Isn't his purchase of Twitter leveraged using Tesla stick as collateral? Shouldn't this drop trigger a clause requiring him to sell stock or shore up with other collateral?
What I'd like to know is that if Tesla liquidated everything they own, paid all of their outstanding debts off, and paid all of their taxes, how much would they be holding in cash? Discount that amount by about 30% and maybe that's what their stock price might be worth.
That’s a good start, but still way too high! Hopefully all the continued negative muskrat attention along with the Tesla dealerships being closed, burned down and protested in front of will help to escalate the process. Or maybe his VP will just completely crash the stock market.
Musk will make a statement that, in 2026, Tesla will launch a microscopic robot, so small it can't be seen with the naked eye, which is capable of doing all your gardening, housework and cooking.
Just a matter of time before the shareholder lawsuits start hitting. Against Musk for neglecting his duties. And against the Tesla Board for breaching their duties to shareholders
Rick, so what happens when banks start calling in the loans he's taken off of stock options on his businesses in order to avoid paying taxes, and he can't afford to pay them back?
Their sales are plummeting, I don't see them recovering anytime soon. The vaunted, often delay auto pilot that, if and when it arrives, will land like a thud. In the meantime, other companies get more proficient at EV's around the world. Musk will die a filthy rich man but man...what a waste.
Not a great car either, I sold a 2022 Y Performance for a $6k loss just not be seen in it. The 320 mile range is grossly exaggerated. The best miles I got on full charge was 190.
I think Trump and Musk are tanking the market on purpose. As a dictator and as an oligarch, sinking the globe into abject poverty suits them. Having scrapped USAID, they (like Putin and Kim Jong Un) are now dependent on hard power. One cannot destroy a country and then become a despised citizen.
We can do better people. The number we want is zero. We are collectively trying to drive that skipping dipshit Elon Musk out of the Whitehouse so he will pay attention to his own companies. Maybe when his company crashes, he will realize that we hate what he has done to our country.
Sub $200 and stay there! Sub $200 and stay there! Sub $200 and stay there! Sub $200 and stay there! Sub $200 and stay there! Sub $200 and stay there! Sub $200 and stay there! Sub $200 and stay there!
Still ridiculously overvalued. This quarter is going to be disaster. Brand has been destroyed, who would want to be seen anywhere near one of these swasticars
So, I keep bringing this up, hoping you or George Conway either one would address the failure of Citizens United and the McCutcheon rulings in what it has done to our nation's government. K Street. We need lobbyist reform. Sitting in the lobbies, no longer fishing trips. Also, blind trusts.
Oh, and apparently, he ticked off the wrong people because Canada is looking at Tesla's books because they claimed more credits for electric cars than what they had sold. Hmm, that sounds like that is something DOGE should look into.
It’s gonna keep falling too. The protests at the dealerships this weekend were effective. No one is going to buy a new Tesla as long as they can’t to a showroom.
Nice, but insufficient. The best LEGAL option is to bring his businesses to bankruptcy. BOYCOTT MUSK and all he does. Tell your Tesla Dealership you give them 60 days to CLOSE FOR GOOD or risk being burned to the fucking ground. Musk WAGES WAR ON YOUR FAMILY! WAGE WAR ON HIS!
Take his kid HOSTAGE!🤬
Musk must be stopped. He is a threat to democracy worldwide. Sell Tesla stock. Stop buying his Nazi mobiles and get off X. If we can ban Tik Tok other countries can ban X. The biggest issue is replacing Starlink quickly. The only thing he understands is $$ so let's try to bankrupt him.
To all Democratic members of congress!
Hold town halls in Republican Districts where Repubs won’t. Show them who represents them and that you won’t walk away from them. Democrats not Republicans!
MORE! Sink it more!
#BoycottX #BoycottTesla #BoycottStarlink
Musk needs to be fired.
Then indicted for crimes against the United States.
Read about them gutting the VA.
At what point is there a shareholder lawsuit against Musk and his (lack of) fiduciary duties? His reckless actions are solely to blame for the stock tanking and people losing billions.
With sales declining so steeply in Europe tesla could face billions in fines due to pools of carbon credits they sell to other cars companies. Poor sales=no carbon offset
I think the brand is too damaged. If it is sold the company would need to rebrand itself. There are so many competitors now as well. I think Tesla blew it. The semi truck seems to have disappeared and the hyped up second generation roadster is apparently gone. The CT is a bit of a mess.
Bring it to zero dump the stock dump the funds that own the stock sell the cars don’t buy the cars Musk $$ tied to this stock and hard earned Americans tax dollars choke off his $$ supply
Keep pounding his brand. It’s about face. He is pissed and nothing he can Nazi about it.
Pound his Tesla.
Pound his starlink too. Don’t let starlink dictate & control & monitor & Nazi your communication freedom. Seriously.
Tesla still trading at a price earnings ratio of 117 when every other major auto company is under 10. Tesla trades at a similar P/E as other auto companies the stock is at $22.
It was long enough ago that today's Hitlers are having no problem cribbing the same playbook and taking advantage of a public that only heard about it in whatever they were taught in History class, and maybe saw a couple of documentaries.
I know. History repeats itself. We haven’t done a good enough job of disavowing it. Especially amongst us older white folks who have first hand stories about the horrors of nazism.
Yup. e.g., Do you know one American Jew who isn't at the very outside two or three degrees of separation from someone with a tie to the Holocaust? I don't! (I'm looking at and talking to one over here right now!)
There's something incredibly wrong (probably mark to market accounting) when one of the most profitable companies in the world is worth far less than its far less profitable competitor.
Dump Tesla swasticars!
But instead of leaving a trail of flames, it hits 88 mph and just goes up in flames.
Expect Tesla stock to go stratospheric.
So at least some good news.
Down from 100k weeks ago to below 80k
Can they seize X, Space SX, and Tesla?
Elon built a mega factory in China in 2019
Tesla is flailing in China and the rapid rise of BYD is to blame
Tesla’s shipments plunged 49% in February from a year earlier
Nazism isn't a good look on the world stage. 🤨
Similar to those wanting Bezos' WaPo to tank: if it does, he will still have billion$ and yachts-within-yachts.
W. C. Fields
Although I’d argue it’s still too high. Funny how being a Nazi will damage a brand outside of MAGA world.
Other Tesla showrooms are being blockaded by police trying to stop the pickets.
Either way Tesla are not selling cars.
Take his kid HOSTAGE!🤬
To all Democratic members of congress!
Hold town halls in Republican Districts where Repubs won’t. Show them who represents them and that you won’t walk away from them. Democrats not Republicans!
#BoycottX #BoycottTesla #BoycottStarlink
Musk needs to be fired.
Then indicted for crimes against the United States.
Read about them gutting the VA.
A P/E ratio of 116😮
No dividend
Price should me lower that Ford at $10.05 Much lower!
tsla theme song is Petty's Free Falling
Buy the dip when it becomes a penny stock
Pound his Tesla.
Pound his starlink too. Don’t let starlink dictate & control & monitor & Nazi your communication freedom. Seriously.
Other analysts are smart.
Tesla surged because progressives loved the brand.
After Elon turned into a nazi-curious, right-wing asshole those same progressives are putting him out of business
People are dumping the stock
Pension funds are divesting
New Tesla sales at a low, and used cars flooding the market