Just watched Love Actually for the first time and I didn’t love it, actually.
Every male character in the film sexually harasses / “falls in love with” or / has an inappropriate relationship with every woman who works with him??
More female producers, writers and executives, please.
Every male character in the film sexually harasses / “falls in love with” or / has an inappropriate relationship with every woman who works with him??
More female producers, writers and executives, please.
You have a point, but these videos are not those kind...
Thank you for putting my feelings into words.
A Merry Christmas to you and your family Miss Guerrero. (Thank you for being here).
I understand that you just watched it for the 1st time, but how have you avoided the yearly controversy ?
It's a time capsule, and it's okay to see that what was charming then is cringe now.
“Unless…Claudia Schiffer calls, in which case I want you out of the house straight away, you wee motherless mongrel. No, we'll want to have sex in every room. Including yours.”
(My dad is from NI he’d never say this🤮)
Give me a good Scrooged or Polar Express :)
How did anyone ever love this movie?
The characters are all damaged people attempting to find love or something like it
I understand the argument against it.
However, it's heartbreakingly human, at times very funny and oddly hopeful.
An intricate interweave of stories about the many ways love manifests, often imperfectly, with counter tales of people mistaking lust as love, including one who finally figures that out.
I also get how people don't like it.
Guess I'm a scrooge, 'cause for me it's total cringe
And yet I get what you mean about the male characters
Still I like the movie
No, it’s not PC. It’s 21 years old. That in no way dismisses your 2024 observations, but it’s a comedy.
I hope you can look at
It again with new eyes because “love is all that matters, and love is all around.”
Emma Thompson was real though. I never understood why it wasn’t the story of how she and Liam Nieson got together though
Keira Knightley was 17 when that movie came out, 17.
Her husband's best friend basically hits on her on Christmas
That whole movie has always creeped me out and my English ex-husband loved it
Merry Christmas!
In today's world I hate that we have to be so specific but laws on sex crimes are abhorrent in the US. So clarity is important to me. It needs to change
The Grinch, Scrooge, Fred Claus, Elf and more🙄
Yes, many "cringe" parts in it that we all see now.
A classic with no icky stuff
Regardless of what idiots bankroll a project and who they hire to create it, it’s always the propaganda spin that creeps me out, breaking the illusion of reality.
Putting “meaning” into art is just taking a dump on it.
Can't believe I'm recalling this phrase from a 1970's James Robison religious revival, but "Sex is not love." Actually.
There are always exceptions. I have many.
But a Xmas rom-com? I'm out
Jamie's wife cheated on him with his brother.
None of them were looking for love and the film folks were doing the same job so definitely not his subordinate. Hugh Grant had his moved so he wouldn't be tempted. I see you but I disagree on most counts. Maybe rewatch?
It’s pretty old school
Have watched it twice to make sure.
Do NOT understand the appeal.
Why is it so popular?
Sounds like a worn out 80’s script
Social media is weird.
I've not read or watched it, but I understand I probably wouldn't have liked it. So, I did what EVERYONE has a right to do--not do it.
Sounds like something a misogynist would say.
Jesus. Hug a tree. Walk a dog.
What a mean-spirited maneuver: complaining that a convo is boring. If you're bored, just leave. Don't piss on everyone else & spoil the fun.
What a sad, narrow, pathetic POV.
The PORN stars are respectful to each other. A little boy discovers love. A sister sacrifices her happiness for her sick brother. SEAL sings at a goddamn wedding.
A WOMAN wants her boss to cheat. Are you sure you watched it?
Yes, he could have just phoned, or written, but this is the movies.
The entitlement nowadays is astounding.
You seem to be glossing over the issue I originally posed, which was telling a discussion to stop because you like the media.
Remember the Robert Palmer video ‘Addicted To Love ‘ ( a classic).. made in 1976 ? What do you make of that ?
Can you recall a Pitch Meeting that he struggled with because he loved the movie? Those tend to be my favorite Honest Trailers but I can’t recall any PMs off the top of my head like that.
Projecting modern mores onto a film from a generation ago is impossible…as they didn’t exist then.
I hate the film…romcoms leave me cold…but recognise that many (who would now deny it) loved it.
We can’t censor past art, that way Big Brother
They DID exist then. That is the problem with this argument.
What has changed is that the people who found it icky then were silenced or overlooked. Now they can be heard.
Those who feel the urge to censor any form of art need to remember the off button, freedom of speech, and the power of gentle education.
I am always saddened by book burners
The movie is 21 yo making comments on society & culture during that era. During the 90s & early 00s, majority of relationships started in the workplace.
I find it harder to watch because Neeson lost his wife 6ys later & his sons are around the age of his characters son.
Like the 2 guys are.bumbling fools who barely get the relationship in the end.
Or that these 2 were a different class of the women.
You can also look at the misogyny in the 1 who heads to the US.
Or that 1 guy is trying to steal his best friends wife.
Or Neeson, who is heartbroken himself who wants to help his son impress a girl he is infatuated with.
If you have a problem, it isn't made for you & don't watch it or maybe switch your focus. Art isn't for everybody.
Then Aurelia’s family is relieved when they think they’re “giving” Jamie her larger, hairier sister & he’s disgusted☹️
The only nice chap in the whole movie is the porn actor from The Office!
It was a favorite of two women who I had a holiday meal with.
I'll take LA everyday of the week, please.
2003 was a very different world, a world where reality and fiction were considered separate.
The me were mainly shits with redeeming qualities, the women rising up and winning in the end.
Sadly, even the past has to be seen through a filter of bile now.
Let alone real life.
Also work relationship dynamics are villified by capitalism because they impact labour output - not because they're always inherently, unusually bad.
We've moved a lot on 20 years though.
Well, some of us have.
Well, I'd like to think some of us have.
Well, I hope we have.
Well, I hope we will.