Not the spiteful, debased anger manufactured by the performative, manipulative, and deranged demagogues who encourage people to hate others for who they are.
But rather: the righteous indignation of those who value right over wrong, and seek truth over lies.
Dude, I am a tad older than you. Everything good I've thought about the nature of our county, its institutions, its place in the world is being trashed by morons who appear to reject the Enlightenment.
That we can't or won't defend ourselves cubes the rage.
Years ago a colleague,* whose background in history was far greater than mine, shared a scholarly thesis about Hitler. Erasing the Enlightenment was the ultimate goal of Naziism. What Hitler sought was, in effect, the restoration of the Holy Roman Empire. Viewed in that (1/ )
light it is absolutely fair to refer to Putin and his toady as Nazis.
*I was teaching high school social studies at the time. The colleague who shared that was another teacher in the department and one of the most learned people I've ever known.
Trump is simply carrying out orders from Putin. He doesn't care about polls, Congress, the Courts, or if the Dems take over the Congress in '26. Time for massive protests tell the world that we are under attack. NATO's Article 5 should be triggered and our allies try to help us get our country back.
As a Canadian, threatened with the annexation of my country with thinly veiled words, I feel the righteous indignation of all who value good over evil & truth over lies. I've never felt so much hatred & anger towards the far-right. Yet I'm not “left-wing”; I'm just in favor of fairness & respect.
Build a world where every last one of them has to dance the I-was-not-a-Nazi-Polka until their feet fall off, where they spend their last dozen years fervently hoping their grandchildren never find out what they did in the 20s.
True history is factual; it cannot judge, as true justice is blind. Truth allows us to judge ourselves, and only those who fear the truth and judgement are tempted to rewrite history. But the truth is still the truth, no matter how often the lie is repeated.
The problem is: how do you determine which narrative told as history is true?
When people say "history will judge..." they assume that the true narrative will become the dominant one. It's sad to say, but often, demonstrably false narratives become dominant!
Something Trump tries to do all the time.
He has the belief “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed“, according to Stalin or Hitler.
This is where I step aside in most public conversations, as in today’s narrative it is somehow evil to claim that there is a god. But if one believes in such things, then everyone’s chosen deity will judge them whether anyone else believes in that particular mythos or not.
Facts is facts fella. We're not recording history on clay tablets anymore. We've got it live on tape. You can glorify Hitler or Pol Pot or Putin, but what they did is historical fact.
Putin throws his opponents out of windows. FACT
Trump and Vance acted like schoolyard bullies. FACT
Correct, but not not all facts are history. Facts have to be preserved, incorporated into narrative, & communicated to current & later generations. No guarantee these evils will be.
Lots of evils done by lots of tyrants have been lost to history. We need to ensure it doesn't happen w these evils.
I suspect it was anti-Jewish bias that caused many if not most of those decisions, at least the willingness to tolerate and endorse it as a legitimate option. People just don't get how it can happen again. That's why so many attempts at precautions were enacted for decades after the war ended.
Getting angry is utterly pointless unless it leads to action.
America is now an adversary of the free world. The Putin aligned GOP has betrayed all oaths of office and is allying with enemies foreign and domestic.
Is anyone going to do something about it?
Tomorrow, I am visiting my dad at the County Veteran's Cemetery to apologize to all who are buried there for my now feeling shame to be an American. I will also tell them that I will not be deterred from continuing to resist.
The RW media mega-complex that is complicit in Anti-American propaganda needs to be countered, challenged and called-out. It’s been so effective and overwhelming to facts and truth.
George, you are the one account I follow religiously. And I'm an old-fashioned Dem liberal. But I thank you profoundly for your consistently productive outrage, and all you've done (and paid for!) to support our country.
A public shake down for all the world to see. Two thugs try to shake down the president of a war torn country and President Zelenskyy said NO! He has more honor and courage than the whole Republican country.
My husband and I are in our late 70s…we have seen a lot of US blunders and mistakes, but we never dreamed that a President would ever turn the US into an ally of Russia…we are horrified and heartbroken…no words can express our level of anger.
“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” #Resist
It is important to understand that it is not a fight between left and right, between conservative and liberals or between religion and atheism.
It is a war between good and evil, sanity and insanity, honesty and dishonesty. Everyone should unite to beat the evil and bring back morality.
I’m just an American nobody. I have few followers. I feel helpless and lost. I’ve never been as ashamed of my government like I am today. Who the fuck do they think they are kidding?
