Sorry to day ..but a lot of things is fucked up in US even the legal system.....highly political appointments in the legal system is in my opinion flat out wrong. A legal system should be independent of the political glad to live in a country where it is so
Corruption breeds more corruption, each time they get away with it! Soooo the DOJ is saying Judges who do not toe the line are corrupt but not to worry because the Judges the Felon bought & paid for will? Great representation of the law & order crowd!
Of course the President controls the budget…hence the name PBUD. Will he also control approps? Seems strange for Congress to abdicate that role. If they do, there are 535 jobs that aren’t needed anymore.
He’s really sure that he will win this. I know that’s why he wants to go to this Supreme Court because he has them in his pocket but wouldn’t it be interesting if they got pissed and just said you know you’re taking us for granted and we need to put you down a peg and didn’t do what he wanted!
Only 15 federal judges have faced impeachment over the centuries, mostly for serious misdeeds.
Elon Musk attacking judges for simply doing their jobs is dangerously normalizing threats to judicial independence, especially early in process before SCOTUS rules.
Has the court really been bought? How long does he own them? Bad optics for democracy. I have a hard time believing the Supreme Court will sell out America.
Scam Blondie(dog thief): Of course we're gonna lose in these liberal district courts, we haven't bought those! But we will win in the #SupremeCourt, because we OWN them. Donald #Trump will control the budget, like he does the #scotus Judges.
(Additional text added for clarity that the #AG left out)
She speaks as if she has a script. So, essentially, what she’s implying is that if the Supreme Court doesn’t exactly do what Trump wants, then they are a “liberal” court? Too much BS we need a #NewSenateMinorityLeader today …If you think the magas are getting booed just wait, the ceiling is coming down! #Betrayal
Of course the fascists in control of our supremely corrupted court would never let the constitution stand in the way of their ideologically driven decisions.
Shamelessness is their superpower. (whoever first said that scored a bullseye)
"Liberal" agencies? "Our" Agencies? Didn't their budgets get funded by a vote of Congress? Aside from the blatant lying, the misrepresentation of government structure and rules is appalling
They better hope that their gamed Supreme Court doesn't surprise them by deciding to actually protect the Constitution and preserve America's system of checks and balances. If the Trump regime chooses to ignore SC rulings and create a Constitutional crisis, they may lose much of their support.
Those 3 are lost causes. Kavanaugh is an insult to judges, Clarence Thomas is bought and paid for, and I think Alito's crazy ass might actually be a true MAGA believer. But I'm ok with 6-3 or 5-4. A win is a win.
first of all, the attorney general shouldn't be on tv every day to spew propaganda. can you think of another attorney general that was sooooo eager to be on tv?
Hey blonde, AGs only curry favoritism to the U.S. Constitution and not a political ideal. You represent all AMERICANS, but I'm not feeling like your one of us anymore. Maybe we should deport the dumb blonde
His GOP shows no interest in opposing Trump and standing up for their duties. It will take a Democratic Congress in 19 months assuming we still vote by then.
Despite the Constitution specifically giving the power of the purse to Congress? Must be cool to be able to just rewrite the Constitution live on Fox News.
He does not control the money, Congress does. He is not a king! He a d his African stooge do not have the power to destroy the country. If must doesn’t like it, send him back to Africa!
In other words, Pam Bondi controls the Supreme Court of America justices, is that what I am hearing. Court cases should be based on evidence and facts, not lies and propaganda.
This is the Attorney General of the United States clearly saying that our Federal Courts. including the Supreme Court, make decisions based on their political leanings rather than the facts or the law, and no one questions that assertion or speaks against it.
Do a whole bunch of illegal and unconstitutional stuff and keep appealing and appealing the decisions until they get to the Supreme Court where, they believe, the fix is in for them.
I like how she blithely regards Courts as political. That's fun.
On a purely intellectual level, can she not hear what’s she saying? If I could ask her directly, I’d say “so, propaganda and cheerleading aside, do you understand as an attorney of American law, that what you’re saying is profoundly unconstitutional?” are you going to vote no or enable trump to control the budget as his ag said? They are not even hiding it.
Do not let us down
Vote nooo!!!!!!!
I think Amy Coney Barrett is starting to see more clearly what her power and responsibilities mean. Robert’s will do what he can but stay within the law. I count 4 total votes that will bend over for fascism to get some free stuff.
Moving forward, I will ignore every institutionalist's pleas to NOT pack the court, or impose term limits, or dilute the grotesque abused power of these elitist jurists who see themselves like some medieval synod speaking God's unjust judgment onto the serfs.
Don't like the courts striking down your unconstitutional actions? Blame liberal bias.
Don't like the press telling people what you're doing? Blame liberal bias.
Don't like your 93 grand jury indictments? Blame liberal bias.
She said the quiet part out loud. It's pretty clear in the Constitution, the President doesn't control the budget. She is making it hard to argue anything else in court.
Pam Bondi should have never pursued a background in law if she wasn't going to uphold anything and do the right thing. We have too many sociopaths and traitors going into this field.
The very flawed psychopaths are in control of the reins of power. These will be dark times. We must be strong to rebuild our republic and restore democratic principles. The old white men, like me, must step aside and allow our children to take leadership.
Trump is Satan. Let’s just tell it like it is there is nothing godly or quite like about him at all and everything he is doing he’s proving he is Satan! God would not want you to not feed poor children or take their medical away from them. Satan would!
Brutal how they accuse others of having no integrity like them. Their view is that every liberal judge has no integrity to actually make a decision on the facts of the case. Tired of all this.
Yes. It's a napkin with "We can change the law whenever we want to whatever we need it to be at the time of our need." But it's real cloth napkin with real forged Founding Father signatures, including Donald Trumps.
In effect, the constitution is whatever the SCOTUS says it is.
I cited philosophy of language and literary interpretation to one of my polisci profs in undergrad and argued that this exact situation was inevitable. They called me misinformed, but I've proved prescient.
There it is — “control the budget” - another way of saying robbing us blind. You control the budget you control the people. We will then be forced to bend the knee. #DictatorDon
She should be ejected as Attorney General of the US for making these inflammatory, clearly false and partisan remarks. Her allegiance is to Trump and his whims not the Constitution. She lied in her confirmation hearing saying she would uphold and enforce the laws of this country.
This case will likely be cited and SCOTUS ruled otherwise. The only Justice left from this case is Thomas and he sided with the majority at the time.
Only 15 federal judges have faced impeachment over the centuries, mostly for serious misdeeds.
Elon Musk attacking judges for simply doing their jobs is dangerously normalizing threats to judicial independence, especially early in process before SCOTUS rules.
Someday we will again have a government of the people, by the people and for the people.
Trump is speaking out of appointees mouths.
All of Trump’s appointees
are going to say & do
what Trump tell them to say & do.
All of them are sock puppet toadies for Trump’s dictates.
Trump is a Jim Jones/David Koresh/Marshall Applewhite
Cult Type Motif,
A mass-psychosis / Psychic epidemic
“They” don’t Care !
Trump and his “Toadies” do not Care !
“They” do not Care !
Trumpism is a type of political religious Cult.
Best you “wake up” boys & girls.
(Additional text added for clarity that the #AG left out)
Shamelessness is their superpower. (whoever first said that scored a bullseye)
executive branch and fighting for Americans
Because why would they put SO MUCH POWER into the office if there was a chance of having a Dem president who could rule with an iron fist later?
The corruption is assumed.
Do a whole bunch of illegal and unconstitutional stuff and keep appealing and appealing the decisions until they get to the Supreme Court where, they believe, the fix is in for them.
I like how she blithely regards Courts as political. That's fun.
- Republicans & Democrats
- Conservatives & Liberals
- Independents…
Why do Republicans constantly vilify Democrats and liberals… shouldn’t our LEADERS seek
“compromise” to create a Government that works for all?
Or is that just a Democratic-led goal?
Congress has power of the purse.
The felon isn't a King
Perhaps you should spend some time getting familiar with our Constitution
``Journalists`` in white house press room : well ok then, no further question
On a purely intellectual level, can she not hear what’s she saying? If I could ask her directly, I’d say “so, propaganda and cheerleading aside, do you understand as an attorney of American law, that what you’re saying is profoundly unconstitutional?”
The hubris of these people. 😢
Do not let us down
Vote nooo!!!!!!!
The power of the purse resides with congress.
Republicans may not mind being stripped of the power of the purse but the people stand with dissenters.
I hope there are a few on the right who understand the stakes.
Moving forward, I will ignore every institutionalist's pleas to NOT pack the court, or impose term limits, or dilute the grotesque abused power of these elitist jurists who see themselves like some medieval synod speaking God's unjust judgment onto the serfs.
Remember kids! Kill nazis! 😘🍹🍹
Don't like the press telling people what you're doing? Blame liberal bias.
Don't like your 93 grand jury indictments? Blame liberal bias.
a feckless CUNT...
#potus found a great #DUI hire in his #AttorneyGeneral, Scam Blondie.
Weaponizing the government for a dictator is Bondi's actual job.
He is heading towards declaring a state of emegency and then he have NO REINS AT ALL!
The irony here is that you know if Democratic president tried this, these same people would be in full freakout mode.
I cited philosophy of language and literary interpretation to one of my polisci profs in undergrad and argued that this exact situation was inevitable. They called me misinformed, but I've proved prescient.
I'd like to get involved.
Hasn’t he already tanked the economy?
She’s unfit and incredibly corrupt.
Courts have told them this repeatedly.