I will get behind invading Canada if it means we also end up with their health care system, their welcome for immigrants, their civic politeness, their All-Dressed potato chips and their hilariously batshit French curses.
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What you’re really need is for Canada to invade you, if we become America those things go away if you become Canada paid parental leave, all dressed chips and healthcare for all and Trump is out, win win.
Don't forget Canadian parents never fear that each day their children could be murdered in their classrooms.
Also in Canada there is one year paid maternity/paternity leave, marriage equality and women's healthcare rights. But most of all, a Canadian will say "sorry" even if it isn't their fault.
I don't know politics getting pretty bad there too right? I don't think they deserve the threats Trump is talking by any means. But I suspect they have their own political fights on their hands.
Notre grande innovation dans nos jurons est que l'on peut en faire des verbes, des adjectifs ,des noms et des pronoms ; ex.: je m'en criss, je suis en tabarnak, c'est crissement pas correct, toute une bande de petit criss, un ostie de beau coucher de soleil etc....
Un est une bande de chialeux comme tu sais mais présentement je n'irais pas ailleurs , surtout pas chez nos voisins... Je préfère encore la neige ( une ostie de marde blanche pareil....)
Or we become 4 big provinces: Cascades, Grain Plains, Old Industry, and Albany, along with the Alaska Territory, of Canada, and three states of México: Alta California, Nuevo Tejas, y Los Dixie.
So you forgot some very important things… First off poutine. And poutine festivals. And then butter tarts and of course, the mandatory butter tart festivals.
I will get behind Canada invading us if it means our leaders will be subject to same laws and penalties as their citizens. I’m done with this lack of respect for the constitution by our leaders-and the fearful Republican Party-can’t stand up to trump-$$$ means more to them.
sounds good. However, the irony is that the new Canadian PM is pretty close to the orange guy in character and there is a rising anti-immigrant/racist tone across the country.
We also have milk in clear plastic bags that are held in a jug, you might want to see if you can deal with that before embarking on an embarrassing military escapades.
I already live in Northern Wisconsin. Ain’t nothing but an inland sea between me and finding out what Poutine is ACTUALLY supposed to taste like! 😂😂 We can all be REALLY busy on a certain day and time if, ya know, SOMEONE needed us too. 😁
At your service! Can do a vegetable stock based gravy instead of the beef gravy, and can absolutely get cheese curds that aren't made with animal rennet.
Welcome to Canada, eh!
Please don’t joke about this 😭 Canadians don’t want any part of the shitstorm going on down south. I will however settle for making California/Alaska/NY/Minnesota etc new provinces lol.
American here. I'm just as sick of this obsessive "Canada 51st U.S. State" cycle that Trump has been in. He's like that one kid who tells the same joke every single day until people get tired of it.
I stand with Canada on this. Fuck America and every MAGA hatted asshole in it.
A lot of people I follow follow you and on a quick glance at your stream you seem to have your heart in the right place, but is "can't you take a joke" really an appropriate response to people whose country might be invaded by yours?
Better Mexico take over the U.S. with universal health care, legalized abortion due to religion shouldn't have a say in health care, active works of landback, a woman president, and a population of 130 million.
Canada would only be allowed two senators probably and a few electoral college votes, assuming they were even granted state status, which seems very unlikely.
They’re all high on life rn but when Congress fails to pass any leg & elmo gets kicked out of DO(d)GE, not fun. I’ve thought since elmo was tapped that he’d have 90 days b4 trump gets ticked that he’s stealing the limelight & banishes him.
He found every ounce of tell-it-slant humor in that text. I liked it more than the recent Branagh one (in which the woman playing the fool really stood out.)
Canadian here; no thank you. We love Americans in America, not so much when they’re abroad or especially when trying to pass as Canadian. I understand the inclination, so you’re welcome to immigrate here. Love your posts.
Also in Canada there is one year paid maternity/paternity leave, marriage equality and women's healthcare rights. But most of all, a Canadian will say "sorry" even if it isn't their fault.
Five golden toques
Four pounds of back bacon
Three French toast
Two turtlenecks
And a beer, In a tree
not even in jest, canadian society is living on a razor's edge, we mustn't push them over the edge... mix metaphors be damned
let's assist canada in invading the u.s. instead and be done with this mess.
Would the MAGA crowd survive?
Welcome to Canada, eh!
I appreciate humour, but some things shouldn't be joked about.
Signed, a fed up Canadian.
I stand with Canada on this. Fuck America and every MAGA hatted asshole in it.
Sweet fucking JeZus!
Delish. af.
I buy them by the cart load at home goods and tj maxx.
I legit hoard them.
We will join Canada