ok if you are under the queer umbrella/lgbtq+, i am compiling a list of reasons to live to put in a bot. if you want to help me out, respond to this as generally or specifically as you want to, with as many things as you want. quotes are also fine. they don't have to be poignant or profound.
- being able to experience another sunset
- wanting to watch my friends grow old, raise their kids, and be awesome people
- having sooooo much art i wanna make
- spite for the opposition
- hot earl grey tea on a brisk fall morning
- gummy bears (i love em)
(I can't stand her so)
Eventually winning over the trust and affection of your friend's haughty taughty cats.
I have lots of poetry to write;
I need to see how the legend of Vox Machina plays out.
But mostly SPITE, mostly I live to spite obnoxious dickheads.
• Stevie Nicks is still making music & I need to hear all of it.
• What's gonna happen with Taylor/Travis??? (I don't personally care, but lots of people do)
The asexual sexiness of a stick blender!
Getting feelings from words written by someone you will never meet!
The ineffable silliness of cats!
The color purple! Oh, why not, also The Color Purple! It's good!
You just gotta stick around in order to have experiences.
2)Warm summer days
3)ice cream
4)Playing your part in the ultimate defeat of fascism, which will feel great when it happens
5)to spite the people who don't want you to survive
- books
- seeing the change in seasons
- hot baths
- love
red berries in wintertime
new books
old poems
soft blankets
I genuinely would far rather have friends researching botanical poisons than talking themselves down!
What if another boat gets stuck and you miss it?
Biting into a ripe peach over your sink in the late summer
- I have books to write
- always new books to read
- poetry
- so much music
- games to play, models to paint
- I just started with watercolours
sunsets with friends, raisin toast with butter melted on top, new friends i haven’t met yet, new things to learn about the past, outliving jk rowling, the feeling of sinking into bed after a long day, sunshine
(this is not a joke or a big, I’m serious. As a person with a lack of skill such that my attempts did not succeed, and a frequent ideator, small silly things are often better for me than “oh but think of all the joy of the world and what you could achieve” stuff)
We make the world colorful and bright!
Our sex is hotter.
Can't get revenge if you're dead.
Our survival infuriates the assholes who want us dead.
The little moments, even in secret. Soft kisses, queer cuddles, holding hands.
Outliving Donald Trump will be exhilarating, and the day he dies will be the funniest day Bluesky has ever seen.
"That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo… and it’s worth fighting for."
"The best thing about being alive on earth is that sometimes there's a cat"
-"Happiness, in itself, is an act of defiance."
-"The best vengeance is living well."
-Screw those people who put you down!
-My cat needs me.
-There are cats in the world I haven't met.
-There are beautiful places I haven't been to.
- Critical Role
- Dimension 20
- My cats depend on me
- Outlive Mitch McConnell
- Girl Scout cookies
- Spite
Having hope that I'll eventually FEEL the emotion of love, again, for someone or something. Even in the bleakest of moments.
Every upcoming Monster Hunter game.
Being able to look in a mirror in, say, 3 years from now and be impressed by all the progress you made thanks to HRT / exercise
All good reasons to keep on living
Elsa: They’ve been winning so far.
Rosie: They’ll never win. That is the power you have, as long as there is someone alive somewhere then they lose. They didn’t get you yesterday, or today. Make tomorrow the same.
Because the sound of your kittens mewing gives you joy.
Because every day you see beautiful sexy people, and you are pan and you are too!
Your track record for getting through is 100%.
Standing too close to the speakers at the club and feeling the music vibrate your soul
Late nights where the world feels mysterious, wild, and hopeful
- My cats. So many times.
- spite, of course
- wanting to see my nephews grow up
- wanting to see a movie that's not out until next year
- Still haven't gotten to read Alecto the Ninth! *puppy eyes at Tamsyn Muir's publishers*
- sitting outside in the sun
Kissing girls still is
This poem has kept me on the green side of the grass quite a few times since I’ve read it.
- someone has to feed the cat
- the birds are singing outside
- spite
- hot sex
- there's a good book coming out next year
- there's some damn good food in this life
- you haven't been overseas yet and you ought to
- you can just be a wolf if you want
- to see more cool mushrooms.
- to learn to cook your favorite recipe for someone who's never tried it.
- to compliment your friends' selfies
- to create new art.
- to witness new art.
- to be a part of new art.
- to learn more facts about crabs.
- to learn more facts about cats.
- Spite
- Being happy as your own true self is amazing and also a middle finger to the bigots
- New babies to cuddle
- Cats and dogs to pet and snuggle
Playing that video game you've been waiting ages for
Watching your favorite movie again
Playing ttrpgs with your friends
Making your life whatever you want it to be
Good friends
Good food
The first snow of the year
- the cozy feeling of lying down in bed when you're sleepy and making a burrito of yourself in the blankets
- the thursday murder club movie (and any more books in the series)
- podcasts! (my faves: maintenance phase, vibe check, yo is this racist)
- all the amazing art, music, etc that has yet to be released
- the people that'll change your life that you haven't even met yet
- being gay, and also doing crimes
- just out of spite because you can
- for the lgbtq+ youth that will look up to you for making it this far
- because living is all we've ever known and all we're capable of
- the infinite beauty and wonder that is nature and the world outside our own heads
- because they hate us cuz they anus and fuck that
My mere existence bothers some of the worst people on the planet; why would I want to give that up?
My favorite book series haven't finished being published.
I still have a lot of places I want to travel.
Cheese. Bread. Combinations thereof.
a good cup of coffee. a new friend or love. a fun game of chess. laughing hysterically with someone.
this is the only life we can be sure we have. and i want to get to have every single one of them. i'd even try to remember that the pain was at least a reminder that i was here.
alive and kickin.
but i did. and i got meds again and suddenly i had so many more happy moments with much fewer with nothing but pain. and so. was worth it after all.
not sure how useful that is for your bot but it's at least part of what kept me going.
i used to say stuff like "it's all gonna be okay, somehow". but i don't anymore. i say "there are a lot of good folks trying to make it better."
and the parallels between then and now, and how much i want to fight this one so the one now doesn't get as far as the one she lived through. and i find that worth living for.
For my friends
outlive elon musk
shit I ran out
old book stores
falling asleep to heavy rain
creek stomping in summer
compliments on my writing
finding good rocks
October winds
playing with puppies
chowder in bread bowls
lighting the nice candle
sea swimming
giving peace to my ghosts
-there are stories I have left to tell
-I want to learn more things
-my dog would wonder where I went
- friends who get your name right even when you've almost forgotten that can happen
- friends who take to your pronouns as easily as their own
- seeing your friends be their authentic selves
- taking photographs of little characters like a tiny gnome or a LEGO minifig
- murals
- spicy-sweet food!
- warm drinks
- lemonade
- exploring and finding little museums
- audiobooks with good narrators
- watching friends' favorite movies
- finding new people who not only accept who you are but want to spend time with you just because
- writing bad songs
- writing surprisingly good songs
- collaboration with strangers who share a goal
- online communities who will be there no matter where I go
- the abundance of old filk to explore
- folk songs that bring me the energy I need
- songs that show me other people get it
- songs that make me laugh
- sea shanties
- singing together
- singing loudly
- virtual choir projects
- summer camp songs
- making mediocre and even bad songs because then they'll at least exist, and I want them to exist
- writing skirmishes in February Album Writing Month and 5090
- helping others along how I can, even if that's just finding one honest kind thing to say
-there are cool animals you haven't learned about yet
Every second you continue to exist is a finger in their eye and a knife in their back. Your laughter and joy drain them of peace; these parasites thrive on our despair and nihilism. It's their bread and butter, their manna, their communion swill. Carry on.
Dappled sunlight through new leaves in the spring
That good sunlight/salt water/sunscreen smell on your clothes and hair after going to the beach
Kicking through leaves on the sidewalk in the fall
This world is for you
Sweater Weather
new music
The dogs you know and will know
Looking at beautiful men
Experiencing a new restaurant
Video games (with and without friends)
Sitting in a park reading
Losing it in the club to that one song
Discovering you are desired
The beach
Consensual hugs
Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren’t lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live.
Outliving bigots
Watching new shows
Nice food
Good films
-To read the last installment of ASOIAF.
-because despite how bleak things are/seem, there are moments of true humanity and beauty that make the bad parts feel less bad, and one day the beauty will outweigh the bad.
-because our community needs you.
- Dipping toes into the foamy bubbly ocean tides
- Seeing really interesting weird insects in the wild
- Watching my child grow and learn (my biggest reason 💗)
- The smell of the world after a cleansing rain
- Biting into a fresh warm (maybe gooey) pastry
- Love 💓💓
(When I’m feeling my worst, surviving out of spite keeps me going bc I’m a goddamn delight and fuck anyone who doesn’t want me here.)
-All those books, DVDs, video games you've spent money on but haven't read/watched/played
-Your streaming watchlists need to be cleared first
-Any artistic project you say you'll get to 'some day'
My main three motivators for anything, tbh
Giving someone a handmade gift
Going to the movies and getting a big popcorn
Saying “ooooh big stretch” when your pet does a big stretch
Singing along with a crowd
Pedro Pascal
I have chosen life many times because of them. Sometimes I have to choose it every day. I’m up to every week right now.
I don’t want to discard the gift they so desperately wanted.
- spring migration
- and then fall migration
- and nesting season
- and late summer thunderstorms
- my grandmother's okra
- salt and vinegar chips/crisps
- idli
- dosa
- pav bhaji
...just a lot of indian food
For every time I am scared there will be a time I am laughing in a friend's home surrounded by people I love
The way my wife looks at me right before they say "you're so pretty"
Getting a notification from a friend a new chapter of a manga we read came out
Getting to show a friend something they haven't experienced before but end up really liking
A promise I made to two of my trans guy friends that one day we'd all have surgery and go to the beach together with no fear
Tomatoes from the farmers market
The smell of bread baking
Cats are cute
You got other pets? Those are super cute too
Sunsets/sunrises are real pretty sometimes
Giving the next generation of queer kids some elders who have Been Through Some Shit
So many interesting new books to read
‘Cos there’s wood to chop and water to carry
Fuck his word.
Fuck his laws.
Fuck his worshipers.
Fuck his hell.
And most importantly of all
Hard cheeses
Fear is a little bitch who won’t win
Hate is an even littler bitch
Stone fruits
Self actualization is MAGIC
-hiking up a trail to see the view and breathe the fresh air
- vibing in nature!!! The trees and the streams and the stones don't mind your existence
- need to become local forest cryptid
The woods will not punish your identity!! Become wild and ungovernable.
- old music to listen to
- to see cool animals, bugs, etc
- my friends love me and i love them
- my pet ferret doing his happy dance
- i got art to make
- there are teas i haven’t tried yet
- snow days
- i haven’t learned all the names of the trees yet
- electric blanket
- That show you haven't finished yet
- That show you haven't seen yet
- Petting cats
- Petting dogs
- Snakes wearing tiny hats
- That hobby you still want to learn
- The first snow of the season
- The last snow of the season
- The Spring that comes after
- Spite against your enemies
Fresh bed sheets.
The way sound changes after it has snowed.
Those moments when a bird lands on a fence and looks at you for a minute before flitting away.
Really tiny toadstools.
More cake.
Because someone has to bloody do it, don't they?
There are poems to write and poems to read and poems to hear.
The running messages discussions I have with friends.
The people I haven't kissed yet, and the people I will kiss again.
Cheese. Popcorn. Umami.
I feel like I have only barely begun to see the magic of books and I have loved them so long.
To experience one more day of the joy of being my authentic self.
So you can listen to more Steam Powered Giraffe.
To get in one more day of shit posting.
Seeing sidewalk chalk drawings
The first new crop apple every fall
Texts from old friends you haven't heard from in a while with long forgotten pics or jokes
When my cat meows weird and it sounds like he's saying "meringue"
to leave a tiny mark in the world
to give good home to cats
to help other people have better lives
to enrich lives of others
to make other people smile
or just out of spite
- haven't finished reading that book series
- a street cat wants you to pet them
- it's gonna be so beautiful in spring
- outlive your enemies
- dying is cringe
- complete the pokédex
- you should have tea and cake instead
- kiss pretty people
2. Hearing laughter.
3. Learning to sing again.
4. Because it has to be me.
5. No one else could do it right.
6. Sunrises. So many sunrises.
7. There's that tattoo you wanted to get.
curious to know what happens next in human history
maybe I'll write a book someday
waiting for the Hollow Knight Silksong release
umbrellas are marvels of technology, if you think about it, they keep the rain off so perfectly, then fold up and go in the closet
“I see now that the circumstances of one’s birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.”
*or insert pet of choice here, but rescuing cats kept me alive through the worst of it.
The smell of coffee
Watching a ladybug fly off the tip of your finger
A re-listen to favorite band from when you were 16
Sitting under a tree
Eating a snack at 11pm
Rewatching a favorite tv show
Repeating to yourself “I will outlive them. We will outlive them.”
People who would miss me
They want me gone and I'm contrary as fuck
Tv series that I like haven't finished airing
New TV shows are still coming out that I might like
My TBR list still has like 500 books on it
More books are coming out
Various other animals
There's still so much I want to learn
Here’s mine: seeing yourself reflected in stories, hearing a voice like yours in music, creating art that connects to and soothes others pain, uplifting others.
the moon is beautiful and will always come back if you give it some time
the waves never stop murmuring (except to shout)
corvids are funny as hell
public libraries