They've made their bed and now they have to lie in it. They also have to justify it. They NEED to catch a trans person in the act to prove there was even a point to the fuss they made over the issue.
The fact that bathrooms remain just bathrooms is infuriating to people that require controversy.
Capitol Offense: The Lost Girls’ Hunt for Genitalia in Twenty-First Century America During the Post Insurrection States-Rights Nation-Building of the Confederacy of States
Maybe it wasn't a great handjob, but she was able to keep going when the usher interrupted. Staying on task despite distractions requires a degree of talent.
She's an Instagram politician. The only reason she joined government was for the attention she can get for herself in keeping an internet fanbase angry and terrified. Oh, and the money. Don't ever expect a bill, an idea of any sort that would help her constituents because that's not why she's there.
I encourage these rumors to be spread daily so we can all watch Boebert and Mace run around the capital looking for phantom trans people in the bathrooms. Wild goose chases to keep them busy
The only problem would be the gender checks they perform on women who don't fit the gender norms. Although there are likely law suits for that I'd rather not see any woman go through that.
It used to be that Republican men prowled the restrooms. Especially rest stops. Nice to see equality in the Republican ranks. R's do their best work in the toilet.
Government by and for people whose lives peaked when they successfully started a rumor in 9th grade about what a slut Becky is for kissing Brad under the bleachers (Becky and Brad had never even had a conversation).
Apart from the weird creepiness, doesn't she have anything better to do? Do the vast majority of her constituents think that's the most productive use of her time?
I know it would be incredibly awkward for all of you guys, but if she asks to see it, you should just shove it in her face and be really rude about it. Maybe throw a windmill in.
She strikes me as someone who isn’t going to listen to the doctors because she knows just as much as (maybe more than!) they do and they aren’t better than her and this suspicious mole is just a beauty mark and everything will be fine because Jesus promised her…
Thank God she's no longer my congressperson. Now, I have a league average republican as one. Wish Colorado State Dems who have a trifecta had bothered to gerrymander this State effectively
1. I think it’s time for someone to question her gender and demand she drop trou on the house floor, and 2) I hope Sarah McBride lurks at the men’s room and follows Mike Johnson in every time he goes.
Lauren Boeberts son is a PDo felon. He and his fellow criminal made explicit videos of them having sex with a minor child. Lauren Boebert groomed her son to be a PDo
Meanwhile, trans activists are responding in kind by tailing Boebert, ready to pounce on her next wildly inappropriate handjob for a dude at a children's show.
She thinks drag queens are "more offensive" than ejaculating during a fourth-grade recital. No.
Wasn’t that what she was elected to do? It certainly wasn’t on her accomplishments. I can’t believe this mean girl bathroom monitor is now eligible for a congressional pension and health benefits for the rest of her life. Talk about a welfare queen.
"To her credit?" She's trying to feign an air of seriousness before a reporter so she'll be left alone to keep doing more of these stunts. Fucking Hill journalists are such fucking pussies.
My favorite part of all this is that they want people to use bathrooms that align with their sex at birth to “protect women” from trans women, and if followed, it means them sharing the bathroom with trans men or other masc presenting individuals.
I really think that Democratic women in the house should organize an effort to regularly wear men’s suits and men’s wigs and just use the bathrooms to drive Nancy Mase and Lauren Bobert crazy
Lauren Boebert is a creepy sex pest who has no problem with performing public indecency or lewd acts in front of children. Why is she not a registered sex offender?
Unfortunately that seems to be a common issue... worldwide? My country's congress is full of sex offenders and people obsessed with other's genitals too. :|
Yeah, and she gets no credit. She was trying to get someone curb stomped, and it's just God's grace someone wasn't there for her to point at. That bitch never gets any credit.
I wonder what would have happened if it went farther. Would a police officer be called? And then what? Would they have demanded some kind of identification? Would there have been a genital inspection required? I really don't know where this is going, but whatever it is, it will result in a lawsuit.
But according to Trump's "only two sexes in America" executive order everyone who was female at conception is a female today. But sex differentiation doesn't manifest until about six weeks AFTER conception. So in the US everyone is legally female.
"to her credit" LOL. If she weren't a complete dipshit trying to harass people, she wouldn't have had to admit she was wrong to begin with. She should just stick to what she knows best -giving handies in the back of a theater.
So what have we learned here? Begin a campaign to continuously yet inconspicuously leak "rumor's" about trans folks in House bathrooms. It will take these morons months to figure out they're being had.
Sexual harassment: "Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that violates a person's dignity. It can be verbal, nonverbal, or physical"
Methinks this could fall under that, especially since it turned out it was just a rumor she was going with.
Thanks Colorado 4th. Psyched to have your psycho terrorizing women’s bathrooms in our Capitol. She’s really working hard for you on the important stuff.
Someone should keep telling her this rumor and see how long it takes for her to realize and give up on checking. She's so dumb it'll probably keep her off the floor for a long time.
The fact that bathrooms remain just bathrooms is infuriating to people that require controversy.
I mean her vision is impaired in more than one way.
They were not popular.
Lmao someone probably started it to make Bobo look like a moron.
Can’t believe we’re stuck with these weirdos who think they get to check out my dick before I can use the bathroom with the urinals.
Anyway, it might work itself out.
If we have someone to fear harassing women in bathrooms, it's Boebert & Mace.
She thinks drag queens are "more offensive" than ejaculating during a fourth-grade recital. No.
No, Lauren, nobody wants to go to the theater with you.
I mean her vision is impaired in more than one way.
(So really they just want to harass people.)
Did the toilet speak to you, Lauren?
This is how murders and lynchings begin.
Methinks this could fall under that, especially since it turned out it was just a rumor she was going with.
It was no mistake. She knew what she was doing. The only "mistake" was thinking it would get her more attention.
You will win in weeks.
Try mobilizing a small town first and see how it goes.
those "rumors" acted upon without evidence have gotten more people killed
"Lauren! There's a guy in the women's bathroom!"
*She leaves*
"Okay so we'll bring it to a vote while she's in the bathroom"
Boebert mocked in her home state for playing anti-trans bathroom cop