Righteous anger without a tangible way to stop what's coming and what's already been done is just feel good stuff. U want action George? put your life at risk & others like u.
I wish more well known people, like you, would appear at rallies, and marches.James Carville said after the last group of protests they gave him hope, and that we could sit back and watch the backlash to trump. I had to wonder what he was doing to help. It's not a reality show he can just watch.
I'm all for righteous anger, but unless it's channeled by the right leader(s), it's just going to end in violence. This movement needs a leader. Where's our moment's MLK?
I ❤️nice suit like yours or maybe better. He thought they were negotiating but he wound up at a truck pull WWE mud wrestling with a breaded lady 🎡. Surely makes us all proud. Well ya can’t buy class and manners. Poor stupid JD was fighting for some press bc Lonnie Lonny has big footed him. 🇺🇦🙏🏼🇺🇸
my anger ebbs and surges from low boil to the heat of a million suns. I’m peaking right now after watching those scumbags with Zelenskyy. I’m ready to march at dawn.
So angry, can't even see clearly...called Thune, Johnson, McCormick, Jeffries, Fetterman, and a few more when I got home from work...nothing but voicemail... Still can't see anything but blurry rage.
How about blind rage? Works for me.
Trump/Vance have made America DISGUSTING.
Even people who voted for Mr. Yam Tits did not vote for this.
America has sunk into feces. Blind rage is the right response.
Nah you need a strong calm leader. This is now a global problem that needs a regulatory solution. Dems should reach out to international allies- IMF, EU, UN, India... #PresidentKrasnov feeds off attention. Ignore him & his goons as a mistake, easily fixed. This may be the last gasp of the Putin era.
If you’re angry #PresidentKrasnov will impose martial law and mass arrest. He’d love it. This is why they’ve been prepping prisons. Stay calm, this is now a global problem and if managed right #PresidentKrasnov will be remembered as a mistake easily fixed and the end of the Putin era.
As Elon Musk said ‘if we make a mistake we’ll quickly fix it’. USA has made a big mistake with #PresidentKrasnov and his bend the knee goons. Easily fixed?
I am so fucking furious. The entire thing was a ruse. He never had any intention of negotiating peace. How has it come to this? This man is not fit and I feel both helpless and hopeless.
The performance was manipulated but the anger is real. Trump is pathological about revenge for any perceived slight. He blames Zelensky for not fabricating an investigation into Biden and the impeachment that followed. Zelensky didn't submit to Trump's extortion so Trump has to destroy him.
You could imagine George Washington sitting there in Zelenskyy's place, in his battle uniform - being shouted down while he appealed that his country of right ought to be free and independent.
This was so so so wrong today. Trump and Vance are bullies and it’s time for the people in this country to stand up to these bullies and make damn sure they know that this is completely unacceptable behavior and unbecoming of Americans. They do. It represent our values.
What would it take for you to help organize meaningful protests like this?
Let elderly and sick people in wheelchairs and on stretchers block entrances to GOP offices and get arrested just like what happened when the GOP tried to cancel Obamacare.
That anger needs to be directed, and it needs to be directed at the Rs in Congress. They have the power to stop this coup, but they will only do it if they fear us more than they fear dear leader.
We need to show Zelensky and the people of Ukraine we support them.
REPEAT today’s economic BOYCOTT in March and demonstrate the power of the People by making a donation to United 24 (, Ukraine official website instead of buying products from companies that support or cower to Trump!!!
Sincere righteous indignation is very powerful in an argument or a fight, and we know that we're right, and many of them know deep down that they're not.
There’s a white nationalist Nazi fascist white supremacist Nordic Hitler Mussolini Valkyrie in the White House and they’re talking about, “We filed some legislation. “
Thank you Donald Trump. For the first time in more than 50 years, there is the beginning of unity in our culture. We were split into pro-life vs pro-choice. Trump ended that. He united us and that will continue to grow.
I am curious as to when the non maga republicans will realize that we are heading into the abyss and do something before its too late. We are barely two months in. For the sake of the country!
I called the president's comment line to express some of my righteous indignation. Had no idea they shut down the phones at 3:00 p.m. I guess I usually call earlier. I'm going to have to use *67 tomorrow
FINALLY, someone gets it... lol... my husband didn't register the Chickellin Cartel at first, but u probably didn't see my bio... feeling a little wacky that day
Plug in to the 50501 movement, Indivisible, Bernie Sanders, AOC, Adam Kinzinger. See if there are any local events happening. Your area may have a local chapter of Indivisible.
