An "electrical stimulation" collar that is supposed to reduce the likelihood of having a child with autism, "especially for women who are taking [SSRIs] or who are using cocaine."
Patented yesterday.
US 12168121
Patented yesterday.
US 12168121
"The patient may be a pregnant mother who is at risk for having an autistic child, an individual who is potentially autistic, or an individual who is actually diagnosed as being autistic."
No mention of autism or ADHD on their website.
I’m not equipped to evaluate the quality or ethics of those studies
My gut reaction is that that this is probably useful for some stuff, but that it’s good for ASD is the worst kind of speculation
There’s some gross sounding stuff in the patent about using it as a positive feedback device for autistic kids for operant conditioning
You don't have to educate me on the subject, they were used on me!
CN torture
Wait till you learn about the "Graduated Electronic Decelerator", a wearable shock device used at the Judge Rotenberg Center on disabled (probably mostly autistic) people to punish unwanted behavior, without investigating the reasons for this behavior.
CN torture
There was an attempt for the FDA to ban it, but it was overridden by another court. Now there is a new attempt; the decicion will probably made at the end of 2025. All this time the torture of these disabled people will continue.
Time means nothing when these people don't consider disabled people human, which is shockingly common.
IE: Most fucking people think this
(Seriously this is so fkn disgusting and makes me want to throw up)
“Your child’s brain pan signifies he’s mentally deficient. I bet you snorted tons of coke or SSRIs. Slap the shock-o-matic 300 on him and have him drink this uranium water”
Not ok.
So how does this help Donnie Jr with his ex?
People just cna't help being ableist in new and horrifying ways.
But is also pretty weird, in general. We can reinforce those behaviors without having the brain chemical stimulation version of a dog clicker
A PDF of said patent
Side note: anyone else feeling both appalled and horny about this? I’m calling my therapist…
It could potentially help with other issues, but specifically stopping autism sounds like a stretch!
apparently some people (possibly researchers) believe that there's a statistical link between gestating mothers presenting with some measurable type of vagus nerve disorder and diagnosed autism in their babies. treating the disorder with elec. stim. is thought to reduce those stats.
we'll have to see the claims, but this is likely just patenting the device, not the desired effect.
Looks diabolical. Is, in fact, not.
It’s another eugenics tool which is deeply deeply troubling to say the least
So if anyone has ever experienced an ultrasound device, which I have not, this thing is a thousand times less.... Hertzy.
suffice to say it has nothing to do with “having a child with autism”
But also: fuck this patent holy hell
So it’s expected that the child will run away screaming when you pull out the torture device the first time.
really is beyond belief jfc the fucking shit the rest of us have to put up with
what. the. fuck.
"It is understood that positive reinforcement [...] is already part of applied behavior analysis programs that treat autism [...] Euphoric vagus nerve stimulation may be used [...], replacing or complementing conventional reinforcers that are already used in such programs."
There's so many good reasons for vagus nerve work! Real ones!
( yes, I am aware there are other problems with this. I'm just asking one question that hasn't been asked yet)
Of course, undiagnosed ADHD may also be a risk factor for tobacco and cocaine use and a risk factor for an ND kid, so…
Ah well.
I was sure the SSRI/Coke thing was a fig leaf for a eugenics/obedient tradwive device and market. Collar not red/white habit.
Thanks for the motivation.
And for billionaires. Triggered annually based on how much they have received or donated.
They are talking about using it on NEWBORNS!
Given that there is no way of knowing if a Newborn has autism, are they just going to torture newborn babies if they don't like the look of the mother?
I am doubting this. The graphics style looks quite vintage.
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