Rep. Dan Meuser says "Republicans need to get onboard with President Trump" and adds that "our role is really to be more of a supportive board of directors."
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What happened to the three separate legs of government that are supposed to serve as checks to each other? I went to pitiful, poor rural schools and still know better than that.
Oh, yeah? Is that what he told his constituents when he ran for office or reelection? What a loser who does not know or deserve his important role in government! 😡
“On January 6, 2021, Meuser was among the 147 Republican members of Congress who voted against the certification of the results of the 2020 United States presidential election.”
Representatives are elected by citizens of certain congressional districts. The representative is elected to be an advocate for the people residing in that district. Representatives are public servants not handmaidens to a senile King.
Misplaced analogy alert. The President of the United States heads the Executive Branch of the Federal Government but is not "the CEO" -- and the role of Congress is definitively not to be "a supportive board of directors."
Rep Meuser, your role is to GOVERN for the NEEDS of the general public (housing, healthcare, education, etc) not the WANTS of the wealthy. This is government, meant to govern. The US government is NOT a private business or a bad reality TV show. When did you stop seeing the general public as people?
Lots of errors & lab explosions .. civil war, genocide, theft of lands- mainland & HI, broken treaties, embrace of fascism .. reluctant entries to fight against what many wanted domestically (christo-fascism) ..
If Rep. Meuser is suggesting that government should simply be a business then, following Trump's business model, there is no need for a Board, just family and a handful of slavish loyalists. Dan, you're out of a job.
But but but they carry tiny versions of the Constitution in their jacket pockets that they always like to wave in people's faces to show just how much they love it! You know, like the bible! Gosh, they aren't being performative about BOTH are they?!
Wrong, Dan Meuser. You fundamentally don’t understand one of the roles of Congress. It is not to rubber stamp; it is to check and balance the other branches of government including the executive branch.
Apparently none of the GOP understand why they are even in Congress! If they are just a rubber stamp, why are they being paid and why are they there? To bloviate constantly and spread falsehoods.
So, the GOP has zero understanding of two essential things - the independent role of the legislative branch and what the board of directors does at corporations.
that’s not what the constitution says…. you’re supposed to be separate branches of government each acting with their own brain, not just to embolden 1 person…. That’s called a dictatorship
Even a board of directors acts as a guardrail to investors. They don't follow the CEO without question. We are the shareholders and they act on our behalf!
Someone tell Meuser the Constitution, which republicans don’t understand, lays out what their role in government should be. Remember the three separate branches concept? They’re not a supportive board of directors, they’re an independent branch of government with a defined role to play.
Musk thinks his money will buy him power but instead all he’s created is a big mess which will only get worse. Get thee gone, bully! Go back to Texas and intimidate one of your girlfriends.
This is fucking crazy and downright frightening for a sitting congressman to say, let alone on national TV. This country is doomed if these people start to govern this way.
No Dan,stroking your orange jesus is not a job. Your job is to represent your constituents, negotiate new legislation in good faith, and be a servant of our system of checks and balances.
The role of Congress is to check and balance the President and the Supreme Court. If you're going to abdicate that responsibility, you're fucking useless and shouldn't be in office!
This fool doesn’t know anything about government or business affairs, if he thinks the role of the board of directors is to just be supportive of the CEO.
A pretty direct way of saying that he could care less about his constituents and has no interest in governing - Give this guy a copy of the constitution for Christmas.
I guess I have it wrong. I thought our elected officials were to speak for be our voice. Time rethink my voting in the future. To bad the red voters won't think twice before they vote again.
Haha, "President Trump!" He's just a moldering old man wandering around Mar-a-Lago in leisure wear, trying to figure out where he can find some pudding.
Meuser represents a district in deep red PA, so his constituents are perfectly comfortable with poverty and capitulation because they’re too obtuse to understand
Not all of us. He sucks ass. His office never replies to constituent correspondence when you disagree with anything he does or if you have an opposing opinion. He's also rich, so he has the money to squash a dem opponent. We are hostages to his douchebaggery. I despise him.
Removing Child Cancer Funding because it is “garbage is what Republicans voted for”.
Jesus Christ?!?! Someone remove this ass hat from a position of power! MAGA Republicans & Trump Republicans should NOT have any power over Cancer Children. The GOP are monsters, pure evil, anything for a dollar!
Republicans demonstrate once again they're nothing more than weak cowards incapable of doing their jobs as members of the legislative branch - independent of the executive branch.
#PA09 voters, did you know you were electing a subservient wimp who defends billionaires' interests, NOT yours?
Did this guy fail Civics class in high school? Congress should require a remedial civics course for all legislators, or at minimum, a copy of the job description given out to all incoming representatives.
Throughout their campaigns, GOP politicians all want to "serve the people". Once elected, they serve TRUMP, not the people. Every fricking one of them should resign.
It's horrifying. Government is a service, that works for the people. Each Congressperson takes and oath to the constitution, & was elected to represent their constituents interests. And worse yet their infiltrated saboteurs made the president and themselves, more powerful than the king we deposed.
No, Meuser, that is not your role. You are part of the government that is supposed to check and balance the executive branch. Go back to middle school and learn about the government of which you are a part.
Uh-huh. That shit plays well for his Apprentice image but it ain't the truth. Republicans are onboard because they're drunk teenagers who have wanted to go on a power-grabbing joyride for years, and they finally have a barely coherent grandpa who's willing to buy them beer and hand them the keys
We're Board of Directors!
And our fiduciary responsibility is to the owners of the company - the shareholders.
Billionaires and Oligarchs.
The American people?
The beatings will continue until moral improves
Lots of errors & lab explosions .. civil war, genocide, theft of lands- mainland & HI, broken treaties, embrace of fascism .. reluctant entries to fight against what many wanted domestically (christo-fascism) ..
well- when we put it this way- FAIL!
I woke up this morning and my very very first thought was
Seems the Republicans don't like the Constitutional 3 branches of government.
As always, for MAGA, it’s Trump over party, and party over country. #cspan #cspanwj
- Dan Meuser, a dude who is somehow a fucking Representative
This will be written up and filed in his folder for when the retributions start.
It's you, it's you must go and democracy abide.
The role of Congress is to check and balance the President and the Supreme Court. If you're going to abdicate that responsibility, you're fucking useless and shouldn't be in office!
Can someone please remind these fools what their job actually is?
Musk is president.
Jesus Christ?!?! Someone remove this ass hat from a position of power! MAGA Republicans & Trump Republicans should NOT have any power over Cancer Children. The GOP are monsters, pure evil, anything for a dollar!
#PA09 voters, did you know you were electing a subservient wimp who defends billionaires' interests, NOT yours?
P.S. I am pretty sure that this isn’t what the Constitution says.
This statement deserves all caps. Move along.
If not, then a training class when they get elected
Every naturalized citizen knows the US constitutional structure better than these ...
(or: they *know* better, but say this anyway? Vote them out!)