Trump's a sociopath he hasn't capacity for compassion or empathy he's void of morals and values and can't be trusted that's what his niece Mary said. We're going into territory that Americans have never been before.. I'm a combat vet 68-70 I can't wait for him to be reunited with Ivana 🥰
Republican Senators on the Committee of Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Call & tell them to voice support for Ukraine & remove Trump. I did!
(202) 224-3121.
R. Paul x 4343
R. Johnson x 5323
J. Lankford x 5754
R. Scott x5274
J. Hawley x6154
B. Moreno x2315
H. Ernst x3254
A. Moody x3041
I listened to him today and I am beginning to understand why MAGA people always scream and insult They have no intelligence nor mental clarity, so they scream louder and so disgusting
And that righteous anger should be expressed as a giant march in DC. But NO DEMOCRAT seems to be willing to do that. They are so engrossed in the Congressional trees they are overlooking our path into the authoritarian forest. Their blindness is terrifying.
There was only one leader of the free world in that room .. Zelensky could've fled the country in 2022 .. he chose to stay and fight. 🍊💩 would've left 30 minutes after Russia invaded ..
If only we had a court, some might call it Supreme, that valued right over wrong and truth over lies. And chose democracy over autocracy.
What a proud country we could be.
Hey AMERICA Where is your protest!? Atleast MAGA started fighting when they believed their idea of democracy was being stolen!! They believed in something and were ready to act!! When it is really happening, will the rest of you just sleepwalk till its to late?
We do. But we won’t get it from any of the current democratic leaders like Schumer and Jeffries. Someone real needs to step up before it’s too late. Maybe Chris Murphy?
Fuck off. Why should anyone fighting a war for their sovereignty have to face that bullshit just so that you can wake up to something that was made plain by the Mueller report
Just because media isn’t reporting it well doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. Don’t buy in to or perpetrate the learned helplessness narrative that nothing is happening. That is what they want. There’s a lot of resistance. Find it and join in!
Oh I know. And yeah there’s some action, and I will participate. But here by action I mean meaningful change. We’re on the road there but we haven’t seen meaningful change *yet*. I guess the right people aren’t mad enough yet to drive that change in Washington.
When the US enabled lobbyists to own our politicians, we robbed both the politicians and ourselves of a lot of political power. I don’t think they’re coming to save us. I think it’s going to be up to the people. They’re are good ones of course like AOC and Jasmine Crockett. We need to empower them.
Politicians at the federal level are definitely not coming to save us. The gerontocracy is idiotic. But that also means legislative change isn’t an option. Which only leaves unsavory options. And I guess we may have to do that sooner than later
George, I'm as hellaciously pissed off as a human can get, and you know what? I don't have a clue what to do with it!
I want to see every single one of my Democratic members of Congress assembled, en masse, protesting this. I want directions and leadership and a coherent plan of action.
We need to get out and actively oppose this! This isn’t about Democrats v. Republicans! This is about Felon 47 ending our democracy and likely starting not only a civil war in our country but WWW III as well!! He needs to removed from office immediately!! #TraitorTrump #SlavaUkrani
WE NEED RIGHTEOUS ACTION! Apathy is killing our democracy! Speak out! Join orgs in the fight if you’re not a leader! Support those who break thru this DOGE GOP BS while we still have a democracy!
Now is the time
Let’s not forget, all this is happening right now solely because Trump had to run for President to escape being put in prison…and vast swathes of the American public fell for the con.
George - it is not surprising that Don and Vlad are besties. The US and Russia are similar in important ways - the rich and corrupt can buy the political, policy and legal results they want. What’s not to like?
It will take decades and several voting cycles to recover any semblance of respect. It’s not just Trump- it is the sycophantic support bordering on idolatry of the two branches of government that are supposed to hold him in check. GOP spent decades putting scaffolding in place.
The sheer number of otherwise liberal hippie pacifists who I’ve encountered in recent weeks talking about arming themselves has been a little surprising and I think they have misjudged the left.
I totally agree. I don’t know what it will take to get these idiots out of office.
