Correct. He’s not capable of playing multidimensional chess. Or chess. Or checkers. Or tic-tac-toe. As one of his aides put it during Shit Show I, “he’s just eating the pieces” on the board.
Nothing he does is strategic. He’s purely guided by narcissistic, sociopathic impulses at all times.
Nothing he does is strategic. He’s purely guided by narcissistic, sociopathic impulses at all times.
Reposted from
Bingo. I keep telling people I know that there’s no grand plan here, or to anything he does. He’s not playing 4D chess. He’s a fascistic sociopath that seeks adoration and applause for everything he does, and he wants to be the focus of EVERYTHING.
It’s that simple, folks, don’t overthink it.
It’s that simple, folks, don’t overthink it.
If they did, I think he would pivot. But because no one does anything, he just keeps going. He thinks it's a mandate to do whatever he wants.
It's their propaganda machine saying otherwise.
Trump is no longer liked.
This could translate to the next elections, but Musk hacked the voting machines, so it may not.
Michael Moore says we will overthrow him.
This is the power and money grab of the century
A literal gold rush where the only prospectors allowed already have billions
He’s a weak person’s idea of a strong man. He’ll fix it all for them, and punish the boogeymen that scare them.
He’s a figure of the scale of napoleon or FDR
Guessing that greed is a complementary trait of narcissism.
State capture.
It would mean that they were gullible to a mentally unsound man.
It's a 'shaming' they can't bring themselves to bear.
What will cure them from their insanity?
Trump is a cancer.
1. Money and
2. Keeping his gross, incontinent ass out of jail.
The Bible fore told of the trump maga supporters.
Even though there’s like 3 of them and he’s been doing it for 8+ years.
Case in point - his “King” post is designed to distract and divide. Instead of focusing on Musk and Ukraine, people are talking about how Trump wants to be King.
Is it just for money? It’s pretty obvious Hannity, Carlson and Waters do it just for the money.
When Trump gives too much info to Putin & we get nuked that’s not going to help them.
So this is a bad excuse that prevent them to look stupids trying to defend the indefensible.
But having people opposing Trump even thinking he might not be so stupid is nonsense
I've pointed many to the psychological study "The Authoritarians" to snap them out of their tribal bubble.
It's distressing, yet critical to know how many walk among us.
1. Trump retaining S&C
2. Trump going after independent agencies, incl. (NY) Fed
3. Trump pressuring Adams.
On 3, do not assume that the quid pro quo is immigration enforcement. QPQ might not be obvious yet.
I’m so fucking sick of this shit. It’s right there for all to see, which sadly means millions are all for it. 😞
If you reach his level of shamelessness, there's hardly anything you can't do.
Might be why there are so many psychopaths among CEOs et al.
It explains Trump's absolute lack of conscience, shame, or accountability. And Musk's.
Both are pathological liars, conmen, and manipulators of the truth.
Musk is even more power hungry than Trump. A disaster recipe for our country & the world.
To me, it sounds like an excuse for being weird rather than an explanation.
Data is the golden goose.
shits not hard to put together. like legit the entire presidency at this point is a distraction from the fact that every racist, literal or societal, has been exposed and can be removed at any point
but people are getting WAY too easily distracted
if we drop the list, we can stop the abhorrent amount of SA sustained by the US elite and Trump loses all his leverage
It's not (completely) true of the wannabe-Machiavellians standing behind him who know how easy he is to manipulate. Much harm will be the accidental thrashings of an egotist, others are genuinely malicious.
Both incompetence *and* malevolence are in play.
You know, it's like if the husband beats his wife, she says, “but he loves me & didn't mean it.”Republicans say, “he is playing a chess game & strategic” but it makes no sense EVER.
What a bunch of idiots. So sick of these assholes.
I’ll give you Clarence Thomas and Emil Bove to start.
They are stupid....78.3 million, there are. And we should stop being afraid to say so.
We ARE in a civil war (on this I agree with Alito).
...and one side has to lose.
The majority either ...
1. aren't competent/educated enough to understand, or
2. don't care because they welcome the end of days !
