Repeating a lie a thousand times does not make it true... Mirror's edge is not a good game I am afraid. Yes it looks great but platforming as first person sucks and since the moment guns arrive the gameplay is terrible
I was listening to Nintendogs and probably you're mention me and just want to clarify my problem is not how guns handle but that the games gets boring due to running from gun holding enemies
I'd move Oblivion to 1, then Mass Effect 2, with BioShock number 3 but everything else is *chef's kiss*. Nostalgia would also have me add Overlord 1. Such a good game.
Both lists have problems from the start. Mass Effect Trilogy isn't even an option, it's 3 games. Mirror's Edge is a absurd choice for number one. Also, one list has Skyrim & the other doesn't, so that one is better. 🤷♂️
I know not everyone is a racing game fan but no Forza Motorsport 4 and Project Gotham Racing 3 or 4 is crazy to me and Burnout Revenge > Burnout Paradise. Also that Need for Speed Most Wanted launch game is top 2 NFS games ever. Racing game fans were eating great on the 360.
Interesting list. Mirror's Edge reminds me of when 411 put Jade from Beyond good and Evil as the best game character of all time.
I think my biggest complaint is no Lost Odyssey or GTA IV on either list. Having played all the 3D rockstar GTA-like games recently, that is the one that holds up best.
also if there's one thing I did not notice until the closure of the 360 digital store, its the absolutely huge glut of amazing shmups (Ikaruga et al.) that found its niche
Agree with a lot of these! I always found GTA5 overrated though, I enjoyed the game but it was not anywhere close to my personal favourite! Can't deny it's insane success though!
I do find it oddly funny that despite clear differences in list building style and game preference Batman: Arkham City and Mark of the Ninja ended up in the same spots on both lists.
Then again, I’m bias.
to have seen the peak of a video game genre and cast it aside with a single finger. unfuckinghinged.
I think my biggest complaint is no Lost Odyssey or GTA IV on either list. Having played all the 3D rockstar GTA-like games recently, that is the one that holds up best.
Its like Dan made this list.
Sad face.
Red Dead Redemption -> GTA 😜