Schumer on his plan to oppose our Trump: "The plan is to organize ... on the issues that so affect Americans -- the cuts to Medicaid, Social Security, the tariffs -- we're gonna focus on the 6 Republican congress members in New York State."
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Wow, if that's what gets your dick hard, Chuck, go ahead. Meanwhile, heroes like Al Green yelled at the President and got escorted out of the chambers.
"We're going to organize. And I'll put lifts in my shoes so I look taller. And I'm going to push my glasses closer to my eyes so I can actually see. And I'm going to.. what was I talking about?"
I live in Ireland, my 85 year old mum is in the UK. We were chatting on the phone this evening, and she said, "Where on earth are the Democrats? What are they doing?" It's just so very noticeable to everyone that there is no visible opposition to the Orange Monstrosity.
Two years is too long. By then, we're all going to be poor and sick, and there will be no government left. Ukraine will have lost, and we'll have no friends left. And it's very likely that elections will no longer be fair.
He's actually talking about the votes needed to block the budget cuts in the House, this year. At first I thought "wow he's talking about 2026??" but it's not that.
Right now they are scared of Trump and getting primaried. We need to get them to be even more scared of Dems turning out en masse to oust them or whoever wins the primary.
I'm one of those people who can't wait. I'm disabled, no family support left, live on SSI, Medicaid & SNAP. No savings, since I survive on $1000/mo. One month without SSI, I can't pay rent, landlord begins proceedings to have me out on the street.
I'm so sorry Liza. My brother is in the same situation, well except that he has me and there's only so much I can do too.
Guess we have to take it to the streets!
Thank you. All the best to your brother. He's lucky to have you. I'm an only child, never married, both parents gone. Very limited relationship with cousins, pretty much just Xmas cards, in the years we get them sent out. Last saw any of them 38 years ago.
Correction: change your sentence to read, And it's very likely there will no longer be elections. King trumpelthinskin is here for life (which probably won't be too long), but he'll have totally transformed our country into his kingdom. So, will Junior or Musk be the heir to his kingdom?
OMG this so frustrating! Meanwhile the GOP are scheming on how to punish Rep Green. All Democrats should of walked out in solidarity! Do you really think there will be a midterm that is fair..
Just wanted to be clear though that articles of impeachment are introduced in the house. Since shumer is a dem it makes sense that he should be able to coordinate with house dems
They need to do things that make a difference. No one remembers the other six articles against Trump or the five against Biden, that never made it out of committee
I'm all for it, but Trump has been impeached twice already. With zero chance of conviction it's really nothing more than a historical footnote saying "some of us were worried at this time." - STOP - give it to someone else, you are not the right person for this. If it needs to from the senate there are many better options
People are asking what we need to do to stop the corruption, economic collapse, and power grab happening right now. Here’s how we take action immediately!
This guy is pathetic & doesn’t have the balls needed for this time in history. They’ve had 4 months since the election to come up with a plan. And as evidenced last night - still nothing. Disgusting
You know what the Dems who sat there & listened to his bullshit can do? Take their little circular signs & shove them. It did nothing but make them look weak & ridiculous. Totally embarrassing.Tired of waiting for them to do something. Thank you Al Green and Bernie Sanders.
oh my god. honestly, has there EVER been a worse senate leader when it is most needed? is off in an imaginary world. It's fine we pay his salary, his healthcare, his MANY vacations, but it doesn't feel like he has any responsibility for US, his constituents.
This is all making me feel like I am losing my mind. The cognitive dissonance between these lame ass words and what is actually HAPPENING is just really really hard to take.
We shld be protesting Dem leaders to get them to stand up for us before we attempt to stop 🍊
I don't want 2 hear they'll "organize" I want 2 hear HOW they will.
How dare they not stand in solidarity w/ & either all b removed or all walk out. How can we expect they'll do it for us
Not a bad idea, if you get those 6, maybe others will follow suit. As much as I hate to say it…Desantis doesn’t seem to be too afraid of Trump anymore. I know he’s not in Congress but he’s setting an example as is Amy Coney Barrett.
Blah blah blah...the only thing that will change the mind of politicians that are afraid of their leader is if you scare them more. Democrats don't even elicit a yelp out of fear. step aside let AOC, Jasmine Crockett do the work you cannot
Oh please When are the leaders of the Democratic party going to learn that Republicans don't care about helping anyone They only care about what Trump wants Time to replace these useless Democrats
"We will try (kinda) to win some seats that we try to win every 2 years. If that doesn't work, we'll just wait out the last two years of his term
Why do you have a Samuel L. Jackson look in your eye?"
