What's funny about this is that as a neurodivergent person, having other people initiate all contact for me is like my dream. My world would be SO much easier if random ppl walked to my house and started socializing with me and handing me gifts instead of me having to forge relationships myself.
imagine a kind of Improv Olympics for reading things in bad faith, in which a whole bunch of haters competed to “yes, and…” each other into the Maximum Possible Bad Faith Reading
basically it was a big game of telephone predicated on the assumption that I am irredeemably evil and therefore every action I take must in and of itself be evil as well
on my end it's one of those things where i was offline for one (1) day and a whole new main character had emerged and other than gathering that everyone i followed thought it was very silly in a very online way i decided that the time had passed, it simply wasn't for me to know
it's so gendered, too. if you'd been a straight dude making chili for some potential straight dude buddies next door you'd have been invited onto Fallon or something
i was main character for a day on twitter after posting a picture of a ridiculous rat trap my dad rigged in his kitchen and among the thousands upon thousands of nice replies only two (2) people accused me of promoting animal cruelty
I once commented offhand to my friend that the person telling my friend to kill himself should have been punched and got the entire fire emblem fandom to jump on me bc apparently the guy was 17 so that means I love child abuse.
it honestly always struck me as like, actual bullshit.. like it was clear you were just doing something sweet for the neighbors and people were being super fucking weird about it
as someone who didn't follow you on twitter, the immense backlash to that incident is just so fucking bewildering, because you seem like idk, just a normal, nice human?
when pornhub buys the food network and starts making all their shows incest themed we can talk. personally I'm worried about cross contamination in this scenario.
It’s because of how two negatives make a positive. If it’s incest when you are related to someone and you fuck them, it’s also incest when you aren’t related and you don’t fuck them
But ... they weren't related? It seems like either you can insinuate that you want to do something nice for someone because you want to fuck them OR because you have maternal feelings for them, but it makes zero sense to say that you feel like their mom who wants to fuck them. That's not a thing.
See now you're showing your true colors by making excuses for that awful person we've decided is awful because reasons. You are now an enemy of the state and we will now make spurious accusations against you as well that will be backed up by vague handwaving.
And iirc Chinch said some joking version of "mom mode activated" or some shit because like, making food for some youngins, that's kinda a mom move. And clearly that makes her a creepy creeper who is creeping on those 20 year old guys?
Instead of: “go to your room and think about what you did” there needs to be a modern equivalent like: “go outside and go talk to some people and tell them what you did so you understand”
This person is a prime candidate for that
I should clarify: I am not a chili recipient, but I remember Chiligate happening, and I completely forgot who was the arbiter of said chili, so I’m delighted to put blsky name to twitter meme. And for the record, I think it was a kind gesture!
Non joke response: It still baffles me how like, people will just "decide" that someone is somehow problematic and then just declare it with their whole chest and never offer any proof beyond "well everyone knows that"
is all vaguely feminine neighborly behavior mom-coded now, they're reaching like they have the extra long arms of that guy after robocop shoots him out of the OCP boardroom window
That was so weird, cooking for each other is part of how my neighbor back in Austin and I got to be friends (including my best chili and my second best chili and also matzo ball soup)
Once she made angel food cake when I had this pink almond-vanilla (I had this creme de noyeaux I wanted to use and also vanilla schnapps) mascarpone sauce from a culinary experiment and the combination was like a grand convergence of tres leches adjacent delicious
people are conceiving entire fairytales, as if chinch stumbled out of a nearby wood naked with a pot of chili and force fed a group of village children then lured them to her shack and slaughtered them to make more chili that she then carried to the next town over and so on terrorizing generations
Using Face app isn't necessarily a bad thing if you want to see how facial reconstructive surgery would make you passable. But it's another thing if you are used to catfish people.
Being a grad student in London, I was amazed at the horrid things they'd serve in faculty meetings, that would not get eaten until sent to the postgrad offices. And then they'd disappear. And I mean like Mythos-like gelatin molds
this takes the cake
...Yeah I need the recipe.
Thank you for sharing chili and photos of Rufus. You make this space a lot brighter.
my therapist: (eyes bulging, scribbling in little pad)
There, happy to help you understand.
This person is a prime candidate for that
the internet must be destroyed by any means possible
All are welcome to rest beneath my leafy boughs
i’m glad i can now think of you as “discworld pig avatar” instead of “got internet bullied for giving someone chili”
it’s quicker than doing the-thing-where-i-have-to-add-a-dash-between-every-word
She makes an amazing sausage and kale soup, and her angel food cake was amazing
Is there a cooking feed?
[this is joke, my mom is a saint]
she has a pig named Rufus
very normal internet episode
I attended some mind numbing stuff in exchange for pizza
make sense
do I need to turn myself into the feds