Labour's transport policy taking inspiration from precisely the right places
If you travel at all, you will see most towns and cities have some great ideas. Britain (and by that, I obviously exclude London) has had zero innovation and taken zero inspiration. Very uninspiring.
Standing in the wind & rain for half an hour waiting for a bus that’s supposed to be every 10 minutes isn’t fun
When a bus finally arrives it’s rammed to the gills & full of young offenders on a day trip. Just horrible (no wonder that ppl drive!)
They often assume I mean late.
No I mean *exists* 😉🤣
Carefully does it Louise, Nigel and Kemi will be screaming BETRAYAL!
Maintain the bus fares cap for the remainder of this parliament.
Funds allowing more local authorities to run buses as Gtr London and Gtr Manchester, do.
Improved urban rail performance here in northern England.
- If you design your city for cars, it fails for everyone.
- If you design your city for transit, cycling, walking, it’s better for everyone, **including drivers**.
Keen as mustard....
She should ask about the debacle surrounding the withdrawal of the X84 service.
A publicly owned tram service is desperately needed, but previous proposals have failed.
I'm guessing Dijon has some distinctive detail, but can't see through the Times paywall.
Problem is that these hardly exist in the UK: Leeds and Bradford…
They are not cheap to build, take up room but, unlike trains, can share wide enough roads with other road traffic which then slows them down.
I had a look… one tram line in E’burgh (but trajectory looks sensible).
Let’s hope that this time we’ll actually see results.
A dense network with frequent services at an acceptable cost is what we need.
Public transport in the UK has a lot of work ahead. Especially where pricing is concerned. It’s so much simpler on the continent. And cheaper.
Off-ramps at selected junctions, which are already positioned optimally for access to local conurbations.
Park and ride nearby. 👍
Dijon in also an underrated gem of a city.
Don't go there if you hate good food, good wine, allowing culture... And trams 😁
Hence I ride a small motorcycle to work;
Transport is better in Australia, however the trains aren’t great. Rail fleet has been neglected.
If I had £100 for every time I was asked as an FCA ‘surely it must be possible?’ to either illegal or ludicrously banal solutions in a working career of 54 years I would be extremely wealthy.
In theory anything is ‘possible’ but finance/reality/practicality get in the way.
Just seems like more expensive less flexible leashed bus.
Or this...It's actually a bus.
Recently spent some time there and wondered why the rest of British cities and Britain aren't copying what Manchester is doing 🤔
Wish I could do the same were I live although Mayor Rotheram is starting to having a go with Merseytravel
Now it's all diesel buses .
Just like Paris on the periphery
Why not just look to London?
Looking abroad is eminently sensible.
Perhaps it’s to satisfy the need to fulfil our imagination in respect of ‘cafe-culture’ and outdoorsy solutions.
The Chinese system removes limitations imposed by having track and dispenses with the need for extensive catenary.