Any medical professional knows that!!! Also, in the armed forces POC often means “point of contact.” Wonder if anything is getting canceled because of that?
Wow. Just think of all the paper authors whose initials are, most unfortunately, DEI. They probably get the same treatment as the children’s book author with the last name of Gay.
They have also apparently targeted educational research into transition, thinking it was a trans thing, whereas in fact it covers moving smoothly and efficiently from kindergarten to school, school to college, between different types of school, and so on.
"The grant appears to have been tagged for the repeated use of “POC,” an acronym often used for “people of color” but in this context meaning “point of care” — that is, the place where people receive medical treatment"
I heard from an IRS employee that the word “equity” has been removed from their handbook. MAGA doesn’t understand that words can have different definitions.
Retired OB-GYN here. First thing that springs to mind when I see POC is "products of conception." That's what it meant long before we had medical corporate-speak such as "point of care."
institutional literacy is important. Could have solved a problem by talking to, or involving, someone who actually knows these institutions/agencies in the process. Instead people who have no clue are gutting programs.
DONALD Trump was impeached in 2029 for Treason and Abuse of the American people, tried to involve President Zelenskyy and Ukraine.
Of course. I didn't mean mistake in the sense that it isn't an accurate description of Cruz. Just that it wasn't what the acronym was referencing in this context.
I reside in the state so have so much supporting documentation, my son was at an event yesterday where he stood at attention with coworkers for 45mins and while others came over afterward to thank them cruz wasn’t one of them, never acknowledged them
I learned in library school that in the early 2000s Saudi Arabia tried to ban all porn sites by censoring "ass." I guess it eliminated a lot of porn, but also every website with the word "association," "assistant," etc., etc.
Not saying I have proof this has happened, but any government agency dealing with software could lose “proof of concept” initiatives, i.e. prototypes for new features, since they also get labeled as POC.
This reminds me of some newspaper back in the '80s, which was switching its usage from "black" to "African American" and to make sure staffers didn't accidentally forget, they made a find/replace user key and ended up with a story that made several references to the "little African American dress."
Putin ordered the Rapist to create complete chaos in the west, and he's doing exactly that, because he wants to live another day.
𝗢utdoor 𝗠acro-𝗙inance 𝗚overnance
They keep him in the Senate, where he does the most harm to the United States.
POS in the context of a store means Point of Sale.
But in the context of anything related to Ted Cruz, it means piece of shit.
Now imagine the analysis these POS made without context and the outcome is this.
They’re going to mess up every RFP