Just a random reminder that trickle-down economics was invented by conservatives in the 1980s to justify massive tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations. It’s been nothing short of a disaster.
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Why do corporations constantly need to have their taxes reduced?
Are the personnel charged with running the company too incompetent to come up with new products or money making ideas to increase profits? Are the business schools having too many stupid, entitled, white men graduating?
Well... we now have trickle-up economics, a 2025 conservative invention, draining Americans while the rich hoard tax breaks. When the economy collapses, the wealthy will circle like vultures, devouring everything for pennies, while the rest are abandoned, left to rot.
Trickle down economics was invented by monarchists. It's just advocating for a modern monarchy- it's painfully stupid policy that has never worked long term ever in history.
Thank you for not calling it a "failure." Trickle-down worked exactly as intended, and wrought the damage it was designed to wreak. Its diastrousness is proof of its success.
Conservatives have been working diligently for the last 45 years (at least) to dismantle this country.
What’s worse is the elimination of all the regulations that are primarily designed to protect people. I mean, companies don’t want to have to spend money properly disposing hazardous waste when they can just dump them into our water supply. It’s all about $ $$ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lz26VcPGXIE
Republicans are still using that excuse and seem to be getting away with it. American political literacy no longer exists, while Democrats honor tradition and protocol. 🤷♂️
It was designed by the wealthy for the benefit of the wealthy. In that regard it's been a roaring success.
For the rest of the people it's been a disaster, leading to higher taxes & falling government investment in infrastructure & public services.
The worst part about all supply side stimulus like “trickle down economics” is that no matter how many times they try it, it literally NEVER works. At the same time, literally EVERY demand side stimulus has worked.
And then the stupid fucks continued to buy into it for more than 40 years, insisting that this time it'd work, we just need to get rid of more regulations. 😔
the ghosts of the limbless Victorian children who worked in gilded age factories would like to share a word about how well it goes when you deregulate everything
It all started with Ronnie Raygun. That was the neginning of the shrinking middle class. It has nevet created jobs or trickled down to help midfle income people it just makes the rich richer.
Trickle-down economics is predicated on the 99% feeding on what the 1% shits out after eating their fill. Shit is shit no matter how appealing you make it look.
I’m starting to wonder what would happen if the Dem reps just didn’t go back to DC after the recess? There is a ton of work to do in their home districts preparing communities to weather the impacts of DOGE, so why not stay home and do it while denying the Rs their quorum to pass legislation?
That any of us ever bought the argument that rich people would let their money go is a testament to the power of propaganda. It's a bubble up economy and there are nearly no bubbles left for the richest to grab ahold of. Where's the messaging for a "reset" economy where the wealth is clawed back?
Myron Buloney in Canada did the trickle down in Canada in the 80s, tax cuts for his buddies. However, Jean Boy Chretien did not not reverse the cuts, implemented austerity, and even stole monies from the EI fund to balance the books
Born the same time as the first "Mandate for Leadership," of which "Project 2025" is the latest iteration. They're siblings with the same parentage -- an unholy triad marriage of ideological billionaires, anti-regulation Wall Street wolves, and the self-anointed "Moral Majority" fake Christians.
Supply-side economics go at least back to the 1920s when the Republican party cut taxes for the wealthy business elite, and then everything worked out perfectly with no hiccups.
Jude Wanniski and Arthur Laffer cooked up the "intellectual" foundations for 45+ years of predatory global economic policy, including the "trickle down" baloney so beloved of GOP morons.
Google "Two Santa Strategy" and marvel at how long these chuds have been playing this game.
Trickle down economics has repeatedly been proven to be a total myth in functioning at all. However, what I'd truly like to understand is WHY is it still believed so widely? Are all Republican economists idiots?
I remember it well. I went back home to NYC in 1980, after a very eye-opening experience in the Army, down South.
Too bad it took another 50 years for people to believe me when I said that the South is riddled with ignorance,
a lack of education,
bastardized Christianity,
and racism.
That's what most of ubiquitous anti-democracy bad economics in the conservative style is about. "Trickle-down" was just one version, which played with socialist, welfare state values by proposing some of the resources going to the economically powerful would end up with struggling people.
Other versions include the idea our economic system approximates an unreal "perfectly competitive" model, social welfare is maximized (based on arguments relating to individual preference ranks only), and the rich ethically deserve non-taxed income. Conservative economists have a million of them.
America should not care one bit that Trump is pulling Elon musk's ability to fire people, cut Medicare Medicaid and Social Security
Musk has destroyed a lot of lives. And it is time we must destroy musk. Do not stop selling Tesla do not buy a Tesla. He must be brought to his knees. #TakedownMusk
It has continued to be their stalwart economic policy since first enacted. They may not speak its name aloud but rest assured it is the backbone of every decision made.
Give to the rich so that they might give to us.
You know how you get higher min wages & healthcare so quit fuking around & do it
And I will not forget the pain this caused. They even slashed summer camp for children with intellectual and development disabilities in order to make rich people richer.
now you get to say,
"Haven't we learned this already?"
and like a school teacher in the courtroom physics of generations, you teach this year's crop of ungrateful students the lesson, and hope that your class president is paying attention.