Heck…voters did this…tired Americans’ voters putting the country in turmoil voting rep or not at all…then looking for Democrats to save day
When you’re in the minority…what do you expect…
They need you to support them in every way…or shut your pie hole…I said it…protest…vote next time for Democrats
"The plan is to organize."
Hey,, YOU could have ORGANIZED a major rally on the National Mall last night instead of having Democrats looking ridiculous in the House chamber holding up STUPID signs.
Yes, the American people are rising to the cause but YOU are FAILING!
Plan? What will be done about trump acting as king, Musk illegally running our government, diverting WW3 by backing our allies instead of our enemies, our corrupt supreme court, no rule of law in this country, and Russia owning the U.S.? Why aren't these things in the plan?
No thanks. Joe Scarborough is trying to be relevant. He is a complete disgrace and so is his wife. I will stick to the Meidas Touch to get my news. They don't betray their audience. Stop watching main stream and start watching Meidas Touch.
In other words, "We're going to do nothing because we have the moral backbone of a chocolate eclair."
I cannot get over how utterly inept and spineless the Democratic Party is at this moment. We're being frog-marched toward fascism, and they want to play by Robert's Rules of Order. Fucking hell.
The 70 yr old Dems chose to replace a 74 yr old who died in office, just died in office. Maybe they should have swung the other way and chosen a 78 yr old.
What they should be doing is focusing on every red district where the rep refuses to listen to their constituents. If they won’t host town halls, Dems interested in running should be holding them.
I really fear -- and I'm not saying this SHOULD happen, but will by force of circumstance -- I fear this will end up with actual civil war. People aren't going to be able to LIVE. DT is entirely unconcerned with the rule of law -- and besides, who can even enforce it anyway? He's a nihilist.
She's still up there trying to rally press to "protect" her from this bs. Nice try orange d*CK taters wh*re now would be a good time for your infamous green puke jacket 🤢
"We've an election strategy, which we will roll out over the next year, to regain the house, which will give us no control of Congress, that's ok because Congress doesn't run the country anymore, Elon said so, but we will strenuously object to the raging infernos destroying, your lives."
🗳️DNC 2026
How about killing the National Parks, killing something that everyone loves whether they have ever been to one or not? We know that they are ours and he has no right touching them. He is killing the beloved family dog in front of his children.
I’m from the UK, and certainly no MAGA republican, but Chuck Schumer is a waste less space of Democratic space. No wonder Americans deserted the Democratic party when he comes out with this crap!
The Dems are a rudderless ship adrift with no leader in sight.
Thanks to Biden not stepping down early (as he had promised to be a one term President) and conducting primaries for his replacement instead of handing it automatically to Harris, a free for all might have generated some excitement.
I am not a fan of the current trend of Democrats berating Democratic leadership, but if we have to have an old white guy advocating for us can it please be Bernie? I know he’s not technically a Democrat but he can bring a lot of people who are pissed at both parties into one coalition.
Watch his rebuttal last night. It was very much for the public. It was incredibly on-point and venomous. Then imagine if he was on CNN instead of Schumer.
Don’t get me wrong I like Bernie and want him to lead the charge but I was so disappointed with his interviews last week…it can’t just be up to the public they have to show some leadership too. I’ll check out your recommendation
Trump acts unchecked and treats Congress as a powerless irrelevance, and pretty much destroys all opposition in a month. Dem Strategy: “Let’s win the house in two years”.
F Schumer. Every single thing trump is doing is affecting us. He’s made his $$and had a hundred years to change things. Time to retire these career Dems
Chuck, I've got news for you. Unless you grow a pair of vocal cords and start screaming your head off, you can kiss those six seats goodbye. HAVEN'T YOU BEEN PAYING ATTENTION TO US???
I care about these issues, too. But, we are a dying party so long as we don’t put more youthful people at the forefront. My dad is 78 and bedridden with Parkinson’s, yet he can still roll his eyes at Schumer. He lights up at AOC, Garcia, Lieu, and Crockett. We MUST move on!
The common denominator between the Oligarchy Community, Russian Republic, and DODGE is President Elon Musk. TV interviews and talk shows should focus on Elon Musk.
the democratic party is literally NEVER going to embrace any individuals who put forth policies that will fix this. Reject liberalism and embrace communism.
How about organizing some long wooden poles, some buckets of tar, and a bunch of feathers culled from happy, free-range chickens. Get a fire going under the tar, and invite those six folks on over for a party, followed by a short road trip.
No thanks needed, always happy to help with planning.
Democrats were pounded endlessly on not focusing on kitchen table issues. So Schumer here is about playing small ball, trying to win seats in the midterms. It seems like weaksauce but realistically what else can they do? If millions need to rise up, millions should rise up with or without Schumer.
They should be doing press conferences and going on the news multiple times a day. Every Democrat should be out there like AOC, Jasmine Crockett, Bernie Sanders.
Holding those ridiculous signs at the state of the union was pathetic.
The Democrats still lost in left field. The have “concepts of a plan” to organize. That should’ve been done like back when they lost the election. Maybe going off to vacation right away may have been a mistake.
"The plan is to hide ... in a little hole somewhere -- and hope someone solves the problem for us -- we're going to crawl out after that and tell everyone that they are welcome."
--- Senator Chuck Schumer, paraphrased.
Cuz their the oldest and more familiar with hunger and fascism 🥸 the other ones still think justice will prevail even though all we've seen is the opposite play out
Here’s a plan—hold televised town halls all over the country; go on Fox News and make the case to Trump voters, daily; have weekly, televised fireside chats to inform Americans; file lawsuits challenging everything; shut the government down until Musk is removed; organize shadow government;
Organize state democratic governors and AG’s to challenge Trump; use the filibuster; get retired/respected military to join your cause and make the case to America and gather expertise on how to stop Trump; form a broad coalition of Americans for democracy
If your plan is to wait to pick off vulnerable Republicans in 2026, we are cooked. Our democracy has maybe 3-6 months left at the current rate. You guys are fucking pathetic.
Would you be able to share this clip regarding the horrifying mistreatment of Rep. Ayanna Presley by the House Oversight Committee? I don't see it mentioned anywhere on bluesky at the moment and it needs to be called out.
Guess we have to take it to the streets!
to come out swinging?
There's a guy fully raping the country and the world.
In a few moments the only way to stop him is a civil war and the Dems are still "organizing”?!
He should Also demand that the Speaker of the House, do not Censure Al Green.
If they do Censure him. Demand Censure for each and every Republican breaking the decorum!
Make the issue public, as loud as possible!
"We're gonna focus on the 6 Republican Congress members... "
Or what? ...More harsh language?
🏴 #ActNow #TakeBackPower #LaResistance
I don't want 2 hear they'll "organize" I want 2 hear HOW they will.
How dare they not stand in solidarity w/ & either all b removed or all walk out. How can we expect they'll do it for us
Does anyone else have any other ideas?
Mr Leader, we need a blowout. I don't think you're up for it, Sir.
It's time for them to step aside and make way for someone with the courage and conviction to lead.
I guess "we have a concept of a plan" was already taken.
How very reactionary of you, senator. No one could have seen this coming 🙄
Why do you have a Samuel L. Jackson look in your eye?"
Ad nauseam…
When you’re in the minority…what do you expect…
They need you to support them in every way…or shut your pie hole…I said it…protest…vote next time for Democrats
Hey,, YOU could have ORGANIZED a major rally on the National Mall last night instead of having Democrats looking ridiculous in the House chamber holding up STUPID signs.
Yes, the American people are rising to the cause but YOU are FAILING!
Trump via Elon is circumventing the ENTIRE process, all the checks and balances are gone.
FIX ELON, then worry about the rest!
Your posts say "everyone can reply" and 9 out 10 replies I send to you do not show up.
I cannot get over how utterly inept and spineless the Democratic Party is at this moment. We're being frog-marched toward fascism, and they want to play by Robert's Rules of Order. Fucking hell.
Still clueless and gutless.
🗳️DNC 2026
IE: at the SOTU, stand up w/ your back to him during the speech. Good trouble? Maybe.
But it's something media would be talking about the next day-not him. And that would make him nuts.
Thanks to Biden not stepping down early (as he had promised to be a one term President) and conducting primaries for his replacement instead of handing it automatically to Harris, a free for all might have generated some excitement.
You can't unsee it.
Have a mass planned protest and response afterward
Never Trump means never Trump.
Klobuchar, Fetterman, Booker, Warner.
No taking pictures w Graham
And shut up about Reagan.
He denied science until it could help him
Ds. Here are your images
Bad move, kids.
Just go home and spread some jam on toast. You're not cut out for any of this.
No thanks needed, always happy to help with planning.
Holding those ridiculous signs at the state of the union was pathetic.
--- Senator Chuck Schumer, paraphrased.
her thing.
Would you be able to share this clip regarding the horrifying mistreatment of Rep. Ayanna Presley by the House Oversight Committee? I don't see it mentioned anywhere on bluesky at the moment and it needs to be called out.
The clip: