CNN reports that in a private meeting, Senator Michael Bennet erupted, accusing Democratic leadership of having "No strategy, no plan, and no message on this spending bill" (direct quote)


Wanna know how I get these clips? I’m using an app that allows you to keyword search basically all TV news including in near-real time👇
do you have an app to add alt text to images
are there any stats on how many bluesky users actually require alt text?
yeah all the cool ones
Do you have a job
yeah, skeeting
At this point it’s a conscious effort to not include alt text. Love this guy’s reporting but getting harder and harder to ignore his blatant ableism.
Bro is a slacker.
What’s fucked up is he clearly does a lot of research on his articles and spends a lot of time on social media but for some reason can’t drop a few sentences into a text input. Let alone the fact that most phones let you directly copy text from the image so you can post it in alt text.
lol asking for inclusivity for disabled people makes me a Nazi.
I didn't know you could add alt text to videos tbf
you can’t. my original skeet is me being a tad snarky.
He doesn’t do it for any images he posts, which is what I’m assuming they’re referencing.
spot on
But also I just learned that you can in fact add alt text to videos.
and the commitment to ignoring the asks for alt text are very loud and obvious. considering subscribing to his substack just to comment “alt text on bluesky” on his articles.
Yeah he for sure knows, he’s just lazy. Pretty fucked up to call yourself a journalist when you can’t do the bare minimum when it comes to accessibility.
Especially when disabled people and the services they depend on are some of the things Trump is going after. It's tone deaf.
I'm glad to hear that someone is pissed off, but we better get the ship on course fast!
Follow the House
This sounds like the new DNC platform in general. "No strategy, no plan, and no message"
Why am I not surprised??
Yup we can clearly see that
I hope they all kill each other.
The #SchumerSurrender will destroy any chance we have to stop Trump and Musk!!
DEMS all need to VOTE NO.
Chuck Traitor Schumer. If you vote YES as you said. RETIRE. You sold out too the GOP.
Feels like Schumer was just craving Trump approaching him, with tears in his eyes, going "sir, thank you for not shutting down the government".

What a fucking coward.
That's not surprising. Democrats only plan seem to be how to be a second Republican party. Its insane the cowardice of this party. We need a opposition party so desperately now.
Time to clean house. The longer the Republicans see Dems in disarray, the more they will take advantage.
Way to go Senator Bennett!

Next step is to create the strategy ("Do not obey in advance"),

Create the plan ("Do not vote for the Republican budget"),

And create the message ("Fuck Trump and MAGA")
He's funny! As he votes for the criminals to be cabinet members. You fucking hypocrite. We're going to primary your ass. We saved you last time the next time you're done
He’s a flip-flop. He is one of my senators, so I wrote him an email explaining all the things I am worried about. I also asked him not to forget his constituents and to fight for us. As an answer I got a canned response back.
They’re all sending those. I have about 50 from each of my reps. Some were mailed, some emailed 🙄
Ya him and Hickenlooper are pissing me off.
How about “Just say no.”
No lies detected!!
I think schumer’s message is pretty clear
He’s not wrong
Good to hear. Get rid of #Schumer
No, Schumer has a plan. It's called giving fascism a boost.
It's called collect $$$$ from Wall Street and fuck your voters.
The Democrats have leadership?
No more Quislings.
And he is right .. Bennet , you go
so he accurately described the current situation?
He's 100% correct. They're just trying to do nothing because doing something would take effort or might piss off a donor.
The time is now. Democrats need to vote leadership out. They’re useless.

The entire history of the American empire summed up in 7 minutes. National anthem. Stars& stripes&what appears to be a George Washington life-sized poster. 2 years before the loyal Japanese Americans were put in us interment camps. As the nazis got the red carpet treatment.
He wasn't accusing. He was describing.
Vote Schumer out
Well he’s right!!!
Schumer is saying Nazis aren't so bad people now.
Good for him. I don’t get too excited about Bennet, but he is right.
The messaging is so goddamn simple. This is not a clean CR. It has no input from Dems. None. If they want Dem support it needs to involve concessions to Dems and at least be actually clean. Certainly no fucking over DC as part of it.

No Dem support without Dem input. No poison.

How utterly logical of you.
I get being concerned that it might tank the economy, but people... IT'S TANKING ANYWAY!
It is the darkest of comedies.
Democrats VOTE NO TO CLOTURE!!!!
Since the DNC isn’t capable of winning elections, what’s the point? Do we need two parties representing billionaires?
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And no spine.
He was not wrong.
If the Schumer fits…
🤖 No lie detected
Challenge Schumer for Minority Leader.
If you ever seen mild-mannered Michael Bennett fired up, you know shit got real. 🤣
The battle for democracy won’t be won in press conferences—it will be won in streets, libraries, townhalls, schools, in voting booths. Because history teaches us that when democracy is in danger, it isn’t rescued by those in power. It is clawed back by those who refuse to surrender to the twilight!
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No errors detected.
None whatsoever. Why wasn't Schumer and other Senate Democratic leaders out in front of this a month ago? Why weren't they working to shape the narrative around this?
Schumer needs to step down at Minority Leader. He's pineless. You're back baby! This is how we like you! Strong 💪
CR - folks can sue dt in federal courts.

