be a pedophile, I would think twice before applying for youth leader at my church.
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They will change the subject, all while thinking (in their best Peter Lorre) “ Oh, but that would make Master mad!”
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I’ve seen plenty of “Here is my love to you” outstretched arms, palms up and cupped with that love. What he did he practiced in the mirror with a grin on his face.
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I apologize to each of these individuals for the awful mispronunciation of your names. But I try, out loud, every single time.
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I cherish my peace and quiet and it annoys me to no end to have voices intrude on my silence. Can’t we just have closed captioning with no sound. In fact, with AI as it is can’t we stop their mouths from moving altogether?
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France called. They want their statue back.
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By God, at least they didn’t get William Powell!
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When I was a kid, my big brother would watch WWII ‘B’ movies late at night. The platoon cook, lugging pots and pans and often named Cookie NEVER made the final scene.
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“!!AVADA KEDAVR… oh, but wait, what have we here?”
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A time in my life when I realized I was never going to like Rod Stewart again.
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Now you’re just looking for a fight.
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…and knowledge is for elites.
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Personal feedback: Hi, I’m Mike and I’m a very bright child, but I’m always looking out the window.
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Group feedback, First Grade class. “Today is the last day of school, and I won’t be back next year because you are all just too stupid.”
I’m hoping Mrs Harmison found a different profession.
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Being a spice hoarder, had some around, along with my handy Bialetti. Wow, that’s nice. Kinda the Earl Grey of coffee. Thanks!
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“Hold my mead.”
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I am quite old and must go back to childhood, as nothing has since compared to a steamed hotdog on a steamed bun. So while the other kids were licking Red Hots and trying to get them to stick to the screen, not a sweets guy. Kentucky.
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Had to go dig through my albums. The ones in worst shape were The Beatles, The Who, Donovan, James Taylor, Traffic, and the soundtrack to A Clockwork Orange.
I’d get by.
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I suppose I get a -6 due to the number of things I STILL do.
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It’s the look on her face as though she’s just threading a needle that I find most disturbing.
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Sorry, but my iPad and Comic Sands are incompatible. Slowly loads ad after ad and never finishes.
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New bloom! My first in years.
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Hey, but R&D was trying for pepperoni when they accidentally created Bertie Botts vomit flavored jelly beans.
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I was going through old slides and Googled the motel where we stayed in Virginia Beach to see if it was still there, and instead received an education.
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The extent of my artistry is sprinkles and no.
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*The South chiming in*
More importantly just how are you pronouncing pecan?
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Do silent Jean Arthur movies still exist. Have you seen any? Always loved watching her expressions and just now finding out her career extends back that far.
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I’m sorry, I’ll never mention A High Wind in Jamaica again.
But that horrible ending!
I’m sorry, NOW never again.
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Jeffrey Dahmer was a monster, but he had some epic seasoning tips.
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Our tastes differ (The Great Race comes to mind) but The Sand Pebbles clocks in at around three hours. Some think it drags; I did not!
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Hey Ken, I don’t have very many followers so I’m jumping on your train. Take a look at this video of a pastor talking about Christian nationalism.
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Night Blooming Cereus