Add the trogs who see opportunistic self interest in boosting this descent into oblivion and we are screwed.
For generations, out here in the Rest Of The World, the United States was something we found inspiring and aspirational.
For us to now discover that it's little more than a critical mass of morons making moronic decisions and electing fellow morons is kind of hard to deal with.
They trot him out for
press gaggles (1/2 hr to prep-load him up with propaganda)
EO - big sharpie signings
and he plays golf.
Intermittently watching TV & TS rage posting
And it did him in Nov 2020.
I have never wished, hoped, and prayed for the demise of any life on earth. But it is all I dream of, now.
The remedy for their behavior? The courts.
When that doesn't work?
Michael Moore says Trump will be overthrown.
I look forward to it.
For his many of his opponents: it is difficult to accept that the man that may derail the great American experiment is, in fact, a moron.
He's not.
Is dropping.
exactly how does someone "subsidize" something without spending any money, time, or resources on that thing?
Or they create a monopsony so you have no choice about who you sell your labor or products to.
You are their inputs, their serfs.
It's all in the book under "State Capture", I'm sorry to say.
Musk did not post that 'billionaires are tired of subsidizing' public services
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Sometimes Trump might do something that interrupts their plans, but they are okay with a few disruptions, as long as their plans move forward.
Whether he thinks is an open question.
In contrast, Mr. Filthy wants to burn down democracy & lick putie.
But he is not running the show…
This was planned and ready to go…just look at the details from that White House post today on his rule over everything…that was written by a team of lawyers…
But that is just my opinion…
To understand Musk:
1. He's FAR from as intelligent as people give him credit for.
2. Malignant narcissistic personality disorder.
3. Obsessive compulsive hate thoughts against EVERYTHING he percieves "Woke" due to his daughter.
4. Ketamine, steroids and cocaine.
smart until I realised it was all
piss and wind. All these years later I have learned that they all run from the same playbook and once you know the playbook you can defeat them at their own game.
Actions speak louder than words! We need a solution not continue talking about the problem! Resist
The pigeon just knocks all the pieces over.
Then shits all over the board.
Then struts around like it won.”
Dave Trott
That doesn't make "long live the king" any different, because that IS the goal.
If Americans don't act now, they don't deserve the constitution they are now losing. Seriously.
Vote Suppression
(votes in the millions affected ......)
THE question is: what are we going to do about it?
The 25th amendment gives power to the VP to remove Trump, but he will not be removed as long as he's still useful to Project 2025 & broligarchy
Trump's only agenda is to be king on the hill.
No one is monitoring the cookie jar.
He is an angry aging 🤡
Just like wth Afghanistan's diabolical 'deal' which was heaven for the Taliban,Trump cannot think.
He is driven only by his immediate emotions& insatiable greed
Tactics of a 2yr old
with their megalomaniac egos.
The destruction that may follow is consequential.
I may be wrong.
We are still the peasants.
Lifes to be thrown away by the choice of the mighty ones.
... in Germany.
Don't vote for anyone even slightly 'conservative'. Refuglicans.
They refuse to have oversight hearings and allow corrupt Trump's department nomination to be confirmed.
The Republican Party sold out the US government.
THESE Project 2025 people in his admin & the S. African Billionaire ARE playing 3-D Chess...
They're decimating our Federal Government, flouting our laws, & destroying our Democratic Republic.
DEMs need to get on Conservative Media outlets NOW to inform his supporters.
Shit show I proved to me that it actually was pretty true to life.
reacted so fast..."EE" has been committed to Russia since 06/2023. FT>
He is the pawn of Putin
1. Most primitive part of personality
2. Functions according to pleasure principle, seeking immediate gratification of needs and desires
3. Contains basic instincts and drives, particularly related to sex and aggression
4. Irrational and illogical, with no regard for consequences or reality
He wants to be the baby at every baptism, the bride at every wedding, the corpse at every funeral.
There are more than one or two “players” in this game, and many are pulling the strings of the puppets and many other are just watching joyfully the tragic comedy