Maybe there will be a guy on a horse running through the streets crying, “The British are coming, the British are coming!” And this time we’ll welcome them. 🙏🏼
I’m so embarrassed for our country. I’m staying off Facebook today but it’s difficult. I want to shout at some MAGAts. I put my Harris Walz yard sign back up after I watched those bullies attack Zelensky and then Lindsay Graham sucks up to trump. 😡🤮
We are angry here in Southamerica. Be patient, anger is growing up…but republican politicians are so afraid of Trump that it’s gonna take a little longer
It’s almost impossible to cope. But imagine a soldier, fighting for his country, afraid, thinking that if they lose the war, his family could die. Is that kind of courage that they need. Their families are at stake no matter what. A Perfect Dilema
It’s horrendous. I grew up in NY and have observed Trump for decades. He is straight up mafia. It’s been horrifying seeing his rise, and then his return. He is truly evil personified.
He is a Mob Boss, indeed. But today the world is going to know all the things you observed, and because of this, there’s no coming back. The world is going to be anti-America very soon. I understand your experience, but you have to do something to change this shamefull day
It’s heartbreaking. I gave my all to help get Dems elected. Money, canvassing, community outreach. With Republicans holding all three branches (including a compromised SCOTUS) our only recourse are the courts and that takes time, and again: corrupt SCOTUS. Republican Congress needs to crack.
There’s plenty of anger George. We are positively stuffed with and overflowing with anger. If I get any angrier, laws might get broken. How mad do you want us?
Embarrassed. Letting my anger fester into much deserved rage.
I'm off alcohol which is a plus and a minus.
Meanwhile, where the hell are the democrats?
I called both my senators and my rep and yelled my anger over this inappropriate embarrassing behavior in the oval office. What a national disgrace. I am really pissed off
How long will Americans keep their heads in the sand? Who are you anyway? Do you believe in freedom and democracy or is this who you really are, subservient to your "dear leader?" My greatest fear for my country Canada and the world is that you remain silent, docile and obedient. Slava Ukraine!
What will it take for the majority of Americans to stop this tyranny? The sooner hell is raised, the better. Let’s go America…aren’t you the home of the brave?
Urgency. I don't see enough sense of urgency. I see many leaders planning and talking about the midterms like there's nothing else to do now.
Today should be the last day of this administration, we got enough embarrassment for a century.
How will live until 2026? Do you believe this was peak?
We need a journalist who is like Pete Buttigieg who will ask the pertinent questions and a pit bull who clamps down to demand answers. Strength not anger.
They’re cowards and have stopped having town halls. My senators and congresswoman are all Dems, so limited. Though I do wish they’d listen to more…
Dems can be called too, they also need to hear it. You can call Congress people outside your district. Their decisions affect all of us, so they fucking hear what we have to say.
I have never been so fucking angry or ashamed of this country for voting for those traitors. That is what they are. Him and all his minions have sold their souls to Putin. It has been true for years, yet citizens have been hoodwinked by Russian propaganda. Disgraceful.
#StandWithUkraine Let's help Zelinsky defeat Russia. Please, everyone, promote the Ukraine donation site set up by the Ukrainian government - all donations go directly to the Ukrainian treasury to defeat Russia & rebuild Ukraine. Imagine if 10 million people around the world donated!
SLOOGA (Russian for Servant) #Trump WAS #KOMPROMAT Long Ago!
2017-2021: Willfully Retained National Defense Information (#NDI).
2021: Removed That NDI!
2025: Trump Continues to cause, "Grave Damage To National Security".
In fairness, there have been quite a few protests. Even the state capital in Utah (deeply Mormon area) had protesters chanting ‘fuck Trump.’ It isn’t getting coverage. The resistance is here. It’s growing. And it’s getting more organized. Don’t buy into the narrative that nobody is doing anything.
We're going to have to make our own, I guess. You have a representative so you can name your gathering the "My representative is Sam Smith but he's a coward" town hall meeting.
Let elderly and sick people in wheelchairs and on stretchers block entrances to GOP offices and get arrested just like what happened when the GOP tried to cancel Obamacare.
In what streets? Where? We’ve been protesting in our local communities, at our state capitols, etc. we all can’t drop everything and get to DC in a minute.
That also could be the case. Once all of their base come to the conclusion that they have been hoodwinked about everything, they will be after their heads.
I honestly don’t think it will happen. People are outraged but they are not willing to sacrifice anything. Our democracy is burning but they are just waiting for someone else to do something. It is frustrating.
