there is a certain wealth level beyond which you basically never hear the word no ever again. That's the cutoff point. Not hearing no breaks the human brain. We are not built to afford everything and value nothing
Reposted from
Mike Wiser
They key here, I think, is the "very" rich part. This doesn't mean your aunt with the vacation home after a career as a corporate lawyer, or your cousin the surgeon. Those people are normal rich.
The brain warping very rich are the 8+ figure wealth people.
The brain warping very rich are the 8+ figure wealth people.
Extrapolate to everything, that's obscene wealth.
You can go insane like a Col. Kurtz with almost no tangible wealth, given enough power over others
What struck me though was how utterly pointless the young Russian kid’s life was. No one had ever told him “No” so he did nothing but party.
The additional surplus is just power, just for throwing your weight around at a world-historical level
maybe he has literary agents who tell him no if something isn't up to par.
in any event, not something I have to ever worry about.
Dick Van Dyke at 99 is astounding, not because of his fame or his past but because of how good a shape he is in and how he accepts his age and mortality
The key Stoic word in there?
Correct: "accepts"
No one tells them “wow that’s weird”
If I suddenly had his wealth, I’m sure a bunker wouldn’t even make the top ten “weird” impulse purchases I’d make, no matter how grounded I tried to stay
I mean you'd have to WORK at it, but.
Doesn't your imagination kind of fail at that scale? Like it's hard to conceive of how very much more that is than even a single fucking billion.
The same as all aristocrats that came before them.
They live in a different reality than the rest of us.
The point about how cheap is fascinating, but I'm stuck on this.
I am upfront with my opinions (and facts) at work (in a professional and polite manner) but at times that’s been to my own detriment…
Once I had the born-to-riches boss tell me a VIP guest was coming and the test pool needed to be in showroom condition when they arrived. I said "that's not possible", they said "do it like your job is on the line" and I said "it's still not possible".
Once in a while the ultra rich & powerful person develops a taste for being told the truth.
That's fun when it happens.
TLDR pool was full of deliberately added cr$p.
- Massively illegal
- Not for sale at any price
- Physically impossible
- Self-contradictory and therefore logically impossible
Like Musk trying to pass himself off as a rocket-scientist and the inventor of the electric car...but everyone knows it's the scientists working for him that invent things, not Musk himself.
So they try something outside of business (like Trump and politics, Musk and Twitter). Something they can buy but pretend they earned. (2 of ?)
Because the rich parent doesn't care about the rich child, only about perpetuating their own myth. (5 of 5 it seems)
For me, the whole set of articulated problems with "the rich" clicked a lot better for me when I realized people didn't mean the 90-95th percentiles (net worth in the roughly $1 million range), but how distorted the final percent gets. The average physician probably isn't the problem.
With some added "I don't want Those People moving in"
The 0.1% leaves that in the dust. It really must be like living with brain damage
more or less literally: I paid a bit less than that for my first car in 2010 and most cars weigh 1 to 2 tons.
They also had a slave who would ride behind them, occasionally whispering into their ear "Remember, you are mortal."
it's not only the inherited wealth that breaks your brain, or the rare self-made people wouldn't be so uniformly uncaring.
and Stephen King is probably worth that amount, he earned his money. he also seems a sane and decent person
“Working” for other people is the opposite of each of these things.
They can’t accept that they’re ever wrong and will go to outrageous lengths to avoid hearing this.
It doesn’t make it ok, but if I suddenly had that sort of wealth stuff like a shelter wouldn’t even be in my top 10 weird impulse buys
“Is $10,000 a lot of money? Yes or no.”
This question reveals so much of how people see the world
That's not a healthy place to be.
It's not a binary.
It's 11:30-13:00 here.
"I asked him what he'd do if he couldn't be a star anymore. He blinked and looked at me like I'd asked if he wanted to grow gills and live under the sea. The concept had never occurred to him."
This actually explains a lot about businessfolk who make the jump into conservative politics, where people think they're "good at business", when in reality they were just good *for* business by virtue of size.
You succeeded in an era when it was harder to fail, but you still got a "good at business" medal
power doesn't necessarily corrupt, power *reveals* who you already were. You're free to be your true self, even if that self is evil.
No, the world’s most successful Black man will not bow to you.
No, the royal prince’s gf will not date you.
No, Dr Who will not allow you on his set.
No, you can’t be President of a country you weren’t born in.
No, your "services" rescuing trapped kids were not required.
No, we have no bananas.
No, you cannot live forever. You cannot go to Mars. Your spawn will not colonize the stars. You will die and be forgotten, like the rest of us.