There's a lot to unpack in this photo, but two things that jump out at me are how proud Don Jr. appears to be at how weirdly uniform his fries are, & the other is the fact that the food has been presented to them in it's packaging on plates, & then on trays. That's just lunacy.
With TFG branded silverware. Who the hell eats burgers and fries with utensils? The food must taste really awesome insofar as it has been in transport for x minutes.
I have a few (ex-) friends who are all into raw organic food stuff and been worshipping both MAGA and RFK. Can't wait for their mental gymnastics to justify it all.
they should have bought MCD couple of hours before to eat on a plane, if you eat MCD after 30 min it tastes nasty and you need a whole bottle of coke to wash it down....#weird
What is up with Elon’s fries? Did he squirt ketchup all over them INSIDE the box?! How is he going to eat them? With a fork? With his fingers and have sticky, smelly fingers after? Will he wash his hands? Just ew.
Kennedy’s father must be spinning in his grave. Time for UK to turn its back on the US & look firmly to Europe. We might share a language with US but share the ideals with Europe
You just know that Musk is going to have someone frame that picture for him and keep it next to his bed. For such a rich and powerful guy, he has the weirdest fanboy energy.
Once again, I find myself wondering why there is not a specific collective term for knobsacs. Perhaps 'a wrinkle' would work or 'an itching'? #Trump #Musk
And this is the make America healthy brigade? Bloody hell they are all just one nugget away from full on heart attack!
It is staggering the levels of stupidity being displayed over the other side of the Atlantic.
Not that this side is much better most of the time, mind
Don't they design that stuff so you *have* to drink something to wash it down? The "bread" is purposefully dry so you have to order a McDrink, no? Surely the high fructose corn syrup and white refined sugar (or chemical replacement) drinks came out later.
See, RFK believes none of the shit he says. There he is, his fully safely vaccinated self, sat eating the shittest most processed food on the planet, drinking coke and telling everyone else to do the opposite.
Is that mayonnaise? TWO jars? Total saturated fat content of the meal is very high. Oh, and there's a pack of fries hiding in the background. You do that very often and your doc has got you on a high dose of statins and B/P meds from the high sodium. If not diabetes meds yet, just a matter of time.
That's what medicine has done for us: He is unhealthy as heck, but the 10+ meds he is likely on keep him powering on while his body is in crisis. The visceral fat around his gut and chest are poisoning his organs. His exercise level is low: golf in a cart doesn't count, nor dancing only with arms.
force-feeding him fast food.
It's kind of enjoyable, if I am honest.
Eat the burger, Robbie. Eat the fucking burger.
Donnie putting him in his place 😉
It is staggering the levels of stupidity being displayed over the other side of the Atlantic.
Not that this side is much better most of the time, mind
Also RFK: "munch munch mmm cheeseburger"
More a warning for the rest of the US….
But as I just mentioned to someone else, if he doesn’t guzzle supplements like a pelican then I’m a burlesque dancer