Shut down govt - fed. courts closed, dt does whatever he wants for as along as he wants.

Be mad at dt, DOGE, GOP.
Then why did Trump want the CR?

I just wish the Dems had explained things better. But too late now.
A fair summation is a fucking #MAGADEM
Alexa, Google downfall of the eunuch faction in the Eastern Han dynasty

Hm oh I see they all drowned what a sad fate :)
At least my State has one good Senator. Hick, not so much.
Not true. Standing stock still, stunned, in the face of tyranny is the plan, and the messaging couldn't be more clear.
Bennet’s politics are far, far to the right of mine but he does seem to be the one centrist in the whole country who still has a working self-preservation instinct
Oh they have a plan. The second they ignored a coup should have been all we needed. I've been screaming into the void for 5 years. He is not on our side.
That would be amazing to see erupt but maybe our calls and messages are getting through? 🙏🏼🤞🏼
I LOVE Bennet, and am so grateful that he represents Coloradans. He's a decent, caring man.
Better than hickenlooper imo
I hope he’s voting no
It’s great that Schumer was supposedly worried about being blamed for the shutdown and now we have days of stories about how the spending CR comes down to if he specifically can get the votes to get it passed
They forgot no balls or spine either.
Hard to know how to interpret this
He’s not wrong!
See? There are some Democratic leadership who get it.
too many dem leaders weak, divided, no passion, no fight, feckless. i say primary everyone that wont fight back starting with
He's right!
And no one answered because they don’t listen. He and millions of constituents agree. The party is over.
When he’s right he’s right
Sen. Bennet nails it.
I wish Michael Bennett would rise as our next presidential candidate
He ain’t wrong 👀
And he was right it seems.
Schumer needs to go
Its allll wrestling…all of it. They play like they hate eachother..then they both conspire & fuck us all. Theyre all in on it.
Schumer has a plan.

It's just too embarrassing to admit.
He's not wrong.
Thank you !!
You think Chuck could take a fucking hint.
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The quotes on "guts" is hilarious. I could never let a geriatric fascist talk that shit to me, if I were Cucked Shumer I'd probably commit sepeku in shame, but then again I'd never capitulate to fascism to start with.
The strategy is surrender, the plan is to cower.
That "accusation" is accurate.
Seems accurate.
He’s not fucking wrong
Well if it isn't obvious this morning, it may very well be by tonight.
Trump whined &
against a free press.
are "illegal."
The ravings of
an aged, demented man,
badgering Canada
to be the 51st state?
Nuts. Crazy talk.
Soon the oldest POTUS
Senile, chaotic, unsteady
Thank you to my Senator, big steps in the right direction. Sounds like it's time for Schumer to go out to pasture.
He's right.
The Senate needs new leadership. Schumer is no longer viable, and his leadership team needs scrutiny.
michael bennet im sorry if my call the other day sounded too exasperated i was not fully familiar with your game
Dare I hope he steps up? Hick sure has been a disappointment.
Hick's always been terrible.
Dude. Don't you realize Schumer has a book tour to get ready for? He doesn't have time for this penny-ante governance crap!
Dana should be shining her light where it squarely belongs: the GOP out to destroy the American government. Literally treason. With that in mind, there are truly no good options for Democrats here.
Senator Bennet would make a great Senate Minority Leader. 👏👏👏
Eh I'd rather him than Schumer but he's pretty milquetoast and has voted to approve some of Trump's nominations.
And your recommendation would be? Sen. Bennett gave a very impassioned speech regarding the CR. I find his voting record to be very well balanced.
Yeah, let’s make another millionaire part of leadership. Hard pass.
I'm just curious: Which Senator isn't a millionaire?
You can use google. I know most of Democrat Senators didn’t work for oil companies.
They are assisting. Schumer needs to go.
Noted radical leftist Michael Bennet
I called him yesterday and told him exactly this.
The entitlement of schumer and his voting base in the party is very real

Her turn
Their party
Support anything they do
Or else
Democrats WILL NOT have a better time than now to use their power to stop this insanity. Even if voters are mad at them, there are 1 1/2 years until the midterms. Even if this causes disarray, how can you discern between the current disarray and whatever a shutdown causes. Use politics as a tool!
The strategy is: Don't let the GOP destroy the American people. The plan is: Don't let the GOP destroy the American people. The message is: We won't let the GOP destroy the American people.

Take notes if you need to. Rep. Jasmine Crockett can give you the bullet points.
schumer is not built for times like these, he’s a milquetoast bureaucrat at heart and in a very fundamental way, afraid to make waves
Spot on
He ain't lying.
I think Schumer does. Wait 6 months and maybe the GOP will want to negotiate then. If not, oh well he will just suck down whatever they offer because can’t let the government shut down. seems like you know that Schumer needs to be removed. Not having a plan is INSANE this long into it.
Kirsten Gillibrand also did full flip-out in the hallway screaming about how bad a shutdown would be.
Sen Bennett is not wrong! Where's the comprehensive communication strategy, we should be hearing it daily. Every time they are in front of the press, whatever question is asked, their point should be, and let me add this ... that should be their communications message of the day.
that's not true at all, they're going to fundraise, fundraise, and fundraise some more
Not sure what they'll be able to point to when trying to do that.

They certainly aren't DOING anything.
If the Democratic Congress cannot stand up against an obvious Coup of the U.S. Government, then what will they stand up against?
GO BENNET!!!!!!!!!!!
He’s right.
He's not wrong.
… Is he just figuring this out??? That’s literally been the problem since Reagan
If (my) Senator Bennet is raising his voice, well let's just say that in itself is something remarkable. The fight for democracy entered its last stage on January 20, 2025 and if the leaders won't fight with that recognition it's time to go home and let somebody else ride to meet the moment.
So true. He’s so quiet and calm most of the time. So glad he’s speaking up to leadership!!
Everything is so terrible I am agreeing with something Michael Bennett said.
No strategy, no plan, no message,

Time to get some goddamn RIOTING done around this motherfucking place.

I hear there were over a hundred people outside Schumer's house the other day, and all they did was stand around with signs.

Amerikans are a bunch of goddamn pussies.
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Cuck Schumer should have been forced to resign on election day
And don’t forget…no leader with a spine.
He’s right. It’s obvious.
That isn't entirely true, they also have no strategy, plan or message about anything else either
That's also true of the "good American citizens."
They keep reassuring me they'd rebel if USA invaded Canada, but we're up here wondering how that could be true when you're not rebelling already.
We were at the capital today. Fox News tomorrow, and the Heritage Foundation Sunday.
There were protests at every capital building for people who couldn't travel to DC.
Civilians are showing up, but both parties are compromised.
They won't invade 🇨🇦 they'll try to buy your leaders. Be careful.
More like they'll do what they've been doing since Harper allowed more USA media corps in.
Mind you when your enemies' message is "destroy everything especially if you say no" then what can they say besides actually doing their job to remove criminals no matter how number uppy or populist they are.
They didn't have a strategy for the 2024 election either besides "hoping Biden either dies or doesn't die," where was the outrage then?
Sounds like a pressure campaign to remove from leadership like what happened to Biden needs to happen. Time for younger leadership!
Stop the ageism crap. There are older reps doing a great job. Schumer has always been a spineless sack. That has nothing to do with age. Do you want to throw Bernie out too? He's one of the best fighters in the war right now! #OppositionCoalition #Patriot
Bernie is actually leading. Schumer cowered down.
Which proves my point. It's not about age.
He’s 100% right.

The only plan, strategy, or messaging is complete capitulation

#ChamberlainChuck needs to resign
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Schumer is rich. He doesn’t give a shit.
80 mil baby. Fuck us poors.
He bought a bunch of foreclosed property during the housing market crash to make his millions. He'll be buying up more assets as we become homeless. The guy is a ghoul.
Boom there it is. He's on the ownership classes side. I hope people understand it's not dem or rep now. This is about the rich stealing from all of us. Doesn't matter your career, skin color, beliefs. If you aren't rich you're with us.
We're all the poors. Let's get together and eat the rich. More of us than them
Feeling hungry after all these protests.
He’s got way more than enough to retire.

Also he has no idea what people below the 98-99th percentile lives through.

Ie, cost of healthcare, what is rent like, can I make a down payment on this overpriced house, compared to when Chuck bought his place, at a high interest rate… or should I rent?
Also the cost of food, sourcing it, etc. he probably just has someone get it and his concierge banker pays it and he doesn’t even notice bc of the days interest.

All the more reason to have a spine.

He won't be going hungry.
He does, in a certain way.
That is why he is so rich
Media is not covering the protests. But they are huge.

#resistance #protest #50501movement #fucktheking #fuckmusk
Any Senate Democrats that Vote Yes to pass The House GOP Bill & liar Racist Felon Criminal Dictator Trump need to Vote out, because they are not real Democrats & do not care What their Supporters & Voters need & want, Fuck Them, Specialty the liar scare hypocrite Chuck Schumer!
He’s not wrong.
That’s cuz they are enablers of fascism
Ayo that’s one of my senators! Glad to see at least one of them has some balls.
There's my Senator! Go Senator Bennet!! Making CO PROUD!!
Bennett is one of my senators. I called his office today to thank him for opposing the CR and to ask him to work to block unanimous consent for this vote to proceed.
We need new leadership. Dems rolled over.
It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see how it plays out for him.
They had 4 years to read up on project 2025 and now they have no strategy? I'm shocked 🙄
He’s right.
In France, we have the far-right, but even our far-right, and in most EU countries, don't go full totalitarian, dictatorial, Nazi like in America. Our far-right doesn't want to overthrow our french republic, & it's almost like your democratic party. But your republican party is the Hitler party!!
you're correct that the democrat party are fascists
We're fooling ourselves, aren't we? The man had no moves and shutting down the government is exactly what the other side wanted, isn't it?
Spitting facts. It's abhorrent what Dem leadership is doing and letting slide.
We have to replace every single incumbent Democrat

Vote New no matter who

Vote against all incumbents in the primary and general

Things won't get better till they are gone
He’s right. They need to get their shit together. The country is going down the tubes. Wake up.
And the people collectively spoke: ”NO SHIT”.
The negative impacts of a shutdown pale in comparison to the lasting consequences of supporting this bill. The legislation contains unconstitutional provisions allowing Donald to continue his illegal appropriations activity, undermining 1/2 the court cases we’re currently winning. Dems must #VoteNo
Was instructed by Bennett staff that if you want a return call, you must say, verbatim, “I am formally requesting that my call be returned.” Staff member also said their local office has been receiving “thousands” of calls a week.
I'm his constituent so I really should give him a call and let him know that I support him going after Schumer, including replacing him as minority leader.
I have left easily three dozen messages with
in just under two years. So who knows?
Well that’s the first “oomf” Bennett (my senator) has shown in the better part of two years.
And it’s on purpose! They want Trump tax cuts to happen to enrich themselves.
It's true!
But the pubtards said they had a “concept of a plan” it sure seems like they don’t have clue.
Good on, who could be a wonderful replacement for gutless wimp

As usual, he is right! He’s one of the best!
Y'all managed to make Bennet yell? 😮
Well hell yeah!
Right?? 😆
This is the problem I've had with the "Vote as hard as you can!" crowd for years. 0 plans for when they lose. When losing to the fascists sometimes is the entire point of your system, at least count on it and plan to DO something sometimes you fucks.
All Dems must vote no‼️
I suspect Bennet is 100% correct...
I'm so glad my Senator is angry. I hope they ALL get angry enough to kick Schumer to the curb!!!
sign if you can n pass it on. might want to hurry
……….. ya think?
You could’ve voted no? Right? What the fuck is the public position?
We worked hard to get you elected b/c you were supposed to have public positions. What was important today was a NO vote. How did you fuck that up?
Answer your fucking phone.
You told us you were a no vote‼️
Interested to know which other Dem senators besides Schumer and Fetterman are planning on betraying the American people by voting for the GOP’s fascist agenda? If those two traitors go it alone, the CR won’t pass.
Who can they be? Put your focus on them, not the lost causes. #VoteNo
Schumer is an idiot.
We’re all pissed off.
He is correct
Thank you Senator Bennett! Sorry that Schumer folded
Go off King
Totally agree w/ Michael,the pre - baby boomers Gen. are not even in touch with CURRENT EVENTS. Absolutely,no strategy, no plan, no message, no curiosity, no adaptation to new realities & to a new world.No research for loopholes in the system. It’s painfully clear that it’s time for them to retire.
Democrats? not having a plan!? i'm shocked!
He's not wrong. Schumer isn't brave enough to meet this unprecedented moment. He's ignoring the voices of the governed in favor of his outdated decision making,
Great Post!
Blue NAZIs - until we ERADICATE them, tRump will keep winning!


End their CAREERS!!
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Passing the CR is political suicide
Thank you Senator Bennet.
Dem leadership needs to get it tf together, or if they aren’t up for this, get out of the way!!
He's only saying that because the Democratic leadership has no strategy, no plan, and no message on that spending bill.
You can never be angry enough at democratic leadership.
Bennett did? Wow! I always saw him as kind of meek. Good on him!
Typically he’s feckless at best
100% accurate
He's running
That’s my Senator!
He was listening to his constituents and went out of his way to invite people to town halls, too. He wasn't running.
Once again you make this “the news” as usual what do you expect? Oh it’s going to go so smooth. You need stations drive me nuts
He’s right
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Is correct.