My mom sent me a Wall Street Journal article today that suggested a passenger "ask the flight steward" about the wifi connection and I wondered if the author was perhaps 100 years old.
won’t lie, if this was intentional, it looks badly on him in every single way. the assumption i had was that he didn’t do a basic reading of the notes given to him before this committee. it seemed like he made a bold assumption to pretend he’d read the brief and was exposed for it.
Whoa, then they really picked the wrong guy for the job. Now, if they'd elected him to put both his feet so far into his mouth that he looks like a human doughnut, mission accomplished.
But like that initial insult was the entire point of the exchange. He was being condescending not stupid. I don't know if you are just doing a dunk or not.... But that guy was putting down a woman in public as a joke.
Gui design lead. I know far more Quality Assurance coders than is probably healthy, and all of them are driven absolutely nuts at the quality of most GUIs. Most video streaming services? Horrible. Most smart TVs? Horrible. A lot of this stuff was solved in the early aughts. Yet progress is lateral.
Lol this world wouldn't function without them. Even if sometimes they are engineers and fail to see the world like everyone else or use their own product. Creating said bad gui's. You wouldn't be typing on this app without them... or doing anything on an electronic device.
The Minnesota legislature is often the exception that proves the rule about Democrats, generally. And even then: they worked with Republicans to help school cops kneel on kids’ necks as their first priority of the session.
That is true, but I don't need a pilot for when everything is going smoothly. I need them when things are going wrong.
It's the old "You aren't paying me for the 2 minutes it took to find the problem, your paying me for the years it took so I can find the problem in 2 minutes."
I can't stand it when people my age show themselves to be oblivious to the world around them and the changes that have taken place. Stuck in the past, these people have no clue about the present or vision for the future. Who votes for these ass-clowns?
Setting aside everything else (and that's a lot), how long has it been since "stewardesses" was the commonly used term? The '80s, maybe? How long has he been trapped there? Is he ever getting out?
Three seconds is all it took for his brain to ignore her words he could hear with his ears, ignore the uniform he could see with his eyes, and apply bias to the sounds coming out of his mouth.
True story:
Black family member who's a pilot was walking into a terminal in uniform when an older white woman, thinking he was a sky cap, asked him to take her checked bags out of the car to curbside.
Him: "Ma'am, I'm a pilot"
Her: "Then why don't you pilot my bags to the curb"
Legislators like this have aides whose entire job is to prep them for these hearings. Shit like this isn't a dumb old guy mistake, it's intentional public degradation.
“My typical work week is actually working, safely transporting people to the places and people they love - more than your work week of sitting around and doing nothing, getting everything paid for by my tax dollars and taking off months per year, you smug asshole.”
Oh and just to be clear: if he were asking a flight attendant this question, their answer should be the same. “I take care of the people on our flights and provide them with what they need. You ignore your constituents and make a bunch of money to do absolutely fucking nothing.”
Showing my vintage but, I don’t think I’ve recently heard a better, “boom, mic drop”, end to an interaction, in a VERY long, time… 🤘😎😂 Without having said very much, Laura Haynor said soooo much!! Love it 🙏
Every woman in a role that is male associated (I was a manager for an Aerospace Company) has had this experience. When there were only five women in managerial slots we were trotted out for every corporate meeting, local politician event, etc. Proof that women existed.
(Though given that you're retired from that male-dominated an industry, I imagine you've been forced to put up with a whole other level of garbage, and I'm so sorry. Thanks for making your field a safer street for other women to walk down at night.)
Thank you. I had the added weirdness of a male coded first name. That confused the hell out of people who hadn't met me, but had heard of me. 'Is Mr. X there?' was a routine occurrence and I often reported that he worked for the competition. What people assume gets them in trouble all the time.
Look again at the first panel: she introduced herself as testifying on the behalf of a pilots' association. Apparently he was smirking the entire time too. I get that it's fun and easy to believe that all conservatives are "stupid", but isn't it odd how that hasn't kept them from being successful?
These jerks love negative attention, so it’s difficult to tell—unless they issue a panicked apology/correction, or if they appeared flustered & embarrassed in the hearing, which I didn’t see.
Trump thrives on negative attention, which is why ignoring him when possible is best. They all copy him now
GOP elected officials stopped getting the benefit of Hanlons Razor years ago. They can be stupid AND evil, or just evil, but not just stupid. Because sufficient stupidity is indistinguishable from malice.
Even if he missed her introductory remarks which likely identified her job, I bet the union had submitted prepared remarks too, including a bio of witnesses, which the senator could have skimmed before opening his yap.
You can see in this clip that she explicitly said she was a pilot before he made his remark (though there's an edit so it's unclear how long before).
The fun part is that even if she was "just" a flight attendant, she'd have to be pretty smart and quick on her feet these days, and the job is challenging/miserable as hell too. That boy don't wanna hear from anyone working actual flights, probably.
B: They're called Attendants you boob!
But he apologized very kindly afterwards: "I'm so sorry - I don't know, why I said this!".
ignorant condescension squared
That's probably worse, to be clear.
Still quite awful, to be clear.
Marketing manager.
Best to to just point out he does jack and shit all day collecting our money for it like the cancer he is.
CEO (ditto)
Professional influencer
Oh my frick, she *is* wearing her wings. She's *labeled* as a pilot.
It's the old "You aren't paying me for the 2 minutes it took to find the problem, your paying me for the years it took so I can find the problem in 2 minutes."
(...yeah, I think we all know the answer to that)
Why the fuck would a non-pilot be speaking on behalf of a PILOTS. ASSOCIATION??
old white man...
Black family member who's a pilot was walking into a terminal in uniform when an older white woman, thinking he was a sky cap, asked him to take her checked bags out of the car to curbside.
Him: "Ma'am, I'm a pilot"
Her: "Then why don't you pilot my bags to the curb"
Well, dickhead… I do.
What she was thinking, probably.
What a jerk that man is.
HOW are these people STILL such high-ranking leaders in our country
Dornink: “Can you tell me what a typical work week looks like for you as a stewardess?”
Haynor: “I’m a first officer for Delta.”
Dornink: “Pardon me?”
Haynor: “I’m a pilot.”
She is eminently qualified, but ALPA seriously screwed the pooch by putting an F/O up to congress.
Not putting a captain in the hot seat was straight up stupid.
And seriously:
“When it was time for Haynor to provide testimony on behalf of Air Line Pilots Association International, which represents 2,400 pilots”
Nice ‘reporting’ Glamour, you only shorted us by about 75,000 members.
sounds about right
Or think.
But Greedy Old Pedophiles aren’t really known for their mental acuity.
Trump thrives on negative attention, which is why ignoring him when possible is best. They all copy him now
He's just lazy on top of it all.
Plus, he’s an old white guy who can confidently assume he’ll not face any consequences