Younger people that didn't go through it probably won't relate to how it ALL changed under Reagan, Gingrich and the rise of the Christian Coalition. That's what set off patriotism and religion as tools for the wealthy.
Let’s rely on 1000 of the wealthiest in America to fill in and fund those programs which were cut. Yeah, these greedy multi millionaires are the ones who invented to copper wire by fighting over a penny. Vote out every rep that cuts basic services for Americans!
I would love if anyone who supports trickle down economics would post a list of the companies who have used the revenue they've generated to increase wages and benefits for all of their non-administrative employees. How about a list of every company whose starting wage is the minimum allowed?
Back in the 1890s it was known as "horse and sparrow" economics: if you feed a horse too much grain, some of it will be undigested and get shat out so the sparrows will have some.
The GOP has clung to this horseshit for over a century.
That allegorie is way more accurate than the picture with the tower of glasses where some liquid is "trickling down". The horses would be overfed, getting fatter and fatter over time, requiring more feed thus negating the trickle down effect. Like in real life.
And was debunked by Will Rogers in the ‘30s. He wrote that money trickles up, not down. He said if you have a poor feller a dollar, a rich man would have it by suppertime anyhow, but at least it’d have passed through the poor man’s hands.
Progressives need an agenda, the status quo is no longer a selling point. Look at Democrats struggling for relevancy. Solutions are required to reinvest in democratic institutions.
The basic idea behind trickle-down economics was the promise that if billionaire industrialists just had more money they would use it to expand business and in turn to create widespread prosperity.
Instead we have billionaires building penis shaped rockets to shoot themselves into space.
I realized trickle down economics was a fraud 1 year into Reagan's term. He wiped out the American industrial base,off shored our work and fabricated a recession on the excuse he had to stop inflation but more $ to the wealthy. Biden avoided a recession by guiding money to the working class. ???
I remember interest rates on home loans were at 16%, unemployment was at 7%, savings and loans scandal happened - funds for mental health care was cancelled and that’s when homeless, mentally ill people appeared en masse - Reaganomics sucked. I got a small tax cut, but inflation killed that.
Why was bubble up economics not a thing? Pay the lowest earners more, they will spend it all and the people selling them stuff will make more money. Then they can pay their workers more who can then spend more, and so on.
You sure professor? I thought Harding started the idea of huge tax cuts for the wealthy. They just didn't have a " justication" name for it.. hahaha... love your insights.
Absolutely sure, we watched it and lived it happen. Just because some people have a concept of the idea doesn’t mean they invented it or implemented it that was all under Reagan.
I lived it too, but Reagan simply came up with a nice sounding name. Harding, I guess, wasn't that clever. But it was the same on both sides; a reward for big business.. just as Trumps cuts are.
It’s just splitting hairs to say that Reagan wasn’t the architect and implementer of Reaganomics. Many Republicans might have wanted it before he was elected or before he implemented it, but he is the one that brought it to fruition.
Back in the 80s my grandfather had a bumper sticker that said "don't trickle down on me" with an elephant peeing, so I think it was called trickle down even then
Since: union membership went from 30% to present day 10%; the top corp tax rate has gone from 48% to present 21%; top individual rate has gone from 91% to 37%; CEO-to-worker pay ratio has gone from 30:1 to today's 400:1. While the top 1% hold 41% of the wealth today and the bottom 50% holds 2.5%.
I was just a kid, but I seem to recall it also coincided with Iran-Contra, abusive gas shortages (remember those), air traffic controller abuses by the government, Star Wars (not the movie), "The Day After," duck-and-cover drills at school. It's all a bit familiar if you ask me...
This country has always had economic inequality,but Reagan put it on steroids and gave it a cute name. The only thing that's trickled down is misery for the non-wealthy.
It was previously known as horse and sparrow economics. The thought was if you fed your horse an abundance of oats some would pass through the horse and fall to the road for the sparrows.
I once had a conversation with Harold McMillan not long before he died and he was promoting exactly this. It turned into an argument.
He accused me of spouting 'communist propaganda'.
I was chuffed.
“The concept that economic prosperity in the upper classes flows down into the lower classes is at least 100 years old. The term itself is used mostly by critics of the concept.
“The Merriam-Webster Dictionary notes that the first known use of "trickle-down" as an adjective meaning "relating to or working on the principle of trickle-down theory" was in 1944,[11] while the first known use of "trickle-down theory" was in 1954.”
Cunning and deceitful
They are expediting a recession via the stock market market manipulation.
Defunding - job losses
Yo yo federal workforce is a distraction they want them gone. Want "ENTITLEMENTS" gone.
Tax breaks for rich drive their profits higher
Welcome to America
Nobody uses that term anymore. Now it’s simply taxes are for the stupid people. They believe in an economic ubermensch. Vivek is kosher even if he’s brown. Buy the golden visa and you are of the body.
By the same folks who penned 2025 to boot (I know you know, but anyone who claims Regan as better than 47 is a fool. Ron walked so 47 could hobble after)
Trickle down is like rewarding corporations before they earn it.
I always thought, give the middle class the biggest of tax breaks, and we'll spend it as we see fit. When corporations do better in sales as a result, it then earns it. Corporations do not hire more because of tax breaks.
I go further back, I blame the economists who popularized the fairytale. Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek, other UChicago-types. They even ran a trial run on Chile. They’re the reason the economy collapsed and Pinochet seized Chilean industry under state ownership. But still they persisted. 🙄🙄
Why do corporations constantly need to have their taxes reduced?
Are the personnel charged with running the company too incompetent to come up with new products or money making ideas to increase profits? Are the business schools having too many stupid, entitled, white men graduating?
Conservatives have been working diligently for the last 45 years (at least) to dismantle this country.
For the rest of the people it's been a disaster, leading to higher taxes & falling government investment in infrastructure & public services.
Trickle down economy explained:
Trickle down
Trickle dow
Trickle do
Trickle d
See the white supremacist flow?
the ghosts of the limbless Victorian children who worked in gilded age factories would like to share a word about how well it goes when you deregulate everything
Google "Two Santa Strategy" and marvel at how long these chuds have been playing this game.
Zero hours contracts and third party services. Breaking unions.
It’s come back now to haunt.
Just a bit of #sarcasm for #gop and @democrats.org folks who think he was good for #wethepeople 🙄
Greedy ,
Self indulgent ,
without a doubt
To them,and they have the Yachts to prove it, Trickledown was and is working brilliantly
Now they have coupled it with “Vacuunomics”
This is where they “vacuum up”anything that “Trickledown” to repeat the process
Trickledown indeed
Too bad it took another 50 years for people to believe me when I said that the South is riddled with ignorance,
a lack of education,
bastardized Christianity,
and racism.
Ask yourself: Will he stand alone, or will you stand with us?
Will you allow a tyrant to rule our country and our people, or are you finally ready to fight back?
Musk has destroyed a lot of lives. And it is time we must destroy musk. Do not stop selling Tesla do not buy a Tesla. He must be brought to his knees. #TakedownMusk
Trickle-down economics was invented by conservatives in the 1980's to justify massive tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations run up deficits and blame them on New Deal and Civil Rights programs in order to dismantle them.
Give to the rich so that they might give to us.
You know how you get higher min wages & healthcare so quit fuking around & do it
How is it at all plausible they ever became a 501(c)(3) …as a Conservative think tank how who could possibly believe they are nonpartisan.
Manufactured to sell out the lower and middle class
at least their consistent?
"Haven't we learned this already?"
and like a school teacher in the courtroom physics of generations, you teach this year's crop of ungrateful students the lesson, and hope that your class president is paying attention.
Call everyday at #5Calls
#VoteVets #StopProject2025
#StandUpForScience #DontDefundPublcSxhools
Run! Donate! Write! Show up!Support those running against GOP’s billionaire$
#PennilessPolitics - https://VOTUS.us
#generalstrikeus - #democrats.org
They are our allies Everything was fine and he just broke the treaty he made with him.
Back in the 1890s it was known as "horse and sparrow" economics: if you feed a horse too much grain, some of it will be undigested and get shat out so the sparrows will have some.
The GOP has clung to this horseshit for over a century.
Obviously just giving the sparrows enough grain so they don't have to pick through horseshit is out of the question.
so called American Dream.
Conservatives are STILL only about tax cuts for the wealthy.
Instead we have billionaires building penis shaped rockets to shoot themselves into space.
Every complaint is answered with, but we're in a recession.
Did the Wharton profs fail to instruct Drumpf on tariffs??
And when that happens they don’t need things like overpriced loans, credit cards, or cheap shitty food made from slurry and leftovers.
This is how the GOP sounds. It’s fucking nuts, right?
Voodoo Economics?
The lie was that it was a pyramid, but in reality, they drew it upside down. It's actually a funnel.
My grandfather had the same sticker 😂
Fuck Reagan
He accused me of spouting 'communist propaganda'.
I was chuffed.
“The concept that economic prosperity in the upper classes flows down into the lower classes is at least 100 years old. The term itself is used mostly by critics of the concept.
“The Merriam-Webster Dictionary notes that the first known use of "trickle-down" as an adjective meaning "relating to or working on the principle of trickle-down theory" was in 1944,[11] while the first known use of "trickle-down theory" was in 1954.”
They are expediting a recession via the stock market market manipulation.
Defunding - job losses
Yo yo federal workforce is a distraction they want them gone. Want "ENTITLEMENTS" gone.
Tax breaks for rich drive their profits higher
Welcome to America
What President made Fox News possible?
It’s actually a small club of which none of us are a member.
I always thought, give the middle class the biggest of tax breaks, and we'll spend it as we see fit. When corporations do better in sales as a result, it then earns it. Corporations do not hire more because of tax breaks.