Some of his lackeys might but I don't believe the majority of the soldiers that would be required to shoot their own countrymen would do it. That would be his worst mistake. Look how horrified everyone is about his oval office debacle today.
There are process to acknowleged and observed in tensed diplomatic negotiations and the first thing skilled negotiators need to set are moral boundaries and fiscal limitations ,
Organize a gridlock protest surrounding the White House and all DC streets - and fast, before he gets a chance to indoctrinate the military into forgetting that their oath is to the Constitution.
Called my senators and representative. Even called John Thune to remind him that the only RINO’s in DC are running the show- and today proved it! The GOP is now the Government of Putin’s (puppet).
If any individual or nation still harbors the illusion of a true partnership with the United States, it’s time for a harsh wake-up call. This administration operates less like a government and more like an organized crime syndicate. Plain and Simple!
We have righteous anger, George, we just have no meaningful outlet for it. Waiting for our elected officials to take strong action has been a depressingly long wait. And I'm still waiting.Why were we so unprepared? Where are our leaders with the plan? Someone needs to give us some guidance or hope
I’ve been so angry since 11-5 for SO many atrocities! But what I witnessed today is creating a feeling in me that no words can describe. There is a lump in my throat and a pit in my stomach. I am nauseous and ashamed for my country. This crossed the final line! Not to mention social security!
I share that feeling… that pain deep in my gut. I don’t know how much more we can take of this shit show, bullying, destruction. Today it really hit me! 😢
What members of Congress are willing to organize protests? Business as usual, voting on the names of post offices or passing resolutions praising one interest group or another are over. Bus people to DC!
It's time to take risks, take to the streets and take back our government. PS Trump has nukes.
French Pres. Emmanuel Macron; 1-on-1 with Trump; Macron corrected Trump.
British Prime Minister Keir Starmer; 1-on-1 with Trump; Starmer corrected Trump.
Pres. of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy; 1-against-2 Trump & Vance; Trump & Vance attacked Zelensky. Trump can't defend himself. Musk does this too
And what a laugh to criticize Zelensky’s outfit when Musk was in the office in a baseball cap lecturing the press while the pretend president stared off into space.
We need to better organize and meet up in mass, every day,every where. We must put the fear of gawd into our representatives- not w/violence, but severe reprisals. They MUST get off their asses and protect the Constitution and the citizens! What is coming is much worse than ending a career!
Congress has failed it’s constituents and continues to idly allow democracy’s destruction.
ALL Americans are now responsible to file suits against them for complicity.
It’s clearly the time to remind them they are representatives, NOT rulers.
Put the executive branch in check.
Lawsuits have stopped every fascist dictator previously!
Mussolinis civil suit was particularly rewarding, in comparison to Hitler’s self imposed award.
Put them ALL in check! It's time to make a clean sweep of Washington with very few very progressive exceptions!! Those who are weak, cowardly & complicit must go the same way as the irredeemably EVIL!!
What will it take for someone in power to help organize meaningful protests like this:
Let elderly and sick people in wheelchairs and on stretchers block entrances to GOP offices and get arrested just like what happened when the GOP tried to cancel Obamacare.
It’s not their issue anymore they have passed the burden onto The People.
Now it’s up to the masses that outnumber the few to peacefully gather in the greatest number in history to say no to tyranny and defend freewill AGAIN.
Nobody respects Vance or Johnson. Can you imagine how gridlocked everything would be with them taking over? I imagine kazoo bands forming in committee meetings with the type of leadership they might offer.
So, when will Americans stop moaning and hit the streets. Can’t wait for 2026 as Trump will certainly want there to be no elections -,by claiming we are at war. If we could have elections during the Civil War, WW1,WW2, Korea & Viet, there reason to not have elections in 2026 except Rep lose hugely
It’s already happening. It’s not being reported, obviously. And there are definitely social media accounts pushing the narrative that nothing is happening to sow hopelessness and learned helplessness. But the resistance is happening. It’s getting more organized and growing fast. Join!
This should be target #1, consistent and LOUD fact checking on ALL misinformation. Every lie out of Trump's mouth, every lie Fox and Newsmaxx spreads, all of it. Democrats need to be calling out their GOP counterparts in the capital.
I did break down. If you have a warm heart beating in your chest capable of compassion, this was that line. Is the 5th the next organized march? We are a huge country so we need big gatherings everywhere.
