😂😂😂😂😂 this man is supposed to be a genius😂😂 the attack was from all over, no one person, not one place. Blaming Ukraine is a pathetic attempt to stoke the flames tRump ignited. What a pathetic little man he is
They are doing to Ukraine what they did to Biden. Everything from economics to the weather outside will be blamed on Ukraine. Whoever or whatever they want to take down becomes the latest punching bag. I am sure Ukraine destroyed the stock market too.
Stock market we know who's doing that!🤡
No, but another Russian oil refinery a thousand miles from Ukraine mysteriously blown up!
Blame Luigi for that!
Just wait. Elon is going to torch all of his rotting, unsold teslas and cybertrucks, blame protestors and "the international jews," and cash in on insurance and tax write-offs.
He's rich & right wing conservative ideology demands that he is therefore good, clever & hard working, therefore deserving of even more. Anyone poor is therefore bad, stupid & lazy, therefore deserving of less. It doesn't matter if the wealth was inherited or if you work a vital but underpaid job.
Serving others and coming up with workable plans to help the most citizens takes real brains, logic, effort, and the knowledge that we're ALL CONNECTED; what helps the least among us helps us all, as a rising tide lifts all boats.
Conservatism is too often cowardice, lack of guts, and no morality.
This is the evil genius of prosperity religion. GOD blessed them with riches. If you pray enough and buy Joel Olsteen's new book you too might have a mega mansion like his.
🔥🚨 MUSK BLAMES UKRAINE?! Are you kidding me?! While Ukraine fights for survival, Musk plays the victim and spreads lies to protect his fragile ego. 🤡 This is PROPAGANDA – and people still defend him?!
The villification of Ukraine by Felon 45 et al, clearly points to Putin — a murderous dictator. Unless our country figures out right from wrong we are on our last breath on the world stage.
Honestly, it would be karma if Ukraine took musk down. But I suspect the truth is more mundane. Something along the lines of him not paying the electric bill.
So, not the mass slashing of engineering staff (who weren't sycophantic lunatics), then transferring the staff that remained to Doggy Department to decimate the government?
Who knows. The only given is whatever musk says is likely untrue. He may have manufactured it himself because he needs to distract from the questions of illegal Tesla sales in Canada this weekend, massive US protests of Tesla dealerships this weekend, and the plunging stock price today.
A pro-Palestinian hacker group claimed the attack, but they may have used Ukrainian IPs. Ukraine is a cybercrime hotspot due to cheap anonymous VPS, proximity to Russia/E. Europe, relaxed hosting rules and slow enforcement. Attribution is tricky. IP origin doesn’t tell the full story.
On further reflection. Good job Ukraine! Fighting off the dictators invading from Russia AND taking down the Nazi website all on your own? We should all strive to be more like Ukraine! 🇺🇦💛💙🇺🇦💛💙🇺🇦
Yeah but that doesn't fit his personal narrative right now. He could have even pulled a Putin and bombed his own platform just to create the narrative he wants and needs.
I guess people have no idea about VPNs. I understand that people may not know what a DDOS attack is, but if they think hackers just leave their IP addresses around, that's too stupid for words.
Papa Donald n’acceptera pas tout de suite. Le fiston Elon n’a pas encore été assez productif et le golfeur ne s’en est pas encore mais assez 💵💰💶 dans les poches. Ils se battent pour la même cause. Celle de nous rendre un peut plus pauvres pour eux être bien plus riches et donc,plus puissants
Cyber attacks so sophisticated they could bring down Elmo’s highly secure site, but not sophisticated enough to mask their IP by using a proxy server, like a 4th grader knows how to do?
Oh my god! That lying crook! How do we know he didn’t do it on purpose? Or on accident? Or that Putin didn’t do it and told Musk to blame Ukraine?! Can’t trust Mr transparency
Musk and Trump have made enemies all over the world by now. There actions have quite literally caused suffering and lives lost in Africa, Europe, South America and more.
Ukraine...who is FIGHTING A FUCKING WAR ON ALL FRONTS, THAT 🇺🇲 DESERTED THEM IN AND ARE AIDING THE ENEMY ( #treason) ...has the time to somehow attack X....😒
GTFOH with that bullshit.🙄🖕🏽
Elon Musk calling Medicare an "entitlement" is just billionaire code for "I don’t want to pay taxes." The truth? Medicare is earned—workers pay in for decades. His real goal? Gut social programs, funnel wealth upward, and make the U.S. a playground for the ultra-rich. Republicans? Happy to help.
Few are opposed to cleaning up the budget and reviewing spending. That's not partisan. But that's not what this is and Leon and Krudlow know that. It's burning the whole house down because there's a spiderweb in the bedroom.
Right, because a country in a war for its life against Russia is going to take time out of the day to hack Twitter. You'd have to be high on ketamine to believe....oh, well.
Musk better knock it off. He’s just confirmed he’s initiated the attacks on X. He has control over systems thru government contracts that he can turn on and off. If he takes any actions agst Ukraine…well Musk ain’t seen nothing yet.
Journalists - independent confirmation should be available from Crowdstrike and Kaspersky and others that a cyberattack on Twitter occurred AT ALL and where it may have originated.
Well what do you expect from a mouthpiece for Fox Propaganda Media. The word “News” would imply accurate facts and that would be far from what they spew. This man would say anything for a fat paycheck. Time to bring back the Fairness Doctrine.
Well, let me ask you a question. Doesn’t the FCC cover satellite transmissions? And, I see these large antennas at my cable company. So wouldn’t that work?
I'm hoping UA will go after him relentlessly. Fix the shameful mistake America made in making this monster obscenely rich. We caused this problem, but I have more faith in UA fixing it than the broken US.
Musk really doesn’t want news coverage about those questionable Canadian Tesla sales and their potentially problematic government subsidies concerns from this weekend. My guess is if he didn’t manufacture this outage, he’s relieved to have us look away.
It always works better at night. You can pick up the blue movies channel at night to inspire you to make more babies. (I probably just dated myself lol)
as in reality he is bad at computer.
So, ambushing Zelenskyy about not saying sorry wasn't enough? Now, you're trying to pin a cyberattack on him?
Your propaganda isn't going to work, Elon. We can see you.
As if Ukraine doesn't have other things to worry about instead.
Why are there American flags in the background?
2 hours ago he blamed Soros and before than the CIA. 🙄
all set up so they can smuggle roughly the amount of a bag of dog food into the US (approx 1/20th the amount that goes from the US *to* Canada).
No, but another Russian oil refinery a thousand miles from Ukraine mysteriously blown up!
Blame Luigi for that!
and ukraine got musk addicted to ketsmine
Punchcards….? 🤔
It's worked especially well with their own voters.
There's good reason why most educated people tend to vote liberal: conservative tends to equal unimaginative and self-serving.
Conservatism is too often cowardice, lack of guts, and no morality.
It's probably Russia, tbh
That's supposed to convey authority and knowledge and yet they know absolutely nothing!
Musk, Donald Trump, Eric Trump, Baron Trump...they're all doing it!
God I hate these people
I think they're letting us know...
Rascism is 1000 times worse than fascism.
Spotted it just after I posted the reply.
I hope they annihilate fElon et al!
His body language says that he is lying though. His master manipulator superpower has evaporated.
In fact it's currently more in the Ukraine area than it should be ?
Bless them 👏👏
He is insane and extremely dangerous.
Elon know that Russia is also in the Ukraine area?
GTFOH with that bullshit.🙄🖕🏽
Wow, Ukraine's *neck-deep* in a war started by Putin, but, yes, they've got time & resources to screw w/ Leon on X...
And Zelenskyy's really on world tour for his next album titled "Punch a Nazi." 🙄
and, how does a dude who always pushes his "genius" as a tech bro not have protection for his own propaganda & hate website?
The source of attack were Ukrainian cameras and DVRs that were hacked. Who is actually ordering the attack? No one knows.
No matter how low the bar, Musc will manage to slide under it
He’s irrelevant. Truly meaningless.
This my friends is good old fashioned USA DDOS
God bless the little hacker kiddies, every one!
Kind of like how cars and roads are regulated but not bumper stickers or conversations within the car.
Pretext for ending Starlink to aid and abet Russia/Putin.
All the world went shoot that shit X !
the muskrat is so god damn insufferable
In the past, it's always been "blame Canada" 😉
R.I.P. Robin Williams
I hope it’s true.
I hope you lose everything including the respect of your 14 children. Everyone hates you. Just disappear.
Find a lie & stick to it….geez