I almost broke down. Turned on an audiobook and started some chores around the house. Why has there not been a press conference called by the Dems? Wtf are they doing??
You need millions in the streets I’m afraid, not thousands in pockets all over your country. There needs to be a collective outrage and organization like Europe. I see and feel the outrage here on blue sky but that cannot be it. Good luck I fear you are going to need it😟
That’s the problem with it being such a huge piece of land. Everything is so decentralized and it takes several days to drive across the country.
However, it might be good if we all picked a few different cities across the country to protest in so that the numbers were clear
We don't tolerate this.
It's how the Dems brought us here, by tolerating, "Boys will be Boys", or " GOP people!".
We've got to act, like put a fire under your representatives asses.
This has been deemed "unacceptable" for too long.
As long as you funnel that anger into meaningful action. I recognize Americans have been speaking up, telling the rest of the world that Trump doesn't represent them.
But he does. Until Americans organize and take down this fascist administration, Trump, Musk and Vance are the face of America.
Liz Cheney (R-WY):
"I say this to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible: There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain."
Trump lost today. This is not the first time that Trump confronted Zelenski and lost. The first time was over a phone call, after which Trump was impeached in the House. You would think he would learn.
I am full of rage reading get now towards El Cheeto and Capt Guyliner. This chicken sh*# ambush is an embarrassment. I am old enough to remember Reagan and the Cold War. President Reagan calling out the Soviet Union and then bankrupting them by outspending them for Defense.
If this was Democrat President the Republicans would be calling for him to be removed and charged with Treason. The same should be demanded by all of us.
Stand with Ukraine. Ryubio announced instant retribution canceling USAID help to restore Ukraine's electrical grid. So send them generators... here's how to help them pay
George, I don't know how much more anger I can handle before my heart explodes. I was watching the replay of what happened in the Oval today and I was screaming so loud at those bastards, I was spitting!! Are the GOP ever going to grow a spine and stand up for what is right??????
But rather: the righteous indignation of those who value right over wrong, and seek truth over lies.
What are we actually going to do
To thwart this
Do this
They are laughing at how easy it is
That we can't or won't defend ourselves cubes the rage.
Years ago a colleague,* whose background in history was far greater than mine, shared a scholarly thesis about Hitler. Erasing the Enlightenment was the ultimate goal of Naziism. What Hitler sought was, in effect, the restoration of the Holy Roman Empire. Viewed in that (1/ )
*I was teaching high school social studies at the time. The colleague who shared that was another teacher in the department and one of the most learned people I've ever known.
I'm crying because I can see that WW3 is coming in the foreseeable future... It's so obvious: all the signs are there for those who know history.
So I give you a friendly hug from Canada.
I give you a big hug from Canada.
Hugs from Canada
When people say "history will judge..." they assume that the true narrative will become the dominant one. It's sad to say, but often, demonstrably false narratives become dominant!
He has the belief “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed“, according to Stalin or Hitler.
Which imparts a greater responsibility on the witnesses to history who need to bear witness to the events.
Putin throws his opponents out of windows. FACT
Trump and Vance acted like schoolyard bullies. FACT
Lots of evils done by lots of tyrants have been lost to history. We need to ensure it doesn't happen w these evils.
America is now an adversary of the free world. The Putin aligned GOP has betrayed all oaths of office and is allying with enemies foreign and domestic.
Is anyone going to do something about it?
It is a war between good and evil, sanity and insanity, honesty and dishonesty. Everyone should unite to beat the evil and bring back morality.
They have been waging a war on our democracy.
We need to bring it to them.
I will keep trying and I will shop local.
Trump/Vance have made America DISGUSTING.
Even people who voted for Mr. Yam Tits did not vote for this.
America has sunk into feces. Blind rage is the right response.
Let elderly and sick people in wheelchairs and on stretchers block entrances to GOP offices and get arrested just like what happened when the GOP tried to cancel Obamacare.
REPEAT today’s economic BOYCOTT in March and demonstrate the power of the People by making a donation to United 24 (, Ukraine official website instead of buying products from companies that support or cower to Trump!!!
There’s a white nationalist Nazi fascist white supremacist Nordic Hitler Mussolini Valkyrie in the White House and they’re talking about, “We filed some legislation. “
350 million people get 12 hours a week to leave a message for the president. He gets 168 hours a week to destroy the country.
Side note: I love your handle and picture 😂😄
MAGA-think doesn’t stop at the border. Don’t let it infect you too.
(202) 224-3121.
R. Paul x 4343
R. Johnson x 5323
J. Lankford x 5754
R. Scott x5274
J. Hawley x6154
B. Moreno x2315
H. Ernst x3254
A. Moody x3041
Right the fuck now.
Dumb dumb Donnie and Junior Dummy Vance. God help America with these 2 idiots free-basing all the goodwill it has ever collected!
OMG The complete and utter disinformation of the Tur show once I viewed the entire video.
What a proud country we could be.
Seriously get your heads out of your asses
He doesn’t want that kind of gratitude.
How can it be effectively deployed ??? 😡
I want to see every single one of my Democratic members of Congress assembled, en masse, protesting this. I want directions and leadership and a coherent plan of action.
I've got plenty of that at the moment if you need some extra...
Hey leaders, it's up to you to direct it. Focus it.
Who will lead this band of revolutionaries? We need politicians and Military leaders , tanks and take over the streets.
Now is the time
We’d have previously disagreed lots on policy, but I’m so grateful we’re in this fight together.
Maybe there will be a guy on a horse running through the streets crying, “The British are coming, the British are coming!” And this time we’ll welcome them. 🙏🏼
For fucks sake’s! Fight!
I didn’t know Trump could make China look this good.
It only got worse.
I am so worried.
And he keeps proving it every day
I'm off alcohol which is a plus and a minus.
Meanwhile, where the hell are the democrats?
So—feeling helpless.
Trust me.
We are BIG MAD.
Today should be the last day of this administration, we got enough embarrassment for a century.
How will live until 2026? Do you believe this was peak?
I’m ready to take to the streets. We need leadership to step up and organize NOW.
The magas will get what they voted for.
SLOOGA (Russian for Servant) #Trump WAS #KOMPROMAT Long Ago!
2017-2021: Willfully Retained National Defense Information (#NDI).
2021: Removed That NDI!
2025: Trump Continues to cause, "Grave Damage To National Security".
He thinks there’s an Extreme Left
I am so disappointed in him
And was there ANY retort from Democrats about the Lies from Trump?? And I Don’t mean a talk show
Anytime Trump speaks a Dem leader Has to hold a Debunking presser
I am seething
My kids’ futures and every American’s is worth more than this POS Trump, Vance & Musk.
Time to end this.
It's time to take risks, take to the streets and take back our government. PS Trump has nukes.
British Prime Minister Keir Starmer; 1-on-1 with Trump; Starmer corrected Trump.
Pres. of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy; 1-against-2 Trump & Vance; Trump & Vance attacked Zelensky. Trump can't defend himself. Musk does this too
But…WE know!
(J/k abt the Fauci part😂 I’ve been arguing w a maga today.)
#RIPGOP #ArrestElon #ImpeachTrump
I filed another complaint w FAA OIG , to look into FAA crazy ,that might end up w possible criminal implications .
DC swamp is not used to hold Gov officials accountable, but immunity is qualified, not absolute .
Congress has failed it’s constituents and continues to idly allow democracy’s destruction.
ALL Americans are now responsible to file suits against them for complicity.
It’s clearly the time to remind them they are representatives, NOT rulers.
Put the executive branch in check.
Mussolinis civil suit was particularly rewarding, in comparison to Hitler’s self imposed award.
Extremism is destroying democracy globally.
It’s time to put the smallest percent back under their rocks and eradicate all extremism.
Let elderly and sick people in wheelchairs and on stretchers block entrances to GOP offices and get arrested just like what happened when the GOP tried to cancel Obamacare.
Now it’s up to the masses that outnumber the few to peacefully gather in the greatest number in history to say no to tyranny and defend freewill AGAIN.
I haven't been this pissed off since, well yesterday
I mean, how many, “you gotta be fucking kidding me” can we take?
Are they all worried Musk is going to fire them?
However, it might be good if we all picked a few different cities across the country to protest in so that the numbers were clear
We have reached the,
“What the HAP is fuckening?!*%#!” tipping point.
It's how the Dems brought us here, by tolerating, "Boys will be Boys", or " GOP people!".
We've got to act, like put a fire under your representatives asses.
This has been deemed "unacceptable" for too long.
Slava Ukraini
But he does. Until Americans organize and take down this fascist administration, Trump, Musk and Vance are the face of America.
"I say this